
Friday, 30 September 2016

Every Boy Loves A Nerf Blaster - Here Is The Nerf N-Strike Elite HyperFire Blaster

My boys love anything that you can shoot which is why when I was offered the chance to review the Nerf Hyperfire I couldn't wait to try it out with the boys. This will be the first Nerf blaster that they have had and the excitement on their faces when I got it out of the box was incredible! The blaster needs 4 D size batteries so we couldn't use it straight away but as soon as the batteries had been purchased they were straight onto us to get them in and get the blaster started.

This blaster is incredible and I think Mr C & I had lots of fun with it as well as the boys. We took it into the garden and decided to shoot it against the wall as this was the safest place with my two boys, the power of the blaster is brilliant. It shoots 5 darts per second and holds 25 darts, the blaster can shoot the darts up to 90 feet which was great fun. The blaster is on the large size so as the boys are both a little younger we had to help them but lots of fun was still had.

To get the blaster to shoot you have to hold down two buttons, the acceleration and trigger, and this allows the rapid-fire action to begin. It is really easy to set the blaster back up to start again, which we did again and again so that both boys could have a good go with it. To do this all you have to do is take out the drum which holds the darts and load them up and input the drum back into the blaster.

The blaster is retailing at £49.99 in Toys R Us but currently at the time of publishing this post they had a £10 discount on the blaster.

* We were kindly sent this product to review and all opinions are 100% my own. *

Wednesday, 28 September 2016

Gorgeous Pyjamas from Sleepy Doe - Review

With Autumn slowly creeping upon us this means that temperatures are dropping and night times are getting cooler. The boys have been in their shorts and t-shirt pyjamas since April and it is finally getting that bit cooler which means we get to put them in their winter pyjamas. And I have to say I love it! I love seeing them all snuggly in their cosy pyjamas and what better pyjamas than to have ones by Sleepy Doe. Their pyjamas are gorgeous and when they arrived I couldn't wait for Finley to try them on.

And this weekend was the time to bring out the autumn/winter nightwear for us all. Finley was pretty excited to get them on and was ready to pose as soon as they were on, definitely a bloggers son!!

The pyjamas which we were sent were the Tiny Moons design and they are stunning, and I wish they had them in my size. The first thing I thought when I unpacked them was how soft they were, and that is because they are 100% cotton. The design is just so simple yet so beautiful as they are white with black stars and moons on.

We went for a size 5-6 so that Finley has plenty of growing room in them and he has plenty, so I really do hope he will be wearing them for some time to come. Finley said they felt soft & comfy and couldn't wait to get into bed to really try them out, they get a big thumbs up from Finley and myself!

* We were kindly sent some Sleepy Doe pyjamas to review and all opinions are 100% my own, and Finley's. *

Monday, 26 September 2016

British Military Fitness Goodie Bag Giveaway

September has previously to be referred to as the 'month of the slump' with the summer being over and back to school happening. But British Military Fitness have done a recent survey which reveals that September is actually the month in which people are more likely to take up a new hobby, you can read their research here.

As most of my readers will know I am really into my fitness, running in particular, and this for me has made me feel better about myself and has really helped with my self esteem. British Military Fitness has kindly offered one lucky reader the chance to WIN a goodie bag full of goodies to help kick start their fitness journey. As well as the goody bag they are offering all my readers, who are not already BMF members, a two week free pass to their nearest BMF location. If you would like to give this a go please get in contact and I can let you know how you can get this awesome deal! Terms and conditions for this offer are at the bottom of this blog post.

For your chance to WIN a goodie bag all you have to do is enter via the rafflecopter link below. Good luck!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Competiton terms and conditions
UK residents only.
A winner will be chosen at random via rafflecopter.
There will be one winner.
Competition starts at 12am on 26/09/16 and ends 12am on 02/10/16.
The winner will be announced within 2 days of the competition closing.
The winner has 7 days to claim their prize. If the winner fails to claim their prize within 7 days an alternative winner will be chosen.

Terms and Conditions for the two week free pass
1. This offer entitles the participant to an unlimited amount of British Military Fitness (BMF) classes for fourteen (14) consecutive days for free at a venue of the participants’ choice. For venues visit, Two week complimentary BMF memberships  can only be redeemed by completing an online sign up form prior to attending a class and entering the relevant promotion code. To redeem this offer visit registration  form

2. The 14 days of free training commences from the day of registration on the BMF website.
3. This offer expires on 31st December 2016 after which promotion code holder will be unable to apply complimentary membership.
4. This offer is limited to one promotional code per person.
5. Promotion codes cannot be refunded or exchanged for cash.
6. Participants must be 16 years or over.
7. Promotion codes cannot be used in conjunction with any other offer.
8. This offer is not available to current BMF members or individuals that have previously attended BMF.
9. BMF have the right to withdraw this offer at any time without notice.

