
Friday, 13 March 2015

Just watching him play

I love watching the boys play. I sometimes sit back and just watch them. Yes I love to play along with them but watching their imagination from the sidelines is also amazing. I have done just that this afternoon, while Finley was snuggled up to me having some quiet time I watched Noah play.
The boys have a baby and pushchair. And they both absolutely love it! We also have a shopping trolley which the baby gets to ride in sometimes.
While watching Noah play this afternoon I found his imagination at 19 months old incredible. He was putting the baby into the pushchair, strapping it in and shhhhing it. Then pushing it around, stopping, taking the baby out and replacing it with a noise stick (odd I know but still cute!) He was cuddling baby and rocking him back and forth like you do with a real baby.

He also placed baby on my lap and tried to take his clothes off before going and getting a nappy.

He was pottering about for about 10 minutes with the baby as well as getting some cars and driving them over the foot stall onto the tv unit. He has also started to get the Peppa Pig figures out and put them into their car or train while chatting along to himself. As he doesn't talk many words at the minute I cant quite understand what he is saying but I am sure to him he is making perfect sense.

He plays a lot of shopping. We have a toy kitchen from Ikea along with loads of pretend food and a shopping basket. I sometimes find Noah going from the dining room where the toy kitchen is to the living room, shopping basket in hand full of toy food, coming up to me saying 'bye' and going off again. He will then come back scooting along on his Scuttle Bug and say 'Hi'.

I quite honestly absolutely love watching him. Each time I get a chance to watch him play by himself without his brother who would either be cuddling up to me at pre school I see a huge development in what he does and how he does it. 

Some of the things that Noah does are so grown up. But they are all things that he has seen me do. We have a baby Nephew and we spend a lot of time with him. So things that he does with the baby mirror what I have done with our Nephew like shhing him to sleep, cooing at him and chatting how you do to babies. He also picks up so much from his brother, some things not such great things but this is how he learns.

When I watch them play it fills my heart with so much love that sometimes I think it couldn't get any fuller, but it does. Seeing the things they do show me that they pick up on so much stuff from everyday life even at such a young age.

Life passes us by so quickly and I need to take more time watching them play and taking in all of their little quirky personality traits. Before I know it they will be in school and I wont get to see their development on such a big scale as they will be at school 5 days a week.

Running in Lavender

1 comment:

  1. I know what you mean, we don't need TV anymore. I just watch the girls play! Such a cute post. Thanks for linking up to #sundaystars xxx
