Friday, 8 May 2015

Our children's successes

When we have children our whole outlook on success changes. Before children, success was hitting my targets at work or getting that customers advert in that I had been chasing for so long. Now success means so much more. And it's not my own successes that I celebrate, it's my children's. To others a lot of their successes may be very small but to me they are huge.

Like when they walk for the first time, this is a big deal in any parents life.

The first night they sleep through, that for us was only a few months ago for our nearly 4 year old.

Their first word, even though to others its just a sound but to us as parents it's Mama, Dada or Hiya in our case, for both boys!

The first wee on the potty because as any parent that is potty training this is the event of the year. 

Even the first ride on their bike, first count to 10, when they recite ABC to us.

Then there is the everyday things that are big things to us. Doing a puzzle for the first time, lining up their cars in a line or doing a jump (maybe just me).

The other day we had a HUGE success. Noah ate paste, a whole bowl of pasta with a little bit of cheese on.

A whole bowl. Sorry I'm still impressed!

This is a big deal to anyone that knows me and has read a previous post about his pickiness of eating. I'm such a proud mummy because he ATE PASTA lol. To others this is a daily occurrence but to me it is huge so I took a photo, or 10!

And every single day everyone of our children will have successes. And every day we will continue to get excited and get the crazy looks from onlookers when we make a sing and dance in public, when for example he takes a bite of a sandwich (I can but wish!).

Let's Talk Mommy
The Twinkle Diaries
Stopping at two
All about U


  1. Lovely post and why shouldn't you celebrate these moments they are very well deserved and worth celebration x

  2. Congratulations! :) we have a very picky eater too and it is always wonderful to see an empty bowl, of anything really :)

  3. Congratulations! I have to admit that I much prefer my mommy definition of success to any definition I had before. One of my twins is quite picky, but I've come to the conclusion that she's a super-taster. She now has the vocabulary to tell me that things that you or I would eat are "too intense". We've identified a large enough array of foods she can handle to allow for a balanced diet.

    Thanks for linking up with #TwinklyTuesday.

  4. I think it is a sign of how well you know your kids when you are able to celebrate these little successes. It's important to remember that all children are different and will all do things differently.

  5. I think it is a sign of how well you know your kids when you are able to celebrate these little successes. It's important to remember that all children are different and will all do things differently.

  6. A whole bowl that is amazing. My little one is an incredibly picky eater. He doesn't really like anything with lumps which is a bit of a problem. He loves yoghurts and has a bit of a sweet tooth. It was therefore a massive success the other day when he ate pureed chicken, potato and pees. Ok, so it was pureed so there were no lumps, but it wasn't yoghurt... Thanks for your post.

  7. Lovely post on firsts. I was very organised and got most of these firsts on camera for my daughter (first) I will just have to tell my son about his :-/

  8. It's so funny because I will make pasta as a side with meat and vegetables and my son just doesn't like pasta...or potatoes. And I think to myself well hell I wish I didn't like pasta or potatoes either so how can I tell him he has to eat it. So I don't. He's also not a big fan of bread. Not really sure where the kid hails from lol. Visiting from last week's #snotallaboutyou. I am a wee bit behind.



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