Saturday, 4 June 2016

A Girly Day, Seaside Fun & Family Time - What Made Me Happy This Week

The past week has flown by but it in all honesty has been an awesome week. We have all had so much fun and a bit of time to recoupe which has been much needed.

- Sorting out our garden. We finally got around to sorting the corner of our garden that was a little neglected. We went to a local nursery with my Nan and chose some plants that were low maintenance but that would also make the garden look pretty. After a tea and cake break we even planted them so that they weren't just hanging around.

- Completing another 10k with a PB. On Sunday I ran a 10k race with my running club and competed it with a new personal best time of 55 minutes and 31 seconds, I was pretty proud but also pretty knackered. 

- Having my Dad over for the day. After my race on Sunday we had my Dad and his partner over for the afternoon, after a cuppa we headed on out to show them the area as they haven't been here properly since we moved it. We had a lovely walk finished with an ice cream and then pizza at home - perfect!

- The Duck Race. On Monday as it was Bank Holiday we headed to a Duck Race which we have never been to before and I don't know why, it was great. So much for the boys to see and do and they loved watching all the ducks for down the river and tried to spot ours.

- Mummy time. With the boys at Nana and Dandan's I went out for a shopping day with my best friend on Wednesday. Her little girl was having the day with her Grandad so it was literally just us and the shops - pure bliss. The conversation flowed and we shopped until we dropped, we even had a cheeky drink with our lunch as we were child free.

- The boys having a holiday.My Mother-in-law picked the boys up on Tuesday lunchtime and took them to her house by the seaside for a few days. From the moment they left I felt lost but they had the most awesome time, they went to the park and swam in the sea. Everything two little boys dreams are made of, and lots of ice cream and lots of love!

- Fun at the seaside. I went to pick the boys up on Thursday and I got down there about lunchtime. As the sun was shining we decided to spend the day there and head home after bath time to make the most of the weather.

- Garden fun. The boys are at an age now that they love playing games so on Saturday we go Twister out and played it in the garden. We were very lucky and on Friday the sun shone for us so we spent most of the day in the garden jumping on the trampoline and playing all the new garden games Mr C had sources on Amazon.

- Movie night. We hadn't yet had a movie night in the new house so we did on Monday, we had popcorn and sweets while watching The Peanut Movie.

What Katy Said
Marvellous Mondays badge by Hello Archie
My Random Musings


  1. Ah you are always so busy! Well done on the running! So fab. I am very jealous of your lunchtime wine. very nice! The duck race looks so funny. Have a fab weekend x#happydays

  2. Lovely to come over to your blog honey from Marvellous Summer Mondays! I follow you on social and have done for ages. You look like you've had such a busy week. I really look forward to when my son Noah is old enough to play games. He's 16 months and the attention span is still VERY short! Charlie x ( - your blog doesn't allow me to comment properly) x

  3. We also have a duck race here and it is so much fun. That's quite a busy week you've all had, it's so nice to get out and do things in this beautiful weather. Thanks for linking up to #MarvMondays. Kaye xo

  4. Oh a lovely round-up with some photos and congratulations on another personal best!! Have you changed anything in your training that has caused all of these new PBs? #bloggerclubuk

  5. Might be a weird question but is that real grass in your garden? If so then how do you keep it so nice?? Aaaaanyhooo.... well done on the run time - I would be crawling in at about 2 hours for 10K!! Ha!! Thank you for sharing in #HappyDaysLinky x

  6. I love getting out in the garden! Well done on your 10k that is amazing! I joined a running club a few weeks ago, we are 5 weeks in, eek! Thanks for linking up to #HappyDaysLinky x

  7. What a lovely week. You did so many fun things. Congratulations on the new PB!
    Thanks for linking up to #BloggerClubUK :)



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