Sunday, 25 September 2016

A Little Bit Of Me

Running has become a part of me. It's where I can let off steam from a bad day, I can talk to my running buddy about random things I need to get off my chest and it's my half an hour of the day where I can just have time for me. I have been running for over two years now and since the start of the year I have been going out on an average of 4 times a week, so it is part of my routine.

That was until last Sunday when I got injured. I don't think it happened on Sunday, I think it's an injury that has been coming on for a while but I was just hoping that it would go away. It didn't and come Monday morning I was struggling to walk without limping. I knew there was something wrong and I knew I needed to get it checked.

I took myself off to A&E where I was told that my Achilles tendon was inflamed and that I was going to have to rest it for a while. I was gutted and made my way back to the car in tears knowing that I would have to cancel my half marathon, that should have been today, and as I knew I wouldn't be running for a while. This may sound really silly to some but running has become, as I said, a part of me and I just didn't know what to do with myself.

Then on Wednesday I took myself off to the doctors as my heal was also hurting. This was where I was told my Plantar Fasciitis was also inflamed and I would be out of action for a good few weeks. I think I went as I just needed a second opinion, a little part of me was hoping I would be given a few tablets to help with the pain and told I could run, no such luck. I was given anti inflammatory tablets to help with the swelling and told to rest. On asking if I could swim I was told this was a good idea which made me feel a little happier.

But swimming isn't as easy as going out for a run. You need the pool to be open and with lane swimming on. And if I am honest it is pretty boring. But saying this I have been a couple of times and it has made me feel a little bit better.

I have been in a bit of a grump since Monday and I know it's because I can't run and I know how silly it sounds as there is nothing I can do about it. I know if I had carried on I would have caused more damage but it is oh so frustrating and gutting that I can't run. I feel that a part of me has been taken away temporarily and I don't know what to do with myself. I have missed the running group for one week and that was horrible. For me it is also about the social aspect of running and the feel good factor running brings.

I will be back, and I know I will be strong but right now I don't feel strong, I feel pretty down.

Monday, 19 September 2016

My Ten Top Tips For Running

I'm not claiming to be an expert at running, as I am not, but I do love it and I would love to pass on that love as it really is a brilliant activity to get into if you can. I started running just over 2 years ago and when I started I couldn't even run around the block, and I'm not kidding you. I have made myself love running, not in a bad way, but the more I did it the more I fell in love with it and the more I enjoyed it.

Since starting I have run a couple of 10k races and one half marathon, I am just about to take on my second. I have registered for the London Marathon which I will find out if I got a place in October and I have just booked to do the Barcelona half marathon next February, now that to me is love!

As I said, when I started I couldn't run to save my life and if I did pick up a bit of pace I was out of breath within minutes. But then I think it was because I didn't want to run or didn't feel like I needed to run. After two pregnancies and births I needed something to get me back into shape that was easy to do and would give me back some time. Running is perfect in my opinion as you just get on your trainers and go, whether it be for 10 minutes or an hour. There is no faffing with getting to the gym, you are just out there and done when you want.

So as you can now tell, running is a love affair for me and it has really helped me when I have needed some me time or when I have just needed to let off some steam that has been building up from two young boys driving me crazy. With this in mind, here are my top ten tips to get you out running and to make it enjoyable, as I promise, you will love it too!

1 - Run with a group or a friend. Find someone who already runs or who would like to start running to join you as this really helps with motivation. It will stop you from finding that excuse to not get out as you won't want to let them down. Also you have someone to chat to or if you don't want to chat just someone to keep you going. If you have a group in your local area go and join them as the local aspect is as good as the running.

2 - Invest in some good trainers. This was my first mistake, I just ran in whatever I had. I have one flat foot so I needed trainer that would support that, which my first ones didn't and my ankle suffered. This discouraged me from running so a good pair of trainers will make sure your run is a good and injury free one.

3 - Book a race. Be it a 5k, 10k or half marathon, get on and book a race. This will give you something to aim for an will keep you out pounding those pavements.

