Tuesday, 31 March 2015

Me & Mine - March 2015

This month seems to have flown by. Once again we have jam packed the month as we do each month. I think this may be the main reason it goes so quickly. It has been lovely with lots of family time and days out.

We started the month with a little bit of baking which I normally shy away from as I'm not that great with mess but it wasn't too bad. And Finley loved it so that's always the main thing, I keep telling myself! We had World Book day which saw Finley go to pre school dressed as the Gruffalo, his most favourite book character at the moment and I was lucky enough that Sainsbury's did a Gruffalo costume. (I'm sorry I cheated!)

When the sun shone we spent a lot of time outside, whether it be in the garden, on walks or to one of our favourite places at the minute - our local Arboretum.

We have filled our weekdays with playdates with our best friends which involved tea, cake and lots of playing.

We had a day with nothing planned in the middle of the month so I loaded the car and took just the 3 of us to soft play as we were getting cabin fever from being home most of the week. The boys, and me, had a great time with Finley doing some Mothers Day crafts making me a card and a bouquet of flowers from crate paper.

March also saw Mothers Day which I was lucky enough to spend with my little family along with my Mum and Nan. We had the best day just chilling at eating far too much food at Mum's house. I am incredibly lucky to have my husband that made me feel like a queen on Mothers Day, like he does most days.

Just last weekend we spent our Sunday at the local farming college for their Lambing Weekend along with some friends of ours. It was a brilliant day and the boys got to get up close to all sorts of farm animals, Noah wasn't that much of a fan though. It really was a great family day out and memories were created that will stay with me forever.

With Easter fast approaching as we creep into April, we have been to an Easter craft session this week and made some lovely Easter bits. We spent the day with my Nan which saw the boys posing with Easter bonnets, and a Santa's hat!

Our last day of March saw us spending it with an old friend and her children. It was great to see our children playing together as we once did 25 years ago. We stopped off on our way home at my husbands Grandmas house to say hi and the boys were treated to many biscuits and Easter eggs.

Mummy is loving:

Woodland walks

Running in preparation for my 10k in May

Lighter evenings

Daddy is loving:


Days out with the boys now the weather is picking up (well it was)

Our sister in laws easter gift of a cardboard egg full of sweets

Finley is loving:

Toy Story

Scooting on his scooter

Feeding the ducks

Noah is loving:

Cats (totally obsessed)

Mr Tumble


I'm looking forward to April that has lots of fun things planned for the family. And to eating lots and lots of chocolate!

I'm linking up with Lucy at Dear Beautiful for this months Me & Mine.

dear beautiful
Let's Talk Mommy


  1. Awww looks liks you have been busy! Lovely to read what is keeping you and your family busy =) #sharewithme

    1. Thank you - such a great linky to remind us of our month xx

  2. Aaah such a lovely pic of you all! Finley is the spit of his mama! #MeandMine

    Caro | www.thetwinklediaries.co.uk

  3. What a gorgeous family photo this month. Beautiful! Happy and full of love. Thanks for linking up to Share With Me. Happy Easter! #sharewithme and #meandmine

  4. Gorgeous post - isn't it lovely now the evenings are brighter, the days are warmer (although very windy!). It's such a lovely time of year where it's so much easier to escape the house! It sounds like you've already been having lots of family fun times! Thanks so much for linking up with #twinklytuesday



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