Thursday, 30 June 2016

Savouring Thursday's

Thursday's have been one of my favourite days since January and sometimes they can beat a weekend day! Yes there is the negative that Mr C isn't hope but I seem to get excited as we head towards Thursday whether we have plans or not. Why you may ask is this one of my favourite days? The reason being is that both boys are home and they don't have preschool. Our mornings aren't rushed and we can get dressed at 11.50 just before lunch if we want. Breakfast is always so much more relaxed as they can take an hour to eat it if they like and they can even have boiled eggs or bacon as we have the time. 

There is no packed lunch to make, which means I can sit and enjoy my hot cup of tea while watching Good Morning Britain. While I do this the boys can go and play in their bedrooms, be it sleep overs or the dreaded stepping stones with books without me stressing that time is short and they will need to tidy up. We like to get them to help tidy up so when your in a rush this is a big mission as they just take forever to get into cleaning up mode.

Thursday will beat a Sunday morning hands down. I love Sunday day but most Sunday mornings I will go for a run so it's out of bed, quick breakfast and off I go. This is my choice but that's why I am glad I have Thursday's still.

Soon these lazy Thursday's won't exist. Finley will have school and Noah will have preschool, we will be rushing to eat breakfast, fighting to get dressed and out the door to get to both settings on time. Soon we won't be able to laze around all day if we wish because our weekends will be precious and we will want to do things together. 

The other brilliant thing about a Thursday is that if we have a day out its not too busy. You get the usual non schoolers but there isn't the queues for things and the kids have a lot more room to play without me worrying that they might bump into someone. I can see them better without my eyes darting between a million and one children.

Now these Thursday's will only be here for another 3 weeks and that makes me sad. I know we have the summer holiday before the hustle and bustle starts but everyone will be off so places will be crowded but I suppose this is something I will have to get used to.

So for the next three Thursday's I think we will keep our plans simple with not going out too early, we will laze around watching Good Morning Britain and Paw Patrol until lunchtime because suddenly time has crept up on me and I don't want to miss a second.

Wednesday, 29 June 2016

Monthly Bucket List - Update and July's List

This month has been a pretty busy one and I have done quite well with last months bucket list. Here is a round up of last months list followed by this months new list.

1. Attend #BML16 (BritMums). Yep and it was brilliant. I got to meet so many lovely people that I talk to online all the time and it was great to put a face to the name.

2. Do some gardening. YES! We finally sorted the corner of our garden and have filled it with some plants we are hoping will spring into life to make the corner full of colour.

3. Finish my book. I literally have just finished it and it has given me the reading bug again so I am straight onto the next one, The Girl On The Train.

4. Go on a date night. Another yes as we got to go and see Jimmy Carr in Bath so we went for dinner before and a few cocktails.

5. Book a half marathon. This is still yet to be done but I will do it soon!

6. Organise the boys Christening. It isn't totally organised but I have got the wheels in motion and we have attended a service in preparation and we have chosen their Godparents.

Now here is July's bucket list.

1. Organise and throw Noah's 3rd birthday gathering. Noah will be 3 this month so we are throwing him a birthday gathering for all our close friends and family.

2. Get Finley organised for school. I want to have got everything sorted for Finley in September so that we can relax in August and enjoy or summer together.

3. Eat a little healthier. I have got into an awful habit of eating lots of junk food and making quick, easy meals. I need to start making a meal plan and making tea a lot more interesting and healthy.

4. Book that half marathon!

5. Organise our summer. With Finley starting school I want to make the most of this summer so I want to make sure we do as much as we can.
Run Jump Scrap!

Saturday, 25 June 2016

Just Another Linky #61

Welcome to week 61 of Just Another Linky with myself and Beth at Life As Mum. Last week was a great week for link up's and I loved reading each and every post. This is the place to link up any post, old or new, that you are really proud of and would like to share with others. We have a great selection of link up's each week so all topics and subjects are welcome.

As you read this I will be in London at BritMums - BML16 and mingling with fellow bloggers and hopefully learning something new to bring back to the blog.

The past week has been a hectic one as I am trying to organise for my weekend away and also our week away next week to Center Parcs. We are off there with my in-laws which we are all excited about some family time.

Now onto the linky.

Meet your hosts

Me - Kirsty - Something Crunchy Mummy - @crunchy_mummy
Beth - Life-As-Mum - @lifeasmumblog
Here are just a few linky rules:
  • No more than 2 posts a week - Please please please! There have been some people linking up more than this, please stick to just the 2 so it is fair on everyone.
  • Comment on the hosts posts and the post before yours, more if you can. This is just to ensure everyone gets a comment.
  • New or old posts welcome.
  • Grab the badge below so everyone knows where to find us.
Feel free to tweet your post, along with the hashtag #justanotherlinky, mentioning me @crunchy_mummy and Beth @lifeasmumblog and we will retweet.