4 - Change up your routes. Research routes around your area and do a different one each time. Say you go out 3 times a week, find 3 routes to do so that your aren't doing the same route every time you go out. Do a bit of off roading if you fancy, but be carful, and find those beautiful spots in your town you didn't know existed.

5 - Don't push yourself. It's not all about speed and thats where I learnt the hard way. I thought I had to go out there and be fast as that would make me a better runner when in fact thats not true. As they say a 10 minute mile is as far as a 30 minute mile. Run to your speed and enjoy it, don't try and beat anyone as you will become your own runner.

6 - Listen to your body. The last thing you want to do is get into running and then get injured which then requires some time out. If you legs say not today, then rest up and try again tomorrow. Go with what your body is telling you and by doing this you will build stamina and not begin to hate it.

7 - Build yourself a play list. For those runs you do go alone have a playlist ready full of upbeat songs that will keep you going. The faster and more upbeat the song the more it will encourage you to keep running.

8 - Log your runs. Do this via an app on your phone, I found MapMyRun to be brilliant, a running watch or with something like a FitBit. This way you can keep track of your times and your distances to see your progress.

9 - Don't be too hard on yourself. Building speed and distance is going to take time so don't be too hard on yourself when you first start out if you only manage to do 1 or 2 kilometres. Take it at your own pace and your body will slowly adjust to the new exercise and muscles will start to build which will help you run that bit faster and that bit longer.

10 - Enjoy it! This has to be the main thing that has kept me going, I really do enjoy getting out there and running. Yes I have days when a run is just so hard and is a slog but I just push through and the next run is brilliant. Just keep it going!

Happy running!!

Thursday, 15 September 2016

Embracing Change

Since the 1st September our routines, and lives if that doesn't sound too dramatic, have changed completely. We have been used to lazy pyjama mornings, 2 preschool days a week and in all honesty not much structure in our day to day lives. We have loved it and this has been our normal, until now.

Finley started school on the 1st September and even though he is still doing the settling in with half days, turning into full days at the end of the month, we have had to be dressed,  organised and out the door by 8.45am to get him to school on time. Clothes have had to be ready and everything prepared for the next day, the night before just so that I feel organised.

Then just last week Noah started preschool which has meant getting two children dressed in clean uniform and ready to leave by 8.45am for school. Followed by a walk up to the preschool for 9.15am. This has been exciting yet very daunting as in my whole 5 years of being a parent this amount of structure and routine hasn't been needed because if things went wrong it didn't matter, we didn't have anyone to answer to but ourselves. But now there is the school to answer to and if your late then thats a big no no.

We are now two weeks in to the school routine and a week into adding in the preschool routine and I feel like we are doing pretty well, so far! Finley has been in school on time with 5 minutes to spare and is happy to be left and Noah has been the same. I then have come home and cleaned the house within an inch of it's life and got so much work done it is unbelievable! But I am loving this new us. I have time to do my chores and work while the boys are at school/preschool and then our time when I pick them up is our time. 

I know come the end of september our routine is going to have to change again due to full time school but we will work that out and if I am honest I think it will be better for us all. The rushing about won't be as much and we will have proper structure to our days and a real routine. I will have time for me, Kirsty, to do my work, do the ironing in peace and even catch up with a friend without children shouting our names every two seconds because someone has hit someone!

And then I am looking forward to the half term where that routine can be binned for a week and we can go back to pyjama's and lazy mornings for just a week! This is our new us and as scary as it is, we are embracing change and going with the flow.


Wednesday, 14 September 2016

Toad Diaries - A Blogger Diary Review

I like to be organised and to know what I am doing and to know what I have coming up. And that is the same when it comes to my blog. I have been humming and aching about getting myself a bloggers diary for some time but just haven't got round to getting one. Over the summer my blog has been put on the side lines which we have been enjoying days out and just enjoying the freedom of not being that organised, that took me a while to get used to but was fun. Now we are in September and with Finley now at school and Noah at preschool I need to organise my life and blog.

I want to really start putting some energy into the blog and the only way I think it will be possible to do that with everything else that we have going on is to be organised with it, that is what my Blogger Diary comes into it from Toad Diaries.

When I was asked if I would like to review a diary it was the perfect time for me and the blog, and it gave me a kick up the bum that I needed to get back into it and get things into some kind of order. I have had some reviews outstanding, naughty blogger, which have been listed on my phone but I rarely look in that part of my phone so it wasn't something on my radar. Now with a diary I can diarise reviews that I need to write and I can get ideas down in pen and paper.

