Tuesday, 31 May 2016

Thank You Bank Holiday Weekend, You Were Awesome!

I just love a Bank Holiday weekend, who doesn't. It's the thought of Mr C being home for 3 whole days and just having some time together as a family, this Bank Holiday was no exception. It has been filled with love, family and laughing which in my eyes is the perfect weekend.

The weekend started with going to see a friend of mine and her little boys as they had been on holiday and it had been her youngests 1st birthday while they had been away. It was just Finley and I so that he could have a proper play and there could be a proper catch up for us mummy's. The sun was shining and the boys were reunited after a week apart, there was squabbling as there always are with two friends so close but they were happy to see one another. We then headed back home mid morning as we had my Mum and Nan over for the day.

They arrived and after some lunch Mum took the boys off to the park while Mark, Nan and I headed to a local nursery to pick some flowers for our little flower bed in the corner of the garden. Nan knows everything about flowers so she was joining us to help us choose which ones would be best. We needed low maintenance plants that only need watering on the odd occasion as I am known for forgetting about them, or drinking too much Gin once the boys are in bed that I can't be bothered to venture back into the garden to water them! We picked some lovely shrubs and on our way home stopped at the local bakery for some cakes, as it had been my Mums birthday the Tuesday before, so we needed to celebrate with cake, obviously!

Tea and cake consumed, Mr C and I did the gardening with lots of giggles and 'I hate gardening' moments with the boys, Mum and Nan watching on finding it all pretty hilarious. It is done now and we have a pretty looking plot that we are proud of! Once that was finished we had a couple of games of Twister in the garden, which doesn't really work with a 2 & 4 year old but it was pretty funny to watch.

Saturday was then rounded off by an awesome tea, even if I say so myself, to celebrate our Wedding Anniversary which was last Thursday.

The boys woke early on Sunday which I was a little, only a little, pleased about as I had a 10k race with my running group which I was leaving for at 9am. It gave me time for breakfast and to get prepped. The sun was shining so it was perfect conditions for a run. The race was amazing and I ran it in a new personal best time of 55 minutes and 31 seconds, this was with the help of another flyer member who we were pacing each other and encouraging each other along the route. 

On arriving home it was a quick bath and tidy of the house before my Dad & his partner arrived about 2pm. We had a cup of tea and then headed out on a walk as they had their dog, Benji, with them. We walked a route I hadn't taken the boys on before and one which I had only known existed from running it with my group a week earlier, it was stunning! We ended up in town to enjoy an ice cream then walked back along the river to home. On arriving home we decided the beef stew in the slow cooker wasn't what we wanted so we ordered in pizza's from the local pizza place, which are incredible, and sat around in the sun eating them and sipping on wine. The boys played happily while running back and forth to their pizza. Dad & his partner headed off just before bedtime and we spent the evening chilling in front of the tv with a cuppa.

We had planned to go to a local event which we go to every year on Monday but we decided to try something new, so with the plan changed and not needing to get to the new event, the duck race, until 1ish we headed out to look for a sofa bed. Our spare room/office/play room is looking very bare without a sofa and we needed a sofa bed for when people come to stay. After a look around a well know sofa shop we had lunch at M&S to think about what we wanted to do and then headed back to the shop to purchase the sofa bed. I can't wait for it to come and to finally be able to have people stay over!

Someone was happy to be sofa shopping!

Once we had parted with our money we headed over to the duck race. It was a little chilly but the sun was starting to show. On our arrival we took a vintage bus the short 2 minute ride to the street fair which was filled with stalls and lots of street entertainment. The boys loved it and after a wonder round and purchasing our ducks then ice cream we made our way to watch the race. We found a great spot right on the edge of the bank near the start of the race where we sat and messed about for half an hour, but it was just lovely to have time just us four and to enjoy the boys.

The race started about 3.30 and the boys were so excited to catch a glimpse of the ducks, there were near 2000 so they weren't to be missed. We unfortunately didn't win but it was a brilliant day out and the boys were relatively behaved, as far as boys go! With the race finished we headed on home, back on the vintage bus to the car park only for Finley to have a melt down, over I really am not sure what. But after a little sleep in the car he woke up in a bit of a better mood, I expect it was all the sugar and excitement that had started the melt down!

We finished the weekend off with our first movie night in the new house watching The Peanut Movie. The boys sat there with popcorn and about 5 jelly babies each and watched the whole film! I was amazed as not once did they get distracted. They cuddled up to each other and just watched, it was lovely to see and it made me feel all warm and fuzzy! The film finished just after 8 so it was bath and bed, which was no hassle at all as they were knackered, and then it was wine and a box set for Mr C and I!

