Time just seems to be running away with me and days slip into weeks, weeks slip into months and then months into years. Last Thursday, 14th July, Noah turned 3 and all I could think about was how did that happen! It feels like only yesterday that I led on the hospital bed, in heat exactly like now, holding our newborn son. Feeling the rush of emotion of becoming a Mummy and also of becoming a Mummy for the second time. I had worried about how could I love a child as much as I had done Finley but it is true your heart and the love it holds just doubles, it's incredible.

So on Wednesday night I was frantically wrapping up presents and dressing the living room for when Noah got up in the morning. We were off to Legoland so it would be a quick open presents, breakfast and then off in the car. The morning was a lot more chilled than I thought it would have been and I loved it because I had worried that we would have been running around frantically getting ready to leave. This may have been down to the fact I had been awake at 6.20am with the whole house still asleep and me unable to, I think I may have been more excited than Noah! I had got up and made the picnic so that was one less thing we needed to do. Noah made his way downstairs at 7am where his little face lit up as he saw the banners, balloons and presents. We had a lovely time opening his presents and getting lots of pictures before we needed to start getting ready to leave. Before we left the house we lit some candles and sang Happy Birthday as we wouldn't be back until after the boys bedtimes and we were hoping they would be asleep.

We left at 8.30am when my Mum arrived and got to Legoland at about 10.20am, this was brilliant timing as the park opens at 10am. We had prebooked tickets so only had to join a little queue before heading into the park. I won't write a whole account of the day as it was the usual ride after ride with some ice cream and playing in the park in between. We all had the best day and we stayed in the park until it closed at 6pm. There was just so much to do that I think we could go back but the boys got to enjoy all of the things they wanted which was the main thing. We had hardly any melt downs from either of the boys which made the day even better. We took a photo at the exact time that Noah had been born, which I thought was a lovely way to mark the day.
5.34pm on 14/7/16 - exactly 3 years after our family was made complete |
It was lovely to have my Mum with us as it was an extra pair of hands and also just nice to spend some time with here. I have got much better over the years with letting days like we had not stress me out. I used to worry if we didn't get everything done or if we didn't stick to time frames which I let slip this time and the day felt and went so much better. The boys got to choose a toy to take home and after some dinner at the services it all went to plan and they were fast asleep by the time we got home.

The next celebration was his party on Sunday. We had decided not to do a large party as we have done for both boys in previous years and we were keeping it low key at our house with just family and close friends. We woke to brilliant weather and after decorating the house and finishing off the cake which I had made, we were ready for Noah's guests. It was going to be just tea and cake but with the weather being so nice we got out the BBQ and got lots of nibbles which went down very well with all the kids, and the adults. I kept myself hydrated during the afternoon, along with my best friend, on Pimms and by 5pm I was nearly ready for bed!

The party was brilliant and it went on for about 3 hours where most of our loved ones were with us in celebrating Noah's turning 3. We had a bouncy castle and bubbles which are always a hit with the kids. Noah had the best time with his friends and didn't really stop until about 6.30pm when he was ready to drop. There was so much laughing and giggling which was just lovely to see and hear.
Nearly time for bed - as you can see Finley was still going strong! |
He had opened his presents as they had arrived and had been very spoilt, there was a definite theme of Paw Patrol which with every present he had squealed.
Once the party was over, the clean up had been done and the boys were in bed, I finally sat down and it dawned on me the Noah was 3. He was no longer a baby and he was infact now a preschooler. The past 3 years have gone by in a flash but I know we have done so much and made so many memories that even though he won't really remember we have captured on camera for him to look back in years to come.
Sometimes I want time to slow down but then I think about just how much fun we are having and realise that this is life, you need to live it to the fullest and love as hard as you can.