The diary arrived and it is exactly what I need and is perfect size to fit in my handbag, as isn't that where every womens things live?!

The diary starts with your usual so that you know who the diary belongs to and then you have a blog statistics page which I think is brilliant. You can list your social media channels and log your stats on a daily, weekly or monthly basis as the sections are blank for you to fill in. This will be brilliant to see where I need to put more attention month on month.

You then have a contacts page and then your onto the diary. The great thing about this blogger diary is that there are no dates, you date it and fill it up with your goals and to do's that day and then if you don't do anything on the blog for a few days you don't have spare pages in between you just start on the next one. The other good thing is that as they are wire bound, if you make a mistake then you can just rip out the page!

The pages are very simple but for me this is what I needed, I needed somewhere to jot down ideas and somewhere to plan my blogging day if I had one.

* I was kindly sent this from Toad Diaries to review. All opinions are 100% my own.*

Monday, 12 September 2016

Snacking Healthy with My Vitamins Snack Box - Review

Ever since I started my fitness journey 2 years ago I have been on the look out for new snacks that are healthy and still tasty at the same time. I love my food so I need to snack during the day otherwise I am a real grump. I have signed up to a few snack boxes in the past but they have either been not what I wanted or not great value for money, so when I was contacted by My Vitamins and asked if I would like to try their snack box I jumped at the chance.

It arrived and I couldn't wait to open it and see what tasty treats it had stored away. The box was a decent size so this gave me hope that the contents was going to filled with lots of things. And I wasn't wrong, it was full to the brim with a variety of snacks, all of which I wanted to eat right away!

What I got in my box was:
  • Ape's lightly salted coconut curls
  • Raw Halo milk & goji berry and vanilla chocolate
  • Bioglan raw bites
  • PunchFoods supersedes
  • Moma super seeds porridge
  • Mighty Bee coconut jerky
  • Sweet Virtues chocolate truffles
  • Exact Diet protein granola
  • Aduna baobab bar
  • Meridian peanut & cocoa bar
  • Siberia birch water
  • Squirrel Sisters coconut cashew bites
In addition to the box I was also sent some Sweet Virtues chocolate truffles.

Now if you were to add up the cost of all these products, considering as we all know healthy eating isn't that cheap, I believe the cost will come to more than £19.99. And this is what the box is being sold at! How incredible is that! The other brilliant thing is that some of these foods I wouldn't have thought to have picked up in the supermarket and in actual fact I love them, and have since gone out to buy more.

These snacks have kept me going of a good few weeks and some of the things in the box is a real treat, and its healthy! I won't go through all of the snacks in the box as that would just be a rather boring post but I will just take you through some of my favourites.

My all time favourite in this box had to be the Ape crispy coconut curls. They were one of the last things that I tried but if I am honest the packed wasn't big enough! They were awesome and I will definitely be looking at buying more of these and at a healthy 109 calories per packet they really are a brilliant snack to get you through until dinner time!

The next snacks I want to tell you about are the Siberia birch water and the Meridian peanut & cocoa bar. I had these after a workout to hydrate me and give me a bit of energy back after the exercise. The water tasted like water but with a cleaner taste, if that makes sense - You'll have to try that one for yourself as trying to explain water is a little tricky. But the Meridian bar was so yummy! I love peanut and chocolate so this was the perfect combination for me.

Lastly I thought I would touch on the chocolate snack that I was sent in the box as who doesn't like chocolate. These chocolates are a little different as they are raw and organic, not your usual milk chocolate full of sugar. But we all need a treat every now and then but these chocolate treats showed me your treat doesn't need to be full of sugar and calories. The first chocolate I had was the Raw Halo bar which I enjoyed in the evening with a cup of tea. The bar was gave within no time at all and was definitely the perfect size for a snack. You wouldn't have known it was raw chocolate or that it was lacking sugar content. I loved it so much I asked Mr C for some for my birthday, which I luckily got and that didn't last long!

The other chocolate treats that I really enjoyed were the chocolate truffles, they said on the box that they were good for me so I made sure I ate them all, again not sharing!

The My Vitamins Snack Box is full to the brim with exciting and tasty snacks and has something for everyone in there. I will definitely be placing an order for my next one.

* I was kindly sent a snack box for free. All opinions are 100% my own.*

Saturday, 10 September 2016

#HartleysYourLunchbox with Hartley's Jelly

I always find it difficult when looking for different snacks, pudding and things to put in the boys lunchbox. They will normally have the same thing and ae pretty happy with that but I think variety is nice and it's always nice to get something that is like a little treat but not full of sugar.