By linking up to this linky you are giving Beth & Kirsty the right to copy one of your photos if you are chosen for the Favourite Post of the week.

We are open every Saturday from 12am until Monday at 11:55pm.

This weeks Favourite Post

My favourite post this week was from Coffee and Tantrums with a very powerful post to all mums with Perfectly 'imperfect' ; After-Baby Bodies.


Friday, 24 June 2016

Life, Laughter and New Adventures - What Made Me Happy This Week

I am a little bit early with this weeks happy post because I am off to London today to BML16, excited doesn't come close as I am meeting up with new and old blogging friends and I can already tell it is going to be an awesome weekend! The past week has been pretty chilled compared to our usual weeks but we have still had lots of fun and laughter with friends and family, that's what life is all about right?!

- Walks. We are incredibly lucky that we live in such a gorgeous town. Just your normal walk to the high street is gorgeous and sometimes it is easy to forget this. On Saturday we made a few trips up to the high street, one to the bakery and then one to the butchers. On one of them Noah needed a little rest!

- Washing. The boys enjoyed spending some time washing their bikes and scooters ready for our holiday.

- Father's Day. We had a brilliant Father's Day with it being pretty chilled as we went swimming and then had family over for a take away pizza in the evening. This was all at the request of Mr C so he was happy.

- Rain. Now this might be a strange one to add into a happy list but on waking Monday morning I moaned at it was chucking it down. We had our walk to preschool to do but it was made a happy one with wellies and umbrellas, even if Mummy lost her umbrella!

- Friends. I was incredibly lucky that this week I have had two evenings with friends. Monday was spent with my best friend dying our hair and drinking wine, far too much wine and on a school night eek! And then Tuesday my school friends and I had a hot tub party with pina coladas and wine, a little too much again, oops!

- School settling in. Finley went to his first settling in session at school on Wednesday and he loved it. While he was in the class room, the parents were given a talk on the school and what to expect. I have information overload but it is such an exciting time!

Marvellous Mondays badge by Hello Archie
What Katy Said

Thursday, 23 June 2016

Mummy Guilt....

I am suffering from a major bout of Mummy guilt at the moment and I have to say it's a pretty horrible feeling. It is horrible because the things that are making me have these feelings are also things that have made me happy. Over the past few weeks we have been busy with having plans most weekends and our weeks being filled with play dates and days out, but these have all involved the boys. But it is the plans of the past few days and the coming days that have made my Mummy guilt creep up and have made me feel crappy when thinking about it. And I have even lost sleep over it.

On Tuesday I went to a friends house to celebrate her and her sisters birthday where we had dinner and drank pina coladas in her hot tub. This was brilliant until I got home and got into bed and started over thinking. All of a sudden I realised that I wouldn't be bathing and putting the boys to bed now until Sunday night. I had running club yesterday evening, CrossFit this evening and both of these run 7-8 which means I miss bath time. This is usual in the week when Mr C gets to have some quality time with the boys but this week is different as on Friday I am off to BritMums! I am lucky enough to be staying two nights and coming home lunchtime on Sunday.

I love the plans I have but just in the back of my mind I am feeling like a terrible mummy for missing bed time and having a few days away.

So last night I bathed the boys at 6pm before Mr C got home to take a little bit of pressure off of him so all he had to do was put the munchkins to bed, and also so the last bath time I did wasn't Monday evening. I may also do the same this evening before I go to CrossFit just so that I feel I am doing something. Which is pretty stupid seeing it written down as I am with them all day, everyday - apart from when they are at preschool. I normally do bath time along with Mr C and I will read their book to them every night when I am home, so it's not like I don't do any of this. But I think because I normally do it I think I am letting them down and also as I have a weekend away I feel like I should give them all my time before I go!

This is the worst that the Mummy guilt has been, as I have had bouts of it previously but not at this extent. I do have it on a daily basis for just silly little things but I think we all do. I am finding myself trying to make up for my weekend away and just generally feeling guilty about leaving them.

But thinking about it I don't think there is anything I, or any other parent for that matter, can do about this guilt. I think it just comes with the territory as we love them so much and we don't want to feel like we are letting them down! 

A Cornish Mum

Mudpie Fridays

Saturday, 18 June 2016

Date Night, Friends & A 12 Mile Run - What Made Me Happy This Week

This week has just gone by in a blur as it's just gone by so fast. We haven't done more than we would do normally but this week seems to have gone so quickly, but it has been filled with a lot of fun.

- Preschool fete. I started my weekend by helping out at Finley's preschool summer fete on the cake stall. It was great that so many people came and supported the preschool.

- Jimmy Carr. For Mr C's birthday in May I got him tickets to see Jimmy Carr in Bath and Saturday was the night. We made the most of it and went for dinner and cocktails before the gig. It was lovely to just chill and have a laugh, Jimmy was hilarious!

