Friday 9 October 2015

Be The Blogger Who You Want To Be

Now I'm not claiming to know everything about blogging, as lets me honest I am still a newbie after only writing for 6 months but there is one piece of advice I would give anyone in blogging, be the blogger who you want to be.

What I mean by this is write about what you want to write about and don't try to morph into something or someone you think people what you to be. Write about the topics you want to write about as in my (little) experience, I believe these are the posts that get the most engagement and are the most popular, as you are being you. And people can relate.

I am guilty of writing posts, which I haven't published as since reading them I realise they weren't me, that I think people what to read. It has no topic related to me but I thought maybe people would read it but it was a post I couldn't engage with so how could anyone else. I have read other peoples blogs, very popular blogs, and thought if I write like that I can be as successful in the blogging world as them but that wouldn't be true. They are popular and successful because they write about topic that relate to them and they write about their lives.

For example if your a mummy blogger to two small children like me, you wouldn't write a post about how to settle your children into secondary school as you wouldn't know anything about this subject.

Also when you are approached by a branch don't take every offer just because you have been asked, and feel privileged to have been asked, think about whether the brand relates to you and your readers. You will find out about your readers by the comments you receive and engaging with them on twitter.

You could also put this advice into real life, as in be you and not the person you think people want you to be. Don't conform into a person you believe people want to see as this will not be you.

Blog about what you love and what your good at, I think this will make you successful in your own right.
Binky Linky
A Cornish Mum
The Dad Network
Keep Calm and Carry On Linking Sunday
Mami 2 Five
And then the fun began...
Best of Worst


  1. Very true. I also think if you start things that you don't enjoy writing then you'll start to resent blogging. Write what you want and enjoy it! Great tips. Thanks for linking up to the #BinkyLinky

  2. Very good advice. Write what you know and like what you write :) #binkylinky

  3. As a newbie blogger too it is easy to be lack confidence and be lead by what other more 'successful' bloggers are doing. But I totally agree that my most popular posts have been those that I have written passionately and from my heart. For me it's having the confidence to be yourself.

  4. Great advice :) I haven't been doing this for long either and starting to get it now! Although I still feel bad if I turn something down! #PickNMix

  5. Very, very true. If it is something that relates to you you write so much better I have been thinking about my blog content lately too and what I want to be known for and this blog post has made me think on it once more thank you. #picknmix

  6. So true! The best compliments that I get are when people say I am the same in real life. I recently turned down a tyre offer because it just wouldn't be right for my blog and what do I know about tyres. I have seen a few dodgy posts though where people have tried to show horn tyres in ;) xx #pick'n'Mix

  7. Great post! To be honest I'm not as fond of doing reviews and PR work as they don't get read as much as you are so right! People want to hear the stuff that is real and about you! I always prefer to write those pieces xx #binkylinky

  8. As a newbie blogger, I found this post really inspiring. Thank you! x

  9. This is so true. I've needed to take this on board lately. I've gone back through my posts and started to delete the ones that really aren't me. Luckily there aren't many. But from now on they're all going to be from the heart. I think you can definitely tell when someone isn't being true to themselves, but there is a lot of pressure when you want to be a successful blogger and it's easy to slip into writing as someone else. xx #picknmix

  10. If i ever write something that i don't enjoy writing, i read it back and it always sounds awful. You can almost here my lack of enthusiasm through my writing. So i totally agree. Publish what you want to publish and only accept opportunities that you are genuinely passionate about #justanotherlinky

  11. Fab post. Its very uncomfortable as a reader reading something that feels forced, which I think happens when you are writing about things you don't particularly care about. #bigfatlinky

  12. I think it's so easy to fall into an SEO 'trap' and write about things you think will get more traffic etc, when really it's the personal stuff people like #justanotherlinky

  13. Back again. Thanks for hosting #justanotherlinky :)

  14. I think people fall into this trap when they start to feel like they need to put out a certain amount of content a week. I've found myself writing "filler" posts when I don't have anything interesting to say but feel like its been too long since I got anything out

  15. So true and great tip for a newish blogger like me. Great post! #justanotherlinky

  16. Very true! Great advice!! I'm a new blogger too and I also think that this is very important! What I'm trying to do is to look for things that I want review for example or subjects that I want to write. It works very well that way.