Finley has started school so he has school dinners but Noah is starting preschool so will be having a lunchbox so I will need to start finding exciting but healthy things to fill it.

Hartley's Jelly have a #HartleysYourLunchbox back to school campaign at the moment and for this they have kindly sent us some jelly along with a lunchbox and stickers so that Noah can decorate his lunchbox. The boys are huge fans of jelly so this was great for us.

They arrived and Noah couldn't wait to get decorating his lunchbox. We found the letters of his name and labelled the lunchbox and the he went a little sticker crazy but I think it looks brilliant. With the lunchbox decorated he has since been carrying it around the house and filling it with all sorts of goodies.

The boys have also been enjoying the jellies as a treat after their tea and they have also been going into Noah's lunchbox for our day trips out. They will definitely be going into his preschool lunchbox once he starts next week!

* We were kindly send these products to review and all opinions are 100% my own.*

Thursday, 8 September 2016

Munchkin Product Review & Competition

It is always lovely to receive parcels through the post but when it is one your aren't expecting it is even more exciting! After attending BritMums at the end of June where I met with Munchkin they kindly sent me and the boys a parcel full of exciting Munchkin products. We were sent the Miracle cup, the Go portable placemat, the Pushchair Organiser and some Hearts stackable bath cups.

All of Munchkins products are so well produced and really sturdy products. The first thing we tried out was the Pushchair Organiser and it is brilliant. It is one thing that I have always needed but have never got round to getting so something I really needed. It fits perfectly to my pushchair with some Velcro straps which can also be converted into a handle if you wanted to the use it as a bag during an outing. It has a great wet wipe plastic holder at the front which is perfect when you have children of all ages as you always need wet wipes for those little accidents and those mucky hands. The other brilliant feature is the phone holder at the top of the organiser which is also waterproof. This is something I have needed for a long time as I normally store my phone in the hood which my youngest sometimes likes to suddenly pull forward which then makes my phone go flying.

The next product that we were kindly sent was the Miracle cup. Now this is something we have had for a while now in blue and Noah absolutely loves it. It really is a Miracle cup of it is none spill and can get throw all over the place as children do and it doesn't make a mess. We were sent a pink one which I thought my best friends little girl would love so we have given it to her to review. She instantly loved it and has been using it everyday since. My best friend has said how brilliant it is. It really helps teach children how to drink out of a cup without the mess and they can drink out of any sides of it so there is no frustration.

The last product that we have reviewed is the stackable bath cups, or in our case stackable cups as Noah decided they weren't for the bath but they were actually for playing with his Paw Patrol toys! But when he wasn't looking I did take them to water and give them a try and they are lots of fun in and out of water. You can build towers with them, fill them with water and see the water flow out the bottom and they are also great for filling with things - as you can see here,

We were also sent a Go portable placemat which would be a waste if we opened as we wouldn't get much use out of it so I would like to offer one lucky reader to win it, along with some other Munchkin goodies! All you have to do is click on the rafflecopter link below to enter the competition - Good luck!!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

All of the Munchkin products that we have reviewed here, and ones we purchased ourselves previously, as all brilliantly made and are great quality. They have made all the products great fun and are all multi functional which are brilliant when you have children.

Competition terms & conditions

UK residents only.
A winner will be chosen at random via rafflecopter.
There will be one winner.
Competition starts at 12am on 08/09/16 and ends 12am on 15/09/16.
The winner will be announced within 2 days of the competition closing.
The winner has 7 days to claim their prize. If the winner fails to claim their prize within 7 days an alternative winner will be chosen.
* We were kindly sent these Munchkin products to review. All opinions are 100% my own. The competition will run from Thursday 8th September at 12am to Thursday 15th September at 12am. *

The Pramshed

Wednesday, 7 September 2016

What Should Have Been The First Day Of Preschool........

I woke up this morning excited yet nervous as another new adventure was about to start, the second in so many weeks, but this time it was Noah's turn. He was starting his new preschool which once started properly he would be attending for 16 hours a week. This was going to be a big change from the 5 1/2 hours a week he had been doing and was going to set him up for school which he will be starting next year.