- A Sunday run. On Sunday I joined my running club on their half marathon training 12 mile run. It was great to get out and clock up some miles, even if I did get a little injury which I am hoping is nothing. The route was one we haven't done before and we finished with bacon sandwiches - perfect!

- Abbey Visit. We went to the Abbey where got married in on Sunday to start the process of getting the boys Christened. We are starting to make more of an effort to attend the services as life gets in the way but the community are so lovely.

- Wine, cheese and best friends. Monday was a wine and cheese night with two of my best friends and we had a brilliant night putting the world to rights and I even got to have guinea pig cuddles.

- Baking. On Tuesday I looked after a friends little girl so to pass the time and to keep the kidlets happy we did some baking, which they loved and especially loved eating!

- Flowers. I have some beautiful pink roses brightening up our living room.

- Pictures. I have finally got round to digging out the photos from our old house that have been in a box since our move. We now have some family photos, mostly of the boys, in our new house and it is all starting to come together.

- Rudimetal. On Thursday we went and saw Rudimental with some of our friends at the local arboretum. It was awesome!! It rained a little but with the Gin and dancing that didn't stop us from having a good time.

- Drawing. Finley has recently really got into doing lots of drawings so this week I have been presented with some great pictures which are now on the fridge, and more keep on coming!

What Katy Said
Pink Pear Bear
My Random Musings
Mudpie Fridays

Just Another Linky #60

Welcome to week 60 of Just Another Linky with myself and Beth at Life As Mum. This is the place to link up any post, old or new, that you are really proud of and would like to share with others. We have a great selection of link up's each week so all topics and subjects are welcome.

The past week has flown by and I am not sure where it has gone. I have so much to organise and plan before next weeks BML16 as we are off on holiday on the Monday after I get home. Finley has his first settling in session at school next week which is all very exciting!

Now onto the linky. We added in a new rule last week after finding some posts hadn't been getting any comment love and it has worked a bit. There are still some posts that aren't getting any comments so if I could direct you to the new rule which is in orange that would be brilliant. Thank you! 

Meet your hosts

Me - Kirsty - Something Crunchy Mummy - @crunchy_mummy
Beth - Life-As-Mum - @lifeasmumblog
Here are just a few linky rules:
  • No more than 2 posts a week - Please please please! There have been some people linking up more than this, please stick to just the 2 so it is fair on everyone.
  • Comment on the hosts posts and the post before yours, more if you can. This is just to ensure everyone gets a comment.
  • New or old posts welcome.
  • Grab the badge below so everyone knows where to find us.
Feel free to tweet your post, along with the hashtag #justanotherlinky, mentioning me @crunchy_mummy and Beth @lifeasmumblog and we will retweet.

By linking up to this linky you are giving Beth & Kirsty the right to copy one of your photos if you are chosen for the Favourite Post of the week.

We are open every Saturday from 12am until Monday at 11:55pm.

This weeks Favourite Post

My favourite post this week was by Comply or Cry with her post called Comply or Cry. Pop over and take a read, it's very honest post.


Friday, 17 June 2016

Nerf Super Soaker Squall Surge Water Gun - Review

With the weather hotting up when I was asked if we would like to review the Nerf Super Soaker Squall Surge Water Gun there was no other answer than yes. The boys have never had a water guns before so when the Nerf Super Soaker Squall Surge arrived they couldn't wait to get using it. Luckily for us it arrived at the perfect time with the sun beating down and it was incredibly hot so they needed something to cool down while running around in the garden.

Swim shorts and sun cream on the boys were let lose in the garden with the water gun. I had purchased a little Nurf water gun for Noah as I knew there would be arguments over just the one and I thought if they had one each they wouldn't squeal about only one of them getting wet. I was kind and I did fill them up with warmish water as I think they may have been so tears if it had been really cold.

They had the most awesome time and I lost count of the number of times that I filled up the gun and to hear the squeals of happiness coming from the garden was lovely.

The Nerf Super Soaker Squall Surge Water Gun isn't your average water gun as it has a pressurised trigger which means on pressing the trigger it delivers a surging stream of water which can travel up to 10.6m. The more you pump the trigger at the front. the further the water will go. It was really simple to use and Finley got the hang of it straight away and by the end of the water fight we were all pretty wet!

The water gun has a water tank at the back of the gun which holds 473ml of water which is a decent amount of water which means you aren't being asked every two minutes to fill it up again. 

It has also been very helpful in watering the plants - its not child labor, honest! This was and is a huge hit in our house and I know it will be used all summer long and for years to come. I would totally recommend this fantastic water gun as it has already brought us so many hours fun.

The Nerf Super Soaker Squall Surge Water Gun retails on Argos for £16.99, in my mind this is a brilliant prince for a toy this brilliant!

* I was sent the Nerf Super Soaker Squall Surge Water Gun to review and all opinions are 100% my own.*
A Cornish Mum


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