  17. So true! If you're enthusiastic about what you're writing, that shines though. There's no point doing something because you think it'll be popular if it's not you. Great advice. #bigfatlinky

  18. You are so right, I see so many posts that are stereotypical of a blogger and I don't bother to read them, whats the point, ive seen them before. I too try to write honest posts that are close to my heart at the time. This is a great post :) xx #BigFatLinky #JustAnotherLinky

  19. Good advice. I think it's always a little disheartening if what you tend to write isn't the stuff that gets huge audiences. But then it won't make you feel good to fake your way through that type of stuff for the sake of it when it isn't who you want to be. #justanotherlinky

  20. Great advice! I am an even newer blogger than you and I have fallen into this these traps on more than one occassion! It's easy to loose the passion for writing too when the content isn't what you are passionate about!!

  21. Brilliant advice totally agree with everything you have said thanks for linking to the binkylinky

  22. Great advice and all very true. My favourite posts are those written from the heart, where you really feel like you've got to know the blogger behind the words. Keep being you lovely xx #KCACOLS

  23. Great post thanks for hosting X

  24. Really good advice. I'm totally new at this but I can see how easy it must be to try and write what you think would be popular rather than what you know. I'll keep writing about finding raisins under sofas (because on that subject I am an expert haha!) Thanks so much for hosting. Brill post as always. #justanotherlinky xx

  25. As I mentioned before, this is a great post Kirsty!! I agree with you! Thanks so much for linking up with me at #KCACOLS. I would love if you join me again next week! ;-) x

  26. Definitely true! I so cringe occasionally reading a post that feels like the blogger themselves didn't even want to write it. It's a hard balance sometimes between keeping a brand happy and yourself and your readers!
    Thanks for linking up to #Picknmix
    Stevie x

  27. Definitely true! I so cringe occasionally reading a post that feels like the blogger themselves didn't even want to write it. It's a hard balance sometimes between keeping a brand happy and yourself and your readers!
    Thanks for linking up to #Picknmix
    Stevie x

  28. Definitely true! I so cringe occasionally reading a post that feels like the blogger themselves didn't even want to write it. It's a hard balance sometimes between keeping a brand happy and yourself and your readers!
    Thanks for linking up to #Picknmix
    Stevie x

  29. Great advice. Just write about what you know and love. And don't get influenced by brands to change things #KCACOLS

  30. Good point! I love reading other people's blogs and feeling inspired by their writing - wanting to do better myself. But trying to be someone else is never going to work. I've also fallen into the trap of working with a brand because the opportunity was there. Never again! We all learn from our mistakes :) #KCACOLS

  31. Great advice hun! Yes, stick to who you are, who you WANT to be. :) #justanotherlinky

  32. This is so true! I try to remember to keep focused on who and what I really am and keep questioning what i'm writing to make sure it's real. Integrity is more important than opportunities. #bfl

  33. I always have those thoughts about trying to emulate other more successful bloggers - I get all fired up about getting into homes and interiors (slightly laughable in my case!), or becoming an amazing photographer or trying to write 'advice' type list articles that will draw more people in through the Google search engine thingy but actually, I just want to write about the random stuff that occurs to me and sometimes it's serious and sometimes its funny, but either way it is in my own voice. Thanks so much for linking Kirsty #thetruthabout Xx

  34. Very true! Good advice for all bloggers.

  35. Great post and all so true #bestandworst

  36. Great points! I really don't know how to write stuffs on subjects that I have no idea on or have the passion for. #PicknMix

  37. This is really good advice and oh so true. It's alway good to be yourself because anything else is just a lie or fiction depending on how you percieve to see it. Fantastic post!xx

  38. This is really good advice and oh so true. It's alway good to be yourself because anything else is just a lie or fiction depending on how you percieve to see it. Fantastic post!xx

  39. Hear hear! I completely agree. I write about aspects of my life that I know aren't commercial or PR friendly. But that is my life. It would feel like I am lying to my readers if I didn't write about my depression and history of miscarriages. Life isn't always perfect and I am not the type of blogger to project the image that it is. And you are right, when people blog about subjects that they aren't passionate about or don't really want to write about then you can tell. I would prefer to be a real blogger as that is me. Thanks for linking up such a great post to #SundaysStars. Hugs Mrs H xxxx

  40. Oh this is so very true!! I totally agree about the reviews too, no point in reviewing something just because it's 'free', having it reflect you and your blog is so important. Thanks for linking up #bestandworst xx

  41. So very true!! I see so many bloggers recently writing things that just don't seem to add up with their blog and writing something that is so obvious that they don't have experience witth/about!



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