Wednesday, 13 May 2015

Today I stoppped

Sometimes life takes over. There's housework that needs doing, work to do, errands to run.
But today I stopped.
Because I looked at the boys as they slept last night and realised they won't be little for long. Soon Monday to Friday will be a school day and we won't be able to drop everything and go and have fun. And the world will not stop turning if left the ironing for one day or if we ran out of jam as we didn't go to the supermarket.
Finley had preschool today so it was just me and Noah. Finley has such fun at preschool but poor Noah just gets carted around doing errands that are so much easier with just the one child handing off my arm.
The sun was shining so we headed to the park after dropping Finley off. We got there about 9.30 and it was us along with another mum and her son. I've got to say one of the most perfect times for the park.
We ran and played & laughed and smiled! The most simplest things in life that are free and bring the most joy. He laughed that laugh on the swings where it was a belly laugh. And that sound has to be the best sound in the world.

They won't remember the times I was sat at my computer while they played cars. Or the time we all sat and watched Mr Tumble because I was so exhausted and just needed to sit down. They wont remember how tidy the house was or the homemade lasagne that took me hours to make as they are 1 &3! And I want them to remember their childhood, a childhood full of laughter and fun.
I am guilty of letting jobs gets in the way and sometimes this makes me feel like a bad mum. And I know we can't everyday go out and do something extra exciting but sometimes we, I definitely do and I'm admitting it, need to stop and take in their laugh, their smell and just look at them. And by admitting it I hope you all don't think I am a bad mum as I really do try my best to be the best mum that I can be to my boys. And sometimes that is the reason why I don't stop, I want them to live in a tidy house and have the best things by me working.
I am so lucky to have two happy and healthy boys and I need to enjoy them more. I'm not saying I neglect them or that they don't get my time, they just don't get all the possible time I could give them. I know there's things that need to be done but I need to sit on the floor more to play, go to the park more even if it's just for half an hour and just listen to them laugh. Because before I know it I will have all the time in the world and my days will be silent while they are at school and I will miss them.
And this saying is so true but its so hard to forget and get carried away on the rollercoaster that is parent and provider.
I cherish my children and every moment I spend with them but I need to take more time to do things for them.
And on Friday when Finley is home I will take them both out in the morning, just us three to our local Arboretum and spend some quality time with them. As they deserve to have my full attention away from Mr Tumble, work and dare I say it social media. But my phone will be joining us for the million and one photos I will be taking.

Binky Linky
Stopping at two
The Twinkle Diaries
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  1. Lovely post! I had one of those days today too! My bedroom needs a dust and hoover big time! You just have to spend time with them and enjoy them xx

    1. It really makes us appricate how amazing they are xx

  2. Ooh that made me feel quite guilty. I'm putting the PC down to give my son a cuddle right now! #binkylinky

    1. Don't feel guilty as I think it's life - we do our best for our children. I have just realised sometimes they need time just me time xx

  3. What a lovely post and so true I spend far to much time on my phone thanks for linking to the Binkylinky

  4. I sometimes spend way too much time on my phone. I find it helps to put it out of site. In the kitchen or in the cupboard for example. We all have days where we feel we spend too much time doing things we shouldn't be doing, instead of concentrating 100% on our children, but it's ok, because it means you're human and can learn from it! Thanks for linking up to the #BinkyLinky

  5. This is such a lovely post. I need to put my phone down more, I try not to work/blog around Oliver but have noticed I have been doing it more and more recently.
    Popping over from #BinkyLinky
    Becky xx

    1. Thank you. Things just take over and we don't realise xx

  6. What a lovely post. I am so guilty of not spending as much time enjoying my children as i should as i am always cleaning or tired or on my phone x #binkylinky

  7. Someone once said to me children will never remember a tidy house and all the ironing being done but they will remember special time spent with their family.
    Since then I've stopped stressing about an immaculate house and spend as much time as I can making memories with them.
    I know it's a cliche but my eldest turns 18 soon and it really has passed in the blink of an eye x

  8. Aw I love this and it has inspired me to put down my laptop and take my boy out for some fun. I try to fit so much stuff into my 2 days off a week but sometimes forget that the reason I took them off was to be with Sam. #twinklytuesday xx

  9. Lovely post and lovely pictures, there really is no time like the present. You are a great mum, and thats not measured by how tidy your house is, although a tidy house is nice! Its lovely to enjoy 'our' children, they are always growing and changing and posts like these are a reminder of how quickly it all seems to go sometimes. #TwinklyTuesday xx

  10. What a gorgeous post, you are so right, sometimes we just need to stop and realise that things don't need to be done right now!

    Helen - #twinklytuesday

  11. I love this. I think we're all guilty sometimes of letting things get in the way. When I get wrapped up in cleaning the house I sometimes stop and think to myself. This house will be here long after I'm gone. Oliver's childhood will go past in a flash. And then I get some perspective. Brilliant post!!! And so true!!

  12. Lovely post - just goes to show how hard it is getting the right balance and making time for our kids.
    Thanks for linking up with #SundayStars

  13. Lovely post - just goes to show how hard it is getting the right balance and making time for our kids.
    Thanks for linking up with #SundayStars

  14. My closest friend gave me a piece of wall art that says, "Great moms have dirty ovens, sticky floors, and happy children." My house is not a point of pride with me, but me children are. As you say, they'll be gone in a blink, and I'll have all the time in the world to clean. My girls are 9, already halfway to university!

    Thanks for linking with #TwinklyTuesday.



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