Sunday, 7 February 2016

A Poorly 2 Year Old Makes The Terrible Two's Terribly Terrible

We all know toddlers can be a little bit grumpy, especially those of the 2 year old kind. But when they are poorly that grumpiness is heightened on a magnificent scale.

Since Thursday night Noah has been showing signs that he is coming down with something. He didn't sleep very well that night and when he came home from preschool on Friday he was all stuffy and just wanted cuddles. We were planning on going to Pizza Hut for tea but he was going down hill quickly so we decided to leave it for another time as he wouldn't enjoy it.

We dosed him up on Calpol before bed and to our surprise he slept through the night, a good 12 hours. When he woke up I had hoped this sleep would have blown away the cold but unfortunately he was a little bit worse.

Now Noah is very strong willed at the best of times and can be a little bit stroppy when he doesn't get his own way but with his added cold he really wasn't happy. He was crying at the drop of a hat, he was screaming if Finley went anywhere near him when he was playing with something and he was being that little bit more naughty. One example was he got hold of the neck of Finley's jumper and tried to pull him along the floor, because he wanted him to play with him!

One minute he wanted Mummy and the next it was Daddy, and once my Mum and Nan arrived it was one of them too. It was a tough day.

It got close to bed time and his nose was streaming, he had a terrible cough that was nearly constant and he had puppy dog eyes which were very red. It was only 5.30pm so far too early for a bath so we decided to do some baking. After the cakes were prepped and in the oven I proceeded to do the washing up and in the next room all I could hear was Noah screeching at Finley. I did my best to intervene but Noah wasn't having any of it and was ultra ultra grumpy.

It got to bath time and I popped them both in the bath, this wasn't all that traumatic but the exiting of the bath was. Noah just cried, he wanted a cuddle and then didn't want a cuddle, the floor was wet with the littlest bit of water and he then wanted a hot cross bun! But he did end the day with a smile as he tucked Mickey Mouse into his bed.

I know we all feel rotten when we are poorly so I can totally understand him being a little bit more grumpy but when they are in the midst of terrible two's it is pretty tough on us parents.
Mami 2 Five
my petit canard
A Bit Of Everything
Run Jump Scrap!


  1. Oh no - I'll children in general aren't great! Although as they get older it is a bit easier. Zach has been ill all week and he's just succumbed to it - mainly laying on the sofa. The sleep thing - that's a ruddy nightmare. I haven't had a full night sleep in over a week! Hope Noah is feeling better now. #SundayStars

  2. Oh no - I'll children in general aren't great! Although as they get older it is a bit easier. Zach has been ill all week and he's just succumbed to it - mainly laying on the sofa. The sleep thing - that's a ruddy nightmare. I haven't had a full night sleep in over a week! Hope Noah is feeling better now. #SundayStars

  3. Awwww poor Noah (and you!) hope he is feeling better soon. It's awful when they are feeling poorly and they don't know what to do with themselves and as a result you don't know what to do for the best either. Hope that you are having a better Sunday #sundaystars

  4. Hope he feels better soon. This has been a winter full of sick kids so far

  5. Aww! Bless him! I hope he feels better soon. x

  6. I totally sympathise! All four have us have been ill in the last week = 1 grumpy baby, 1 grumpy toddler & 2 very grumpy adults! Wishing Noah better #SundayStars

    Nicole (

  7. Pretty tough indeed. Winter is a tough time for us and then. Sitting here not looking forward to school pick up in driving rain. Poor kids. Thanks for linking up to #sundaystars

  8. Awr poor Noah, and poor you! I hope he is feeling better soon, it is no fun for anyone when they're ill.


  9. Oh no! Sounds like one hell of a day! I'm impressed you had any energy to bake at 5pm. Good on you for recognising his feelings above your own. On days like that it can be really tough to be sympathetic.

  10. It is so tough on us as parents. I feel so sad for them when they are poorly I think they feel so confused by it all. Aspen used to cry so much because her nose was annoying her which made more snot, it drove me mad, but I knew she just didn't get it and didn't understand why she felt so awful. Hope things are all better xx #mg

  11. Oh it is hard for them when they're ill and I don't blame them for being grumpy! I get grumpy myself! Thanks for sharing with #abitofeverything

  12. Illness is just the worst! I feel as if I constantly worry about A coming down with something, and now he's 2 I can imagine it would be so much worse. :( Hope your little one is feeling better asap. Thanks for linking up to #MarvMondays. Kaye xo



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