We have been talking about today for a while, some days he would be excited and others he would say he wouldn't want to go, but all in all he was very excited. Last night we got out his uniform and yesterday we went and got some new shoes so he was all set for his new start. This morning came and we got up on time, had breakfast then went and got dressed. Noah was very impressed with his new uniform and would correct Finley when he had said 'nice outfit' with 'no, its a uniform'!

It was going to be a juggling act as I needed to get Finley to school and then march my way up to the preschool in time for it to start. I managed to get Finley into school and settled in good time, then decided to walk up to the preschool rather than drive as we had some time. I stomped my way up there, sweating as the weather was so close, and arrived with 5 minutes to spare. We stood around with our best friends chatting and waiting for the doors to open, with excitement and the unknown looming.

The doors opened, we were greeted and Noah when bouncing on in with his best friend without a care in the world. I was then stopped and told I wasn't going to like what they had to say, Noah wasn't going to be able to stay! This was due to his fractured arm, which I didn't even think about having to mention to them before today, and they needed a doctors note and a risk assessment for him to stay. And unfortunately that wouldn't be done today.

Well the emotional person inside me was bubbling and I was doing my best to hold back the tears as I didn't want to make myself look stupid on the first day of preschool. I didn't do very well and when I was asked what he had done I burst into tears. I think it was the fact I had geared myself up for this moment, I had geared Noah up and now I was going to have to pull him away from the toys he so wanted to play with. Through my blubbering tears and wobbly voice I talked to them about what we needed to do so he could attend and got Noah to go back home. He didn't want to leave and this made me cry even more, to the extent I couldn't explain to the lady on the door why we were going home!

Noah got into the pushchair in tears and I pulled down my sunglasses to hide my red, teary eyes and we made our way back home. Our big first day had started and ended in 5 minutes and I felt like such a wally. I had been so excited and had got Noah excited about it, taken pictures and posted pictures to Facebook which now I felt a fool for doing!

I called the doctors and we have an appointment this afternoon to get a note so that fingers crossed he can go tomorrow. So I am now back home with a cup of tea in hand feeling very deflated, but at least it wasn't his first day at school as that would have been pretty devastating!

Run Jump Scrap!
Mudpie Fridays
A Cornish Mum

Thursday, 1 September 2016

Today You Start School......

Even writing that title made me feel a little strange as I am not entirely sure where the past 4 years and 11 months have gone. It only seemed like yesterday that I was holding you in my arms with the thought of school far from my mind but with the conversations of which school you would go to being had so early on. I thought we had all the time in the world but today has been creeping up on us and it is finally here and I know you my sweet boy are ready, but I'm not sure mummy is. You are my first born, my boy who showed me what unconditional love was and our boy that brought Daddy & I so much closer.

Last night I hung your uniform onto the front of your wardrobe and placed your school shoes in front of them. Your P.E bag, wellies and water bottle were put by the front door ready, and tears were shed. But not from sadness, they were of hope and happiness of what you have become and for the adventures you have ahead of you.

You my baby boy are so ready for this next adventure in your life. You have the want to learn all of the time from asking me what numbers are when added together, to how long it will take to get somewhere so you can gauge time. Your memory is awesome and you are so ready to have your little head filled with numbers, letters and countries of the world. You are so ready to make new friends and to play new games that you never knew existed.

I really do hope that you come home from school and tell me about your day and tell me of everything you learnt. I hope you try and teach Noah how to play the new game one of your new friends taught you at school that day. I hope you have the urge and the want to learn as much as you have today. I want you to love school so that it isn't so hard for me to say goodbye each day, I hope that doesn't sound selfish but I want you to want to leave my side and be with your friends. And I hope at the end of the day you run to me not because you missed me so much but because you know that after school time is now our time. Our new time to make memories.

These holidays have been pretty tough on you with you fracturing your arm on the first day of the holidays but we have still had so much fun. We have also had our arguments and we have had many tears. You my darling sweet boy are so ready for school so you can be taught you can't get your own way all the time and that shouting doesn't get you what you want. I love your passion in life but sometimes when that passion is directed towards me when I have said no to having another chocolate bar, it can be a little testing.

You have grown into a beautiful, caring, strong willed, shy at times, little boy and I, along with your Daddy, brother and our whole family love you with all of our hearts. You have such a kind soul and I hope you carry that through life.

So today we will step out of our new front door, in your new uniform and take the 2 minute walk to your new school. I will hold your hand while you look around with your big, white, beaming smile with excitement of what is to come. This is your new adventure my baby boy, take it with both hands and love every minute.

A Cornish Mum

Pink Pear Bear