Tuesday, 18 August 2015

My Youngest Is Starting Preschool And I Don't Know How To Feel About It

In just under 3 weeks my 2 year old is going to be going to preschool. Granted its for only 3 hours a week but its still a big step. Am I doing the right thing? I really don't know.

Before Finley's old preschool closed I was all for Noah going in September for half a day. I felt comfortable with the setting and I knew the teachers and parents. Finley has only been at his new preschool for 3 months, he's settled but in all honesty, I'm not.

It's nothing to do with the running of the preschool or their ability to look after children. The teachers are lovely, Finley loves it but I am not sure if its the right place for Noah. Finley has been to 3 nursery/preschools now so is used to change and takes change well.

I didn't go back to work after having Noah so became a stay at home Mum. More recently I have become a work at home mum but I have always been home and Noah has always been with me. He has had nights away with grandparents and when we went to South Africa I was away for 5 days which is the longest I have ever been away from both my babies.

Noah has never been to nursery and with him being the second we rarely go to stay and play sessions due to other commitments and the boys ages not quite fitting in with the requirements. He does have a lot of interaction with other children, his age and both older and younger but I am always there.

He can be very nervous, very different to Finley. Finley has always been to nursery from the age of 9 months when I went back to work. So he is used to it. And when he started we had a few tears due to it being a different place but he soon settled and couldn't wait to go in.

I keep asking myself am I doing the right thing. I have geared myself up for the tears and am really hoping this doesn't happen. He may surprise me and go in as happy as anything because he will have his brother by his side. I really am hoping.

When he stays with friends he is used to or family members he doesn't cry or kick up a fuss. But it will be all new. And it will break my heart. I think it will break my heart even if he doesn't cry because it will be 3 hours that someone else is looking after him when I don't have a reason for them to. I will walk home and be alone for 3 hours!!

I have said I can go into the office for this time on a Friday but not for the first few weeks. We need to adjust to this new routine. I think its more me that needs to adjust as I know once we are in the swing of things he will love it.

I just wish I was more familiar with the preschool. Finley is very resilient but with Noah being the youngest I think he has been guarded. And with him being maybe my last baby this 3 hours a week preschool is huge!!

When did my babies grow up to be pre-schoolers?!

The Twinkle Diaries
Best of Worst


  1. My little-man is starting pre-school in less than a week as well. I can't seem to wrap my head around it (when did my baby become a big boy?). I have been a SAHM, so I have always been with him aside from trips to grandmas house as well. I think that it will also probably be me that is going to take this adjustment the hardest lol

    1. It will definitely be me finding it hard - I hope he settles quickly which will settle me xx

  2. aww, im sure it will be fine. I think every mummy goes through the same emotions! They are not our babies long! Such a great read and thanks for sharing! Suz x Beauisblue.com

  3. I know exactly how you feel! Our girls start next month and I'm not ready! I don't know how they'll cope and o worry so much about it! Maybe we should meet up and stress together! #bestandworst

  4. Awww, I've been there a few times now. With my 2nd and 3rd daughter, I felt exactly the same as you, but they both did just fine. My 4th daughter starts Preschool this September, but I'll be working there too, so not sure how this will go! 😬 It is hard to see your babies grow up so quickly, but, I'm sure, after the first week and picking up a very happy little boy from Preschool, you'll start to see feel much happier about this stage. I hope he has the best time. #bestandworst

  5. scary isn't it! Elliw will be in school uniform this September. I am so nervous!They grow up too quickly xxx

  6. Don't worry, he will be fine!! You will be surprised!! The settling part is the hardest one but as soon as you pass that phase everything is fine. Every child is different and can take longer than others but at the end they will get use to it and believe it or not they will be so happy to have fun!!! It took about 3 weeks for my eldest to be completely settled but after that she was so happy!! I understand your feeling as it is even worst for us to leave our kids but you will feel better about it too, I promised!! ;-) xx


  7. oh bless. I remember when you were having the debate before. It must be so hard to decide if Noah and Finley are so different It may be hard at first but one of those decisions that fits under the umbrella of "it will do them good!" Noah will blossom and get used to being with new people without you? Hope all goes well! Thanks for sharing with #bestandworst and see you again xx

  8. oh bless. I remember when you were having the debate before. It must be so hard to decide if Noah and Finley are so different It may be hard at first but one of those decisions that fits under the umbrella of "it will do them good!" Noah will blossom and get used to being with new people without you? Hope all goes well! Thanks for sharing with #bestandworst and see you again xx

  9. Aah bless you!! Repeat after me — it will be FINE!! My boys were two in March and they have been going to nursery for 2 long mornings (8 hours a week) a week now, since November. They were a bit shy at first but it didn't take very long for them to settle in. And they LOVE it!! :) And I do too. 8 hours to (try and) catch up on my work, the housework, my blog!! It will be good for both of you. It's natural to be anxious but it WILL be fine!! xx Thanks so much for linking up with #TwinklyTuesday — hope to see you again next week! x

    Caro | www.thetwinklediaries.co.uk

  10. Aaah... It's tough to see them grow up but I'm sure he'll be fine and even if he finds it hard at first will soon settle in and enjoy it. And no doubt you will soon cherish those three hours to yourself! Good luck xx #bestandworst

  11. This was me last year but I was generally positive about it - I knew he'd have a great time but was nervous about how he'd get on making friends etc. It is a big step though. sure he'll be fine #maternitymonday

  12. Aww I completely understand this, I was so so reluctant with Z and didn't end up starting him until the February half term point. He cried a good few times and then loved it so much I didn't want him to leave :). We are starting school this year and he seems very excited. I hope he loves preschool, they come on so much and their stories of their friends are very cute to listen to x

  13. It's such a hard decision. Just try it and see is my advice. My eldest starts school next week I am bereft :( #maternitymondays



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