It really has been the perfect weekend and I am heading off to bed with a huge smile on my face.
Run Jump Scrap!
A Cornish Mum

Monthly Bucket List - Update and June's List

Now all I have to say is where did the past month go?! It has flown by, it only felt like yesterday that we were off to Amsterdam for the weekend to celebrate Mr C's birthday. It has been a brilliant month and we are so settled in our new house it is so lovely.

1. Go to the park. Yes we have had many visits to the park.

2. Run a couple of 10k's. Another yes and this is thanks to the lovely running club I have joined. They run a long run on a Sunday which I join in with a running that distance is so much easier with others.

3. Get back into blogging. This has literally just happened and it feels so good to be back. I have so much I want to write about, it is now about finding the time.

4. Sort out the garden. Um, not really. There isn't all that much that needs doing but there is a corner that need some plants so onto next months list this one goes.

5. Survive Amsterdam. I'm here and I survived, yey! And it was absolutely amazing.

 So as we speed into June here is my list for this month.

1. Attend #BML16 (BritMums). This is something I am so excited about and can not wait for.

2. Do some gardening. It is back from last month so fingers crossed we can get it done this month.

3. Finish my book. I have just started reading again and I once again am obsessed with my book. I am wanting to read most nights before lights out just to relax myself a bit before sleep.

4. Go on a date night. The boys are off to stay with Nana over the half term so I want to make sure we get a date night in somewhere.

5. Book a half marathon. I like to have something to work towards so I want to get my next half marathon in the diary and stop putting it off.

6. Organise the boys Christening. We have been meaning to get the boys Christened for a good long while so I now have the Baptism pack so I am going to get organising!

Monday, 30 May 2016

Introducing My Brit Mums Live Sponsors 2016 - Esteem Visions & Andrea Sexton

I am beyond excited to be attending #BML16 at the end of June and even more excited with the fact I have some sponsors for the weekend! This is my second year of attending the event and remember last year how nervous I was, this year I am still nervous but having a sponsor in some way feels like someone believes in my blog so I am a little bit more confident.

So here they are, the amazing companies that are sponsoring me.

First of all I would like to introduce Esteem Visions who are a new genre of portrait photography for ladies with self esteem and body image issues. They recapture and builds self esteem by creating stunning and elegant images of their clients, which are not achieved through computer manipulation.

Esteem Visions is the brain child of Alison Hunt, who at the age of 58 finally took control of a lifestyle, diet and her body shape, Even with her new svelte look, Alison's general opinion of her appearance remained unchanged despite the many compliments that she received from family and friends. Decades of fighting her weight had sadly taken its toll on her self esteem.
All this quickly and dramatically started to change after Alison, reluctantly, agreed to 'model' for her photographer husband Rod, who wanted to test out some new studio lights. Rod, being all too aware of Alison's low opinion of herself, used a combination of clever posing and advanced lighting techniques  to flatter his wife's new figure and subtly disguise the most obvious signs of ageing.   
Although it took several days before Alison looked at the images that Rod had produced with any real interest, she slowly started to see an image of herself that others had seen for quite a while. This growing eureka moment started to have a profound effect on Alison's self esteem and as her confidence in her looks grew, she started to share and discuss the images with family and friends.
It wasn't long before Alison not only realised how these images were starting to transform what had always been low self esteem, but also that if they had had this effect on her, how many other women and possibly even men with self esteem issues, could it also help.

I was so pleased that they wanted to sponsor me as this is a concept that I feel very strongly about. I think everyone should feel comfortable in themselves and a company like Esteem Visions helps women to do this in a world that is full of computer enhanced photography. It has taken me a while to feel comfortable in myself since my weight lose and had I known they were around a year ago I would have given them a visit.

You can find Esteem Visions on Twitter @EsteemVisions and on Facebook. Also pop over to their website to find out a little bit more.

My second sponsor is Andrea Sexton PR who works to promote businesses related to sports, fashion, and events as well as working with charities. They are the "Queens of the small budget" and they love working with new businesses and on new projects. Their passion is helping their clients become more well known.

You can find Andrea Sexton PR on Twitter @ASextonPR, on Facebook and also on Instagram.

Thank you so much to both Esteem Visions and Andrea Sexton PR for sponsoring me at Brit Mums Live 2016, it really means a lot. 

* I have been sponsored by Esteem Visions and Andrea Sexton so I can attend BML16. * 
Marvellous Mondays badge by Hello Archie

Saturday, 28 May 2016

What Made Me Happy This Week #12

This week has been so lovely, it hasn't been that busy or full of what others would call exciting things but it has been full of lovely things for us and our family. We have seen lots of friends & family which always makes a week lovely and the sun has shone for most part, which always makes me happy.

