Saturday, 23 January 2016

Snapshot Saturday #2

I had all  good intentions of joining in with Debs at Super Busy Mum every Saturday but some how I managed to miss two weeks! I still haven't got that organisation I talked about at the start of the year organised haha!

But I'm back with my second Snapshot Saturday which is a photo of my youngest Noah. I love this photo as he was looking at for his older brother who was being dropped off from preschool. Naughty Mummy let him sit on the windowsill, with supervision, and I couldn't help but go and grab my camera.

I still haven't got the whole flash/light thing sussed and I am still a complete newbie to photography. Any advice on lighting welcome!

Super Busy Mum


  1. Hi Kirsty, how cute. I wonder what is running through his mind as he waits? I have no idea about lighting either, or most of the camera settings either. Finding the time to sit and learn isn't easy.


  2. This is so cute! #SaturdaySnapshot

  3. This photo is adorable and you have a great source of light - the window. I think it is fab #snapshotsaturday

  4. I've missed a few weeks too and I feel as though I have absolutely no idea how to use my camera, I just point + shoot to be honest with you! Oh well ;)
    Lovely photo, he is so cute!



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