
Saturday, 6 August 2016

The Adventures Of Noah & Zed Fox - Written By Mini Blogger Noah, 3

Zed Fox arrived the day before my 3rd birthday and I was so excited to start our adventures together. Mummy took him out of his packaging and I wanted him on my back straight away. With me being so intrigued in everything I wanted to see what was in Zed Fox's tummy which is closed up with a zip. To my surprise, and my Mummy's, there was a picnic blanket in my tummy so that when we are out adventuring and need to have a little rest we will always have somewhere to sit. There is also reins for my Mummy or Daddy to hold so that I don't go to far away from them as I do like to explore.

Zed Fox and I have had lots of adventures around my house while playing with my big brother but it has been the adventures we have had out and about that have been the most exciting. I like to scoot everywhere and this is my preferred mode of transport. I do go a little too fast so Mummy said Zed Fox was a brilliant way to keep me safe as she could hold onto his reins so that I don't scoot too far away. Zed Fox loves going scooting as with my speed he can get the wind in his tail and blow away the cobwebs of being in the box that he was delivered in by the postman.

Another little adventure that we have had is a little walk with my best friend into town where all the way my brother, best friend, Zed Fox and I did chugga chugga choo choo like a train all the way into town. Zed Fox found this really fun!

Just the other day we went on a really big adventure and this is the one I wanted to tell you all about. Mummy had said that we were meeting some friends to go and do some jobs in town and then go to the park for lunch. I told her that Zed Fox had heard about our plans and really wanted to join us. Mummy said this was a brilliant idea as we could use Zed Fox's tummy blanket for our lunch that we were going to be picking up from the bakery on our adventure. The door bell rang and it was my best friend Eva and her Mummy. We were all set so with Zed Fox on my back we set off along the river into town to do the boring jobs and grab lunch. Once we were at the park Mummy got the blanket out for us all to sit on, Mummy and her friend had to sit on the bench as I told them it was only for children!

Lunch was yummy and the sun was shining so Mummy and her friend said how about we take Zed Fox on an even bigger adventure and do the big river walk in our town. We were all so excited so after a few more slides down the slide, which Zed Fox loved, we set off on our big adventure.

We headed across a big bridge where we saw lots of ducks and went through a little gate to start the route by the river. Zed Fox was loving it on my back and even had a few butterflies sit on his head! We made our way along very thin paths by the river and through some fields as well as going through some really funny gates that Mummy called kissing gates.

The walk was really long and by the time we got home both Zed Fox and I were really tired so we had a little lie down and closed our eyes for a while.

I love Zed Fox and I know we are going to have so many adventures together over the coming weeks as we have lots planned where Zed Fox can come too!

* We were kindly set Zed Fox to review and take on Adventures. All opinions are 100% my own and my 3 year old son. *
A Cornish Mum

The Pramshed


  1. very cute. My daughter would have loved that a few years ago. #binkylinky

  2. Super cute! Our girls have bunny backpacks like this! Thanks for linking up to the #BinkyLinky

  3. These are super cute sure the girls would love them fab photos Thanks for linking to the #binkylinky please come back next week

  4. Oh I LOVE Zed Fox, he's so cute! No where near as cute as your boys of course though ;)

    Stevie xx #PicknMix

  5. This is such a cute post, we have a miss bun bun can't wait for Ava to be big enough to use it. Thanks for linking to #picknmix x

  6. Zed Fox is brilliant, I love the look of it and the size. Your boy looks so happy to have Zed Fox on his back and to be snuggling up to him. I love it when toys are a success, and your children can't keep away from them. What is also good about Zed Fox is the reigns on the back, perfect for any toddler. Thank you so much for sharing Zed Fox with us at #fortheloveofBLOG. CLaire x

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