A Little About Me

Welcome to Something Crunchy Mummy, a parenting blog written by me, Kirsty, about the joys and chaos of our family of 4! This is my space to write about the good, the hard and the ugly times as a mummy and to share my parenting experiences. I don't like to sugar coat things as lets be honest this parenting gig is hard and its rather refreshing to read that we're not alone.

I'm 30 and I started this parenting blog in January 2015. I'm Mummy to two gorgeous boys, Finley who was born in September 2011 & Noah who made our family complete in July 2013. I have been married to my hubby, Mark, since May 2012 and we have been together since December 2004. He is my best friend and love of my life even if he does drive me up the wall sometimes. Our little family live in a little town in Wiltshire. I am a work at home Mummy so I juggle a little bit of work around our family life.
My family and friends mean the world to me. I would do anything for them and if they ever needed me I would be there.

My hobbies include running, walking and cooking. I have run two 10k's this year and I am planning my first half marathon in March 2016.

Come and say hi on Twitter and Instagram!

This is me - enjoy xx

1 comment:

  1. A little about me: I’m passionate about exploring new ideas and sharing knowledge. I love connecting with people from different backgrounds and learning from their experiences. In my free time, you might find me diving into a good book or enjoying nature. I believe that opportunities are everywhere; we just need to look for them. For instance, I recently discovered a platform that encourages financial growth and investment ideas at www mygreenbucks .net, which has opened up new possibilities for me. Every day is a chance to learn something new and make meaningful connections!



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