
Sunday, 31 January 2016

Monthly Bucket List - Update & February

So we are heading fast and furiously into February which means its time to recap on the bucket list I made at the beginning of the month, so here goes.

1. Get back into my running ready for my half marathon in March. Yep I have done this with running a couple of 5k's a week and then with a 14k and 10k at the end of the month.

2. Keep up with my plan of a photo a day with Project 366. Pretty impressed but yes I have managed to do this!

3. Increase my online presence. I have done my very best, I think I have been better with Instagram than other online platforms so that's one to still work on.

4. Get back to eating healthier. Um, kind of! I was doing so well and then found a biscuit spread that I got obsessed with but once that tub had gone I was back onto it.

5. Do a few more arts and crafts with the boys. I did do this one. Finley and I made a crab from one of the craft sets he got at Christmas and we made a few birthday cards which included painting.

6. Get organised. We are getting there, its a work in progress.

I am back for another month to link up with Beth at Twinderelmo. I am loving the monthly bucket list as it's little steps rather than big leaps and they are great to look back at throughout the month and keep an eye on.

So here is my February bucket list:

1. Bake a little more. I love baking but I don't do it as much as I used to. I need to find the time to do it and try and get the boys involved. The only problem is I end up eating it all!

2. Carry on with my half marathon training. After my last big run my fitness took a hit, my muscles didn't like it, so I need to keep with the slow and steady and not cause any injuries before the big race.

Read some more. I started a new book at the start of January and so far it is good but I'm being really slow with it, so I would like to really get stuck into it.

4. Do some proper sorting. We are so close to moving, there have been a few hiccups, but I want to start to get organised with it so it's not such a shock when it actually happens.

5. Organise my blog. I am loving the writing but I am very aware that I need to start looking at my blog layout and just get organised with it all.

6. Get into Lean in 15. I have seen the book Lean in 15 a lot recently so I went onto Amazon and purchased it. It looks great with the eating and fitness so I hope to start following it.

There we have it, my February list. Again they aren't huge things but I believe achievable goals mean less disappointment.

New Mummy Blog
Mudpie Fridays

Saturday, 30 January 2016

Snapshot Saturday #3

It's that time of week again to link up with Debs at Super Busy Mum and there was no question with what photo it would be this week. The boys and I had a trip to our favourite place on Thursday afternoon just the three of us and it was lovely.

This photo captures the fun we had and I also love the light with the sun beaming in from the top, and catching both the boys running up the hill.

Super Busy Mum

Just Another Linky #40

Welcome to week 40 of Just Another Linky hosted by myself and the lovely Beth at Life As Mum. A place for you to link an old or new post, favourite from the week or one from the archives.

I am loving the range of posts that link up each week, such a mixed bag which keeps each week interesting and I really do love reading them all.

Meet your hosts

HOST - Beth | Life-As-Mum | @lifeasmumblog

CO-HOST - Kirsty | Something Crunchy Mummy | @crunchy_mummy

Here are just a few rules:

- No more than 2 posts a week - Please!
- Comment on at least 2 other posts
- New or old posts welcome
- Grab the badge below so everyone knows where to find us

Feel free to tweet your post, along with the hashtag #justanotherlinky, mentioning @lifeasmumblog and @crunchy_mummy and we will retweet for you.

By linking up to this linky you are giving Beth & Kirsty the right to copy one of your photos if you are chosen for the Favourite Post of the week.

We are open every Saturday from 12am until Monday at 11:55pm.

This weeks Favourite Posts

My favourite post this week is from Beth at Twinderelmo with 37 Things My Toddler Daughter Threw A Tantum Over Yesterday as I can SO relate!!



Thursday, 28 January 2016

My Running Journey

I remember sitting at a party that I was at with my husband and his work colleagues around this time a year ago and the subject of running came up. And I said I wanted to do a half marathon. I'm not sure if it was the drink talking or me just being dreamy because this was when I hadn't long just bought my first running trainers and when I was running a maximum of 15 minutes at a time. And those 15 minutes were bloody hard going, so looking back, how I thought I could run a half marathon I don't know!

It was then after this party that I got really serious about running. I was starting to go for longer and I was actually enjoying it. It was becoming a hobby rather than a chore. At that point I was doing it to aid my weight lose, where as now I do it because I love it and to maintain my weight. So that I can eat that chocolate and sweets in the evening without worrying that I would put the weight back on. 

Then in May last year I ran my first 10k, it was for Race For Life. Now that was a challenge. Before the actual event I had run 10k once or twice to make sure I could do it. After each time I felt sick for the rest of the day and I ached for days after.

After that run I caught the bug even more, I wanted to achieve something and I was aiming for more. Then in September of last year I ran my second 10k. This was a little easier but with the route involving hills it was tough but I got a new pb and I was proud.

Then in October I ran my third 10k. It was around a race track so a very flat surface and a pretty boring run but I got a new pb, just under an hour. This was my motivation, to better my times.

I then decided to sign up to do a half marathon this March after talking to family and friends about doing it. It was when my brother in law said he would have tshirts printed with my face on to cheer me on that I challenged him to it! 

I wanted to run it to raise money for something as I thought doing a race that big I needed a goal and what better goal than for a good cause. I decided on my sons preschool as they are charity run and they are just fantastic. I couldn't think of a better cause and goal.

