Thursday, 19 March 2015

My Captured Moment #10

My Captured Moment this week is from autumn last year. We tried to hold onto summer for as long as we could by still going out as much as we could and having as many park visits as possible. Knowing that soon we would be in winter mode and not want to get out of our pj's to leave the house.

Finley is so much fun and is always wanting selfies. Definitely his mothers son! So when he asked for a selfie while we were on the big circle string swing I couldn't say no.

And I adore this picture. His cheekiness just shines through and his happiness of being outside can't be hidden. I love this little dude so much - he makes everyday that little tougher but also fills everyday with so much love! 

Running in Lavender


  1. Such a gorgeous photo, you both look so happy. Bring on the summer..
    #mycapturedmoment xx

  2. It's a fabulous photo, the joy just jumps out at you x

  3. You both look so happy and content in this picture and the love you have for each other really shines through. Your boy really looks like you too!! Thank you so much for linking up to #mycapturedmoment xx



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