Wednesday, 25 February 2015

I was a little lost but I'm back!

I've not been blogging for long. I started my blog at the beginning of January and went feet first, all in and started writing, tweeting and communicating with lots of lovely mummy bloggers and loved it. The blogging community is amazing and I am so glad I am getting the chance to be part of it. I was joining in with linkys and blogging about 4 times a week.
But then something happened.
I'm not sure what.
I'm not sure if it was our family week away with not much internet access or the fact that I was starting to do a little bit of work for my husbands office at home. But all of a sudden I felt really lost within the blogging world.
I wanted to write but I wasn't too sure what to write about and I kind of lost my way with the linkys. I slipped into a mode where I just wanted to spend time with the boys and my little family.
I stopped really venturing on Twitter and Facebook and kind of became a recluse to the cyber world. I also stopped posting so much on my personal face book page as I got very conscious of the fact that maybe people didn't want to see a million and one photos of me and my children just because I love to see them.
As I write this I feel very emotional. There is a knot in my stomach and I don't know why. My children are growing up so fast right in front of my eyes and I don't want to miss a second of it.

This may have been at the back of my mind when I stopped writing for a week or so but I then realised my blog is a place for me to document and save such cherished memories and stories of my children and family that in years to come I can look back on.
I love blogging and I know I haven't been doing it for very long but after a little break I'm back. Not sure why I had the break but it has made me want to write more!

1 comment:

  1. There must be something in the water, i wrote a similar post the other day as ive been feeling pretty much exactly the same! Its all a bit overwhelming being new to the blog world isnt it it seems in both our cases a step back was needed before ploughing on. Dont stop writing! Xx



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