Wednesday, 4 March 2015

My Ordinary Moment #5

The idea of baking with the boys is lovely but really the reality is not so lovely. I find it rather stressful! I think it may be due to me being a 'little' bit of a control freak but with kids I am realising I need to just let it go (sorry!) sometimes. And because of the stress involved we don't do baking together that often. I do a lot of baking by myself, making cakes for family and friends, also making biscuits for the boys as they eat so much! So this week on Tuesday when we popped to the shops we stocked up on fun baking ingredients such as mini chocolate coated buttons for gingerbread men, chocolate chips and sugar star decorations. Then after soft play I thought lets do this!


I thought as it was already 4pm the easiest would be to make white chocolate chip cookies. And to my surprise it wasn't as stressful as I had thought. Yes Finley did open all the cupboards while stood up on the chair next to me, and grabbed everything in arms length but I could handle that.

He loved it. And so did I! Once I had mixed the butter and sugar together myself as it was a little tough for him to do, I let him do some mixing.

I wanted him to feel as involved as he could in the baking process. As this was a very simple recipe we added in the flour, egg, vanilla essence and then the chocolate chips.

We then had to roll the mixture into little balls and cook for about 10 minutes each.

Finley was very impressed with what we had made and as soon as they were out the oven wanted to eat them straight away. Once they had cooled we did a taste test (I was too busy scoffing my face to get a picture of Finley eating one!) and they were scrummy.

This short 20 minute baking session was lovely (a little stressful) and has given me the confidence to do another very soon. Onto gingerbread men next! I then made a cake by myself haha!




  1. Aw it sounds like you had a lovely time baking. I do enjoy doing it with my girls but yes sometimes it definitely isn't a stress free experience as I hate mess. But their little faces are worth it! That cake looks amazing too! x

  2. I'm so glad other people feel the same way. My 3 yr old loves to bake- I can't peel a carrot without her pulling a chair over and climbing up but I do find it stressful. I made brownies on my own last week and it was so easy!

  3. Aw lovely!!! So nice when activities work out well. I'm such a control freak when it comes to cooking and baking so let Amelia make a mess with cake batter is SO stressful for me! Cookies looked yummy though- Thanks for linking up and hope to see you again tomorrow! #MummyMonday xx



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