Friday, 19 February 2016

What Made Me Happy This Week #1

This week hasn't been one of the best if I am totally honest as our house has been struck by nasty bugs. But it has meant we have had a lot of time at home and together. Even thought it has been a rough week there are always the happy moments to be found within the most turbulent weeks. I thought I would link up with What Katy Said and Quite Frankly She Said to highlight the happiness that can hide behind the rough days.

1. Cuddles with my boys. As I said we have all been poorly but this has meant lots of long, snuggly cuddles. I do normally get cuddles as they are very loving boys but they are normally between playing and very swift, so even though it was down to illness it has been lovely.
2. Lazy days. With us all feeling a little poop we have had 4 whole days at home. And they have been days doing nothing which we don't normally do. I daren't look in my washing basket but it has been worth it chilling out.

3. Playing with friends. Before the sickness hit we had a day on Monday at a playgroup where the boys played and bounced on the bouncy castle. Then followed by lunch at our friends. It was lovely to have some chilled out, fun time with them.

4. Exchanging and completing the sale of our house. This is sort of a bitter sweet moment as we are only completing on our house now, and then renting it, before our new houses chain is ready to exchange. So as of today we no longer own our house and are renting it from the new owners. But it is one step closer to moving.

5. Having naps. Due to the sickness again we have all been enjoying a nap during the day and even though it's not been down to a nice reason, it has been nice to just chill.

6. A dinner dance with the Husband. We were very lucky to go to a dinner dance last Saturday night, it was lovely to get dressed up and let our hair down while the in-laws had the boys.

7. Disney movies. We have just downloaded Disney Life as the boys, and me, are totally obsessed with Disney. This is an obsession I am happy about.

What Katy Said
Running in Lavender
Pink Pear Bear


  1. You haves lots to be happy about. Cuddles are just the best and a least you're one step closer to moving - yay. Buying, selling exchanging property it's such a stressful time for anyone! Oooo you both look great at your dinner dance, hope you had fun letting your hair down! #justanotherlinky

  2. I love a happy list especially when it's been a less an great week as it really helps you to see the fabulous things in your life and stop taking things for granted. We love a movie night and congrats on the completion of your house sale.

  3. Such a great idea to rent your home from the new owner whilst yours chain is getting ready to complete. One step closer lovely :)

  4. This sickness bug seems to be sweeping the nation. But you are right, the good things that come out of it are the snuggles on the sofa watching your favourite kids films together. It's also lovely to see that look they give you when they need the re-assurance that you are there for them. Magic. #justanotherlinky

  5. Hope you are all feeling much better. Moving can be very stressful are you going far? Good luck with everything. #just another linky lifeinthemumslane

  6. Hope you are all feeling much better. Moving can be very stressful are you going far? Good luck with everything. #just another linky lifeinthemumslane

  7. Hi Kirsty, I love that you can still look at the positive after a lousy week. Spending quiet time at home maybe what the Doctor ordered, but it was a necessary treat this week (and who doesn't secretly enjoy a Disney movie?). It must be strange renting what used to be your house, I hope you move into your own house again very soon.


  8. Hoping that everyone feels better soon. I love how you could still find the sparks of happiness shining under that heavy cloud. I don't understand your moving process, sounds quite interesting but yay!!!! I'm happy things are moving along for you! ~Lowanda of Sunshine and Elephants #justanotherlinky

  9. Nice to get out of the house once in a while. Hope you're all feeling a bit better by now

  10. I have started a happy list too this week! After feeling shite (lol) for so long I need some positives and hope this has made you feel better. Despite the illness you have had some highs; the dinner dance and napping must be lovely! Enjoy Disney; we love it too! xx #happydays

  11. Theres always a reason to be happy when there are Disney movies about! Particularly InsideOut
    Andy @DadsSofa

  12. Great list lovely. Cuddles and lazy days are the best!

  13. Half term is lovely for lazy days isn't it? Sounds like a great week #justanotherlinky

  14. Congrats on the sale of your house! You look really lovely at the dinner dance with your hubby, how fun. I love lazy days at home with the family too :) Thanks so much for hosting! x

  15. Love this - lazy days are wonderful!! And so nice you got to have a date night too! xx #HappyDaysLinky

  16. Lovely list :). It's so nice to look back on all the happy

  17. Love a happy list. I should do this as I always find it hard to think of happy things #justanotherlinky

  18. We've all been ill too, but as you say the bit of down time is quite nice! Never heard of anyone selling their house & then renting it from the new owners - that's a pretty good idea! Much better than having to do an extra temporary move until new house ready! Dinner dance looks like fun! #justanotherlinky

  19. What a lovely list, all those things make me very happy from naps to Disney movies and date nights. It's been a long time since my husband and I had a date night - I miss them!! Thank you so much for linking up to #SundayStars xx

  20. I love these posts because it make you realise just how much we have to be grateful for :-) #justanotherlinky

  21. We are all poorly in this house too! It seems you have a lot to be happy about though! Big fans of Disney here too! Just got home from Disneyland Paris.

  22. Sometimes it's totally needed to have some total down time. Your week still sounds quite nice actually, despite not feeling well, the snuggles, the disney and most of all the naps sound lovely! Thanks so much for linking up with us! #bigpinklink

  23. A dinner dance sounds fab and you both look amazing! Congratulations on selling your house, hopefully not long until you're in your new house. Thanks for linking up to #HappyDaysLinky x

  24. Yay for completing on your house- such a relief isn't it? Hope the bugs are all gone now. Thank you for sharing in #HappyDaysLinky x



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