Tuesday, 1 December 2015

Me & Mine ~ November

This month we have Auntie Sara joining us :-)

We are finally here, December and it's Christmas time! But where did November go? It's been another busy one for us with some lovely memories made but here is what we have loved in November.

Mummy is loving:

* A lovely day shopping with my Mum and Nan
* Completing my third 10k this year in a personal best time of 58 minutes
* Ovaltine - my pre bedtime drink of choice
* Taking the boys ice-skating for the first time
* Fireworks night with our friends

Daddy is loving:

* His new Xbox One
* Quality time with the boys while mummy went off shopping
* Being a big kid and going down the slide at the farm park
* The Hot UK Deals app!
* Getting to watch his television series

Finley is loving:

* Meeting Father Christmas at his magical castle
* Feeding the goats at the farm park on his cousins 1st birthday
* Trying out ice-skating for the first time and not falling over
* Shimmer and Shine on Nick Jr
* Playing with Uncle Ryan

Noah is loving:

* Making gingerbread men
* Celebrating his cousins 1st birthday at the farm park
* Lots of play dates with his best friend Eva
* Visiting Father Christmas
* Costa dates with Mummy while Finley is at preschool

dear beautiful
A Cornish Mum
You Baby Me Mummy
Mami 2 Five


  1. well done on a fab 10k time breaking the hour is a great achievement! - gingerbread men! YUMMY :p #TwinklyTuesdays

  2. Wow to your running, that sounds a great achievement #TwinklyTuesdday

  3. How lovely to have a monthly list of all the positives. Great running times too! x

  4. Great post well on 10k run fantastic time huge fan of Xbox one so well done dad he will love it boys have had a very busy time too lovely read xx

  5. Well done you with your 10Ks!!!! That is awesome chick — well done — and in such a quick time too!! We are off to take the boys to see Santa for the very first time this year!! Am excited/apprehensive all rolled into one — I hope they don't freak out!! ;) #TwinklyTuesday

  6. Oh what a brilliant month and congratulations on your 10k time. A lovely picture too. Enjoy your Costa dates x #mg

  7. That sounds like fun for everyone. :)

  8. Lovely photo of you all. Well done for completing your third 10k and that's a great time too. Ovaltine is a great pre-bedtime drink - haven't had it for ages and I now want one! Glad your boys enjoyed meeting Father Christmas and well done to Finley on not falling over when ice-skating. Love the sound of your Costa dates with Noah as well :-)

  9. You are so right where did that November month go? Well done on your personal best. Meeting Santa and making gingerbread men sounds fun. Happy December #justanotherlinky

  10. Sounds like you've had a wonderful month. I love the "ember" months and the build up to Christmas. Well done on the run! Dawn x #justanotherlinky

  11. Thats a pretty impressive time. Good for you

  12. So I impressed on another 10k - a great time! #justanotherlinky

  13. OH I love this list! So much good stuff happening in your home, it's so feel good. #justanotherlinky

  14. November was a great month for you all it seems! Well done on your running time, it would take me that long to run 1K.xx #justanotherlinky

  15. Well done with the running!x #justanotherlinky

  16. Sounds like a lovely month, amazing running! I'm in awe of that :) Thanks for linking up to #PicknMix

    Stevie x

  17. Shopping is fun isn't it! Well unless it's too busy that is. And making gingerbread sounds good to me. Thanks for sharing #mg

  18. Sounds like an excellent month! I love the sound of all your highlights: personal bests, ovaltine evenings and ladies out shopping sounds fabulous :) #justanotherlinky

  19. What a lovely idea to make a sum up of your busy week! I love Ovaltine and visiting Santa too! ;) #SundayStars

  20. Awww Costa dates with mummy! And well done on the race. I so miss running and half maras etc. 2016...need to fix myself and go back to it! #JustAnotherLinky



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