- Our 4th Wedding Anniversary. I can not quite believe that it was our wedding 4 years ago as so much has happened yet it seems like yesterday. Thursday saw us celebrate our anniversary and I was woke with breakfast in bed. We didn't have anything big planned as my husband had work and also we have not long had a weekend away so we will be enjoying a takeaway and a bottle of wine over the weekend. This is what having children on an occasion has bought us to but I wouldn't have it any other way.

- Tots100 chart score. I know stats aren't everything but to be at 280 in the chart this month for me is amazing. I can't thank everyone who reads my blog and interacts with me enough as it means so much, so thank you!

- CrossFit. Another great session with some brilliant ladies!

- Afternoon Tea. What more could a girl want on a Saturday afternoon than friends and cake! I went with some friends to a local tea rooms and spent the afternoon on Saturday childfree, sipping tea and eating cake. The conversation flowed and it was lovely to just have a little bit of me time with some lovely ladies.

- Park Fun. On Tuesday I looked after my friends little girl and while Finley was at preschool I took Noah and his little friend to the park. We met my sister in law there, enjoyed a picnic and the sun, it was lovely to see all three little ones playing together.

Our trip to Westonbirt. Thursday has got to be one of my favourite days of the week as it is the day that both boys are home with me. I always try to get us out somewhere so we can actually enjoy our time together without the tv and the arguments that being couped up cause. This week we ventured to our favoutire spot, Westonbirt, and we were joined by our friends. We did a different route this time by way of having lunch in the park first and then doing our walk. The kids were relatively well behaved and it was a lovely day.

- Finley becoming school ready. Over the past few weeks I have been wondering about how I can get Finley ready for school. I don't want to be overly pushy but I want him to be ready so we have been practicing letters and using a knife & folk. He is doing brilliantly and is finding it all very exciting.

Marvellous Mondays badge by Hello Archie
What Katy Said

Just Another Linky #57

Welcome to week 57 of Just Another Linky with myself and Beth at Life As Mum. This is the place to link up any post, old or new, that you are really proud of and would like to show up. We have a great selection of link up's each week so all topics and subjects are welcome.

I have had a pretty good week with a few play dates and a lovely day out on Thursday in the sun, thank goodness it as decided to shine, but for how long haha! I have finally got my blogging mojo back and I am wanting to write all the time, I have really missed it so it is great to be back and now I am looking forward to BritMums next month.

Now onto this weeks linky, lets get going!

Meet your hosts

Me - Kirsty - Something Crunchy Mummy - @crunchy_mummy
Beth - Life-As-Mum - @lifeasmumblog
Here are just a few linky rules:
  • No more than 2 posts a week - Please! There have been some people linking up more than this, please stick to just the 2 so it is fair on everyone.
  • Comment on the hosts posts and at least 1 other posts, more if you can.
  • New or old posts welcome.
  • Grab the badge below so everyone knows where to find us.
Feel free to tweet your post, along with the hashtag #justanotherlinky, mentioning me @crunchy_mummy and Beth @lifeasmumblog and we will retweet.

By linking up to this linky you are giving Beth & Kirsty the right to copy one of your photos if you are chosen for the Favourite Post of the week.

We are open every Saturday from 12am until Monday at 11:55pm.

This weeks Favourite Post

My favourite post this week was by Busy Working Mummy with 'My inability to do the online food shop....' as I can totally relate!



Thursday, 26 May 2016

I'm Going To #BML16

It's only a month until #BML16 - BritMums - and I can not wait! I went last year and I was so so nervous, I still am this year but I am feeling a little more confident. I am feeling a lot more settled in my blog after blogging for 17 months and feel like I know a few more people.

I saw there was a #BML16 linky and I thought I would join in as it is a brilliant place to get to know others that are going, so that it's not so daunting on the day. But I am still a little bit nervous so please come and say hi if you see me sat in a corner on my own!

My name
Kirsty Constable

My blog
Something Crunchy Mummy
Find me on social media at
How I look
Shoulder length blonde hair, it might be straight or curly on the day, blue eyes and 5ft 2.5ins (that 0.5 inches is everything at my height)
Is this my first blogging event?
No but this is only my second. My first event was at last years BritMums and I loved it, even if a little bit nervous for the whole most of the weekend.

