
Wednesday, 29 June 2016

Monthly Bucket List - Update and July's List

This month has been a pretty busy one and I have done quite well with last months bucket list. Here is a round up of last months list followed by this months new list.

1. Attend #BML16 (BritMums). Yep and it was brilliant. I got to meet so many lovely people that I talk to online all the time and it was great to put a face to the name.

2. Do some gardening. YES! We finally sorted the corner of our garden and have filled it with some plants we are hoping will spring into life to make the corner full of colour.

3. Finish my book. I literally have just finished it and it has given me the reading bug again so I am straight onto the next one, The Girl On The Train.

4. Go on a date night. Another yes as we got to go and see Jimmy Carr in Bath so we went for dinner before and a few cocktails.

5. Book a half marathon. This is still yet to be done but I will do it soon!

6. Organise the boys Christening. It isn't totally organised but I have got the wheels in motion and we have attended a service in preparation and we have chosen their Godparents.

Now here is July's bucket list.

1. Organise and throw Noah's 3rd birthday gathering. Noah will be 3 this month so we are throwing him a birthday gathering for all our close friends and family.

2. Get Finley organised for school. I want to have got everything sorted for Finley in September so that we can relax in August and enjoy or summer together.

3. Eat a little healthier. I have got into an awful habit of eating lots of junk food and making quick, easy meals. I need to start making a meal plan and making tea a lot more interesting and healthy.

4. Book that half marathon!

5. Organise our summer. With Finley starting school I want to make the most of this summer so I want to make sure we do as much as we can.
Run Jump Scrap!


  1. Ah yes agree! Need to finish the book I'm reading, I've heard The Girl on the Train is really good. Brit Mums was amazing, mostly for the networking and drinks ; )! #bestandworst

  2. I think I'd be stressed out making a lit of things id like to do, but perhaps I should. It would be nice to focus on good things, but I think my list would include, get the roof fixed, clear the credit card, replace the windows and get pregnant haha too much stress for me in there. Maybe I should start smaller :) #bestandworst

  3. I think I'd be stressed out making a lit of things id like to do, but perhaps I should. It would be nice to focus on good things, but I think my list would include, get the roof fixed, clear the credit card, replace the windows and get pregnant haha too much stress for me in there. Maybe I should start smaller :) #bestandworst

  4. I'm starting a new journey (cringe at that word) of running so I'm browsing through all your running posts, and sarahs too. So I hope you book that half marathon! It was lovely to see you at Britmums although only for a few seconds, it's nice to see the people whose blogs I've been reading for so long! Glad you had a lovely time and great news about your garden! #bestandworst

  5. It's a great feeling when you get to tick off some of the things you set out to achieve isn't it? It appears you've had some fun times over the month and there's more great experiences to come. #bestandworst

  6. I bet you get that half marathon sorted soon! So lovely to see you at Brit Mums..was a fab day. Let me know how that Girl on a Train book is...loads of people raving about it! Thanks for sharing with #bestandworst xx

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