Sunday 31 January 2016

Monthly Bucket List - Update & February

So we are heading fast and furiously into February which means its time to recap on the bucket list I made at the beginning of the month, so here goes.

1. Get back into my running ready for my half marathon in March. Yep I have done this with running a couple of 5k's a week and then with a 14k and 10k at the end of the month.

2. Keep up with my plan of a photo a day with Project 366. Pretty impressed but yes I have managed to do this!

3. Increase my online presence. I have done my very best, I think I have been better with Instagram than other online platforms so that's one to still work on.

4. Get back to eating healthier. Um, kind of! I was doing so well and then found a biscuit spread that I got obsessed with but once that tub had gone I was back onto it.

5. Do a few more arts and crafts with the boys. I did do this one. Finley and I made a crab from one of the craft sets he got at Christmas and we made a few birthday cards which included painting.

6. Get organised. We are getting there, its a work in progress.

I am back for another month to link up with Beth at Twinderelmo. I am loving the monthly bucket list as it's little steps rather than big leaps and they are great to look back at throughout the month and keep an eye on.

So here is my February bucket list:

1. Bake a little more. I love baking but I don't do it as much as I used to. I need to find the time to do it and try and get the boys involved. The only problem is I end up eating it all!

2. Carry on with my half marathon training. After my last big run my fitness took a hit, my muscles didn't like it, so I need to keep with the slow and steady and not cause any injuries before the big race.

Read some more. I started a new book at the start of January and so far it is good but I'm being really slow with it, so I would like to really get stuck into it.

4. Do some proper sorting. We are so close to moving, there have been a few hiccups, but I want to start to get organised with it so it's not such a shock when it actually happens.

5. Organise my blog. I am loving the writing but I am very aware that I need to start looking at my blog layout and just get organised with it all.

6. Get into Lean in 15. I have seen the book Lean in 15 a lot recently so I went onto Amazon and purchased it. It looks great with the eating and fitness so I hope to start following it.

There we have it, my February list. Again they aren't huge things but I believe achievable goals mean less disappointment.

New Mummy Blog
Mudpie Fridays


  1. Sounds like you had a good month :) Crazy running lady, you make me tired just reading about your running ha! Amazing though, in awe of your fitness - can I borrow some?

    Stevie xx #MonthlyBucketList

  2. I love running and need to get back out there - its just too cold! lol Im doing the lean in 15 too starting this coming week and have been working on my meal plan etc so it will be good to compare notes on recipes etc :)

  3. Sounds like you've had a productive month! Marathon training must be so difficult! I struggle with a standard half hour Davina workout! I wish I could get into Lean in 15 but I dont eat meat or fish. :( Ray x #MonthlyBucketList

  4. I managed to make a bucket list back in October and I seem to have managed to tick off most things - making lists really does seem to help me. Well done for sticking to your. Sarah #mg

  5. Sounds like a fab lists! Have not really thought of making a monthly bucket list but I find it a good idea as it gives your goals to strive and achieve it. Lovely post! #mg

  6. I like the idea of a monthly bucket list! I start most days with a to do list but its so disheartening to never see a tick on it!! Maybe my February bucket list would say to get more motivated! #TheBabyFormula

  7. I like this idea - keeps you on your toes a bit more I think! It's sometimes nice just to have a plan and an outlook as well. Looks like you stuck to your list too! #TheBabyFormula

  8. good on you, you are doing really well, keep it up! #mg

  9. Thanks for sharing! I agree a monthly bucket list keeps me on top of things, at least it's a reminder of that thing you keep putting off :-)

    Thanks for sharing, #TheBabyFormula

  10. Well done on the training - having just started couch to 5k you are a GOD!
    Biscuit spread? Sounds utterly heavenly.
    I need to tidy up my blog too - thinking of a possible revamp EEK! Enjoy baking & thanks so much for linking up. Good luck for February! xx

  11. I think February is the month for organizing! I am the same way & I've read a few posts saying the same thing as well. It's hard to find the time to change something on the blog but it's good to do that every now & then. Thanks so much for linking up with #bloggerclubuk x



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