Since Christmas I'm been running nearly everyday with the odd day off, be it 2k or 5k. I then ran my first 10k of the year two weeks ago and this Saturday I wanted to ramp it up. I needed to start training hard and getting a bigger distance in. So Saturday I ran 14k and my goodness it was hard! I pushed myself but I made it. My bones and muscles ached and I was greeted home with a warm bath ready.

Even though it was tough I loved it. It's time to myself, to think about things and to get away from the world. To put things into perspective and really think things through.

Running is now a hobby for me as I do truly love it, but even saying that some days I try to find an excuse to not go. Then when I do I'm so glad I did. 

Gym Bunny Mummy
Binky Linky
A Cornish Mum
Stopping at two

Wednesday, 27 January 2016

Monday, 25 January 2016

We All Need A Bit Of Pampering

When we become parents our own needs are pushed way down the priority pile and our children's wants and needs come before our own. But I believe we still need some us time. Even if its a walk or run on your own, or a trip to the salon for a haircut.

I am lucky enough to have found a hairdresser that will always fit me in when I message her in a panic as I have forgotten to book an appointment and I need a haircut within the next week. She knows how I like to have my haircut and she is brilliant when I go in with a picture and say 'like this please.' This hairdresser is Abi Andrews and she has a beautiful little salon in Tetbury, a town I spend my teenage years growing up in.

At Abi Andrews Hair & Makeup I always get a warm welcome and I am made to feel very comfortable. I normally have a wash, cut and blow-dry with the occasion colour when my hair is feeling a little bit dark.

The salon is beautifully decorated and has an air of warmth which makes you feel comfortable there.

Last time I went I had a wash, cut and blow-dry and Abi had managed to squeeze me in just a few weeks before Christmas after a frantic message from me after looking at my split ends. After an initial chat I was taken to have my hair washed, this has to be one of the best things about going to the hairdressers. It really is very relaxing. The conversation always flows and there is never any awkward silences.

After my hair wash I was offered a cup of tea, this again is a luxury as I get to drink a hot cup of tea. Having a hair cut really is a luxury when you have children and even my hour at the salon I was able to relax.

Abi really is a fantastic and I always walk away happy with whatever I have done with my hair.

* I was very kindly given my wash, cut and blow-dry free of charge but all opinions are 100% my own *
my petit canard
A Bit Of Everything
A Cornish Mum

Saturday, 23 January 2016

Snapshot Saturday #2

I had all  good intentions of joining in with Debs at Super Busy Mum every Saturday but some how I managed to miss two weeks! I still haven't got that organisation I talked about at the start of the year organised haha!

But I'm back with my second Snapshot Saturday which is a photo of my youngest Noah. I love this photo as he was looking at for his older brother who was being dropped off from preschool. Naughty Mummy let him sit on the windowsill, with supervision, and I couldn't help but go and grab my camera.

I still haven't got the whole flash/light thing sussed and I am still a complete newbie to photography. Any advice on lighting welcome!

Super Busy Mum

A Better Week Came Along

After my post at the beginning of the week about how rubbish our week had been, I got some really lovely comments that made me feel so much better and some comments on how I wasn't alone. This is the great thing about blogging, when I do feel alone in this overwhelming parenting world, if I write about it that feeling disappears due to others saying 'me too' and I want to thank everyone that commented. You made a sad mummy happy.

I am pleased to report this week was so much better. Yes we had tantrums, yes we had meltdowns of the toddler & mummy type but this week shone and I enjoyed being a mummy again.

We got sleep, still interrupted, but less interrupted than the week before and the boys weren't so grumpy.

So I wanted to do a post to sum up our week and show that following a bad week a good week is just around the corner. It wasn't a week full of days out or extravagant things, we just made it a week full of laughs and fun.

Sunday saw us spend the day at my husbands parents house by the sea, and it was blissful. Full of love and laughter, exactly what we needed. The boys loved it and so did we.

Monday was a preschool day for Finley so after drop off Noah and I enjoyed lunch with our best friends. Then that evening my husband came home with loads of puzzles from a very kind lady in his office, and Finley completed a 100 piece puzzle (with help) and was so chuffed!

Tuesday is always our manic day but Noah and I enjoyed some quality time that included Tumble Tots and a gingerbread lolly in the morning. Then in the afternoon my very kind friend offered to drop Finley back from preschool, then she and her sons spent the afternoon with us playing and watching films. Noah obviously had to eat his popcorn in a box, as you do!

Wednesday was a pretty chilled one with housework and work being done while Finley was at preschool, then once home we did our review of the Fire Station Activity Set from Parragon books.

Thursday saw us have a day with our best friends exploring the woods and finishing off with hot chocolate. I love watching the boys explore, even if taking the scooters meant it took us three times as long to get anywhere.

Friday was mine and Finley's day while Noah was at preschool. We got soaked on our way home as my phone weather forecast app had got it wrong but we were still smiling while running in the rain. I then treated Finley (and myself) to a Costa after he was so good while I did a few jobs in town. We then finished the day off with our first ever family movie night and it was great. We watched Inside Out with popcorn and sweets, and both boys actually sat and watched the whole film!

Parenthood is tough and we will all have tough weeks, but there is always a good week around the corner and this week was great!

What Katy Said

Everything Mummy

Run Jump Scrap!