I will be wearing….
Not too sure yet, it all depends on the weather. Most probably jeans with a nice top or maxi skirt/dress, might treat myself to a new outfit!
What I hope to gain from #BML16
Technical blogging information, this is something I know zero about so I am hoping to learn a little bit more. Also I am looking forward to the Instagram session as I love it and I am really excited about meeting some lovely bloggers that I have been talking to on social media.
My tips for a great conference
Be yourself and try not to be nervous, I know that is easier said than done but everyone is there for the same reason and everyone is so lovely. I felt so at ease by the end of the conference last year. Also go to the sessions you want to go to and research the sessions before you go, I think this way you will make the most out of the conference.

See you there!!


Wednesday, 25 May 2016

Beautiful Greetings Cards By Jessica Lea Illustrations

I am a huge fan of greetings cards. I send cards for almost anything and everything, to congratulate friends, thank people or just to tell them how much they mean to me. I think they are so personal and when I receive a card I am over the moon, someone has taken the time to find and write me a card, that is something special. I also tend to keep every card I or the boys have received, you never know when you fancy having a reflection session.

When I was contacted by Jessica Lea Illustrations and asked if I would like to review some of her greetings card I had to say yes. They arrived a week later and they are charming water colour illustrations for every day life, just the kind of cards I love.

They are printed on durable card and are great quality. The illustrations are fantastic and even though they are very simple, they have a big impact. These are the kind of cards that I would use to send a little note to a friend or family member, or even get the boys to write one out. I know that whoever I send these to will love them and will have them up in their house, on the fridge or mantel piece, for a good long while as they are so eye catching and beautiful.

Jessica has an Etsy shop which you can find here, she also does lots of other wonderful things on her shop from her illustrations so please go and take a look.

* These greetings cards were sent to me in return for a review. All opinions are 100% my own.*
My Random Musings

Tuesday, 24 May 2016

Pushing My Body

Since I started running just over a year ago I have surprised myself on a regular basis on what my body can do. When I started to run I could hardly run around the block without getting a stitch and I would walk, run, walk, run. Now I am running a 10k race without stopping, I even ran a half marathon without stopping. Yes I slowed down but I kept on going. My body has learnt to run and it had learnt how to take it.

I thought I had got to a pace in which I was going to stay at with running, I had my pace, but that was until I joined the local running group. One of the leaders told me that you can increase your pace with training and you don't get to your peak running pace until 5 years after you start, if you are continuing to run. This gave me motivation to get faster, to train hard and push my body. And it is feeling it.

Then on Thursday I went to my first CrossFit session that is run by one of the running group leaders. I was nervous and a little bit unsure on what to expect. I had googled CrossFit and I wasn't sure if I was looking at the right things but went there thinking it'll be fun to do something new. The CrossFit 'Box' is on an industrial estate and is stripped back with no mirrors, very simplistic, all about the workout.

The session was explained to me and it literally went over my head and I was just hoping I would pick it up as we went along, and I did. It was a really tough session and it pushed my body to limits that I haven't pushed it to before but it felt good. I have never been a push up person and I honestly thought I couldn't do a push up but on Thursday night I did over 125!! 

We started the session with a warm up then some exercises, one including jumping up to a bar and then pulling my knees up to my chest. When I was asked to jump up to the bar I thought I wouldn't be able to do it and that if I tried I would make a right idiot out of myself but I tried, and did it. After this we did some snatch exercises which killed my legs and then it was onto the tough bit, a 300m run and 25 push ups - 5 times for 25 minutes. So we had to get the run and push ups into that 5 minutes and the remainder of the 5 minutes was rest until you start again. The first one was tough because as I said I thought I didn't do push ups. The second was worse and then the third I thought I would never get through, my arms felt like jelly and they burnt. The time to recover was getting less but by the time I had done 4 and 5 it felt good. It was so incredibly tough and I felt like my body was falling apart but I was pushing myself in a good way and I loved it. I was getting a feeling of accomplishment so that kept me going, I didn't want to fail.

Now the day after I couldn't lift my arms above my head and my core muscles in my stomach ached every time I got up from a chair, but what my body did that night amazes me. Now only 2 years ago I did no exercise, I would walk to the supermarket which was 10 minutes away and then I sometimes drove it. And now I am doing things I never thought I could do.

It's addictive as you want to do more and see what more you body can do, so I will continue and I will push and I am hoping to get the best out of my body that I can. I don't know if we will have any more children so I am going to work on myself now, and the time I get running and at these classes is about me and I feel like I am getting a little of myself back. 

I owe a huge thank you to my husband for that as he comes in from work and I walk straight out the door to work out and he doesn't mind. And even if he does mind he doesn't let me know, so he is amazing for letting me get some of myself back and for letting me see what my body can do. 

Run Jump Scrap!
Reflections From Me
Accidental Hipster Mum


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