Friday 17 June 2016

Nerf Super Soaker Squall Surge Water Gun - Review

With the weather hotting up when I was asked if we would like to review the Nerf Super Soaker Squall Surge Water Gun there was no other answer than yes. The boys have never had a water guns before so when the Nerf Super Soaker Squall Surge arrived they couldn't wait to get using it. Luckily for us it arrived at the perfect time with the sun beating down and it was incredibly hot so they needed something to cool down while running around in the garden.

Swim shorts and sun cream on the boys were let lose in the garden with the water gun. I had purchased a little Nurf water gun for Noah as I knew there would be arguments over just the one and I thought if they had one each they wouldn't squeal about only one of them getting wet. I was kind and I did fill them up with warmish water as I think they may have been so tears if it had been really cold.

They had the most awesome time and I lost count of the number of times that I filled up the gun and to hear the squeals of happiness coming from the garden was lovely.

The Nerf Super Soaker Squall Surge Water Gun isn't your average water gun as it has a pressurised trigger which means on pressing the trigger it delivers a surging stream of water which can travel up to 10.6m. The more you pump the trigger at the front. the further the water will go. It was really simple to use and Finley got the hang of it straight away and by the end of the water fight we were all pretty wet!

The water gun has a water tank at the back of the gun which holds 473ml of water which is a decent amount of water which means you aren't being asked every two minutes to fill it up again. 

It has also been very helpful in watering the plants - its not child labor, honest! This was and is a huge hit in our house and I know it will be used all summer long and for years to come. I would totally recommend this fantastic water gun as it has already brought us so many hours fun.

The Nerf Super Soaker Squall Surge Water Gun retails on Argos for £16.99, in my mind this is a brilliant prince for a toy this brilliant!

* I was sent the Nerf Super Soaker Squall Surge Water Gun to review and all opinions are 100% my own.*
A Cornish Mum


  1. oh this looks like fun! Something my nepew would love to have. Love the review xx

  2. Looks like lots of fun! 😄💦💦 #justanotherlinky

  3. I swear to God my husband (yes my 35 year old hubby!!!) will be SO jealous of this! He can't wait for Josh to be that bit older so they can cause havoc with nerf water guns ha ha! Looks like you had great fun xx #justanotherlinky

  4. I used to love nerf waterline when I was young. We are planning to get the kids some during the summer holidays. My little boy seen your pics and said that's great fun. #justanotherlinky

  5. I think water pistols are a staple for all little boys aren't they? Archie absolutely LOVE them though still isn't at the point he'll listen when I say not in the house! 😂 #justanotherlinky

  6. I actually don't know a single kid who doesn't love a nerd gun! Water guns are just the biz :) great pics of your kids loving it #justanotherlinky

  7. I actually don't know a single kid who doesn't love a nerd gun! Water guns are just the biz :) great pics of your kids loving it #justanotherlinky

  8. Love water guns so much the boys have endless fun and agree I love listening to the happy shouts # justanotherlinky

  9. My boys love water guns - and very handy for getting the flowers watered too! We got ones from Sainsbury's this year with an extra pump action so the water goes further. Like your thinking of adding warmer water, I must be a mean mummy as I fill up from the cold water tap!! #justanotherlinky

  10. I love the fact they watered the garden simultaneous to fun! Lou at

  11. I've been thinking of getting my kids one of these for a while they do look fab for summer! Your boys look like they really enjoyed playing with them! Thanks for hosting #justanotherlinky

  12. Your boys look like they're having the best time! Is it bad that I want one for myself? I think I'd have far too much fun chasing Toddler and Hubby with it!! Thank you for hosting lovely #justanotherlinky xx

  13. This looks like loads of fun! My kids would love this x #justanotherlinky

  14. Haha - the practical mum in me can think about the plant watering and nothing else 😊 #justanotherlinky

  15. Perfect weather for testing this out! My boys are nerf gun mad and they have one of the water gun ones that you can load ice in to brrr! Thanks for linking up to #PicknMix lovely

    Stevie xx

  16. This looks fab, although I think the hubby would have more fun soaking our boys!!

  17. I love the fact it does the watering too! That looks like such fun. We run a kids' summer camp and they would LOVE these :)

  18. I want one this looks so much great review thanks for hosting #justanotherlinky

  19. Oh wow this looks brilliant I know 2 boys who'd love one of these. Slightly pricey for me but must be worth it!

  20. Fantastic! I know my three year old would love this - and probably his Dad too! :) #justanotherlinky

  21. Wow your garden is so near and lovely!!! Looks like you had fun, I'm sure once my wee boy has grown we will be having water fights but while he is only 4 months I will enjoy staying dry lol!! Popping by for #justanotherlinky

  22. We bought Dexter his first water pistol this weekend.. I'd rather he'd had this one though, looks fab

  23. This looks fab, and water guns are the one thing we don't yet have for this summer! #justanotherlinky

  24. Your garden is very neat! I'm not sure I'd trust my two with this gun! #justanotherlinky

  25. Your garden is very neat! I'm not sure I'd trust my two with this gun! #justanotherlinky

  26. This looks like fun! My partner wants something like this for our girls - I'm sure they'd love it! #justanotherlinky

  27. We got one of these as well and Monkey loves it! It will be a while before kipper can run around with him and be a target though! Your garden looks immaculate!! Thanks for hosting #justanotherlinky

  28. I got the best gift idea for my twin sons after reading nerf gun reviews on the reliable web resources. I hope, I will be able to see the bright smile on their faces on receiving the gift.

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