
Friday 1 April 2016

Monthly Bucket List - Update and April's List

I think I have done pretty well this month with completing most of what was on last months bucket list. Here is an update:

1. Do my half marathon. Yes I did this, in 2 hours and 15 minutes!

2. Get out and about. Thankfully we had some decent weather in March which meant we did get out and about. We had a trip to our local Arboretum, a day at Lambing Weekend and a walk at Woodchester Park.

3. See more of our family.Yes! We went and saw my Gramp-in-law in Wales just the other day and we stayed with my Mum for a few days over the Easter weekend. We also visited the boys great grandparents which was lovely.

4. Organise my blog. No - oops!!

5. Get back into eating a little healthier. This actually happened until Easter came so I think that might be back for next month too.

6. Get organised for my husbands 30th birthday! I have started, the hotel and train in London is booked for when we get back from our weekend away with our friends. I just need to book some surprises!

Now onto April's bucket list, hope I can keep the good momentum going as it is great to see things I have wanted to do be achieved.

1. Move house. I have been scared to write this one since we sold our house back in September last year and have since then been in a chain that has had so many problems but we have now exchanged and are hoping to move next week. Fingers crossed everyone.

2. Keep running up. I love running and really do hope that with the house move I don't stop with tiredness or stress.

3. Find a new book to read. After finishing my last book that I was so engrossed in I have gone back to not reading, any book recommendations most welcome.

4. Get organised on the blog. Since booking my BritMums ticket I have got a bit lapse with writing posts and linking up, need to get back into it.

5. Cook more. New house (I hope), new kitchen!

6. Eat healthier! Not sure how this will go as we are moving and I can see many takeaways on the horizon but I will try.

Now bring on April!
A Cornish Mum
New Mummy Blog


  1. Well done on the marathon! Good luck for April lovely xx #Monthlybucketlist #Picknmix

  2. Well done on your marathon,great time! Good luck with your April goals, you'll do great. I've gotta get my down for this month :) #picknmix

  3. Sounds like a brilliant month to me, still so impressed with your running!! Thanks for linking up to #PicknMix and also visiting from #MonthlyBucketList ;)

    Stevie x

  4. OK I need to start one of these monthly bucket lists! Must get organised xx #TheBabyFormula

  5. Well done on your half marathon, I have so much admiration for people who do marathons!!! Love a good bucket list - you certainly had a great month! #thebabyformula

  6. Wow well done on your half marathon - I really want to get started running but after just having a baby I doubt I can even run to the end of the road! #TheBabyFormula

  7. Well done! What a lot of ticks for one month :-) Hope you're now relaxed in your new house x
    Thanks for sharing on #thebabyformula

  8. Saw your house move photos - yayyyy! Sorry. So late to commenting I thought I had done it already OOOPS
    Massive congrats on the half marathon. You are a complete legend xx
