As the title suggests I am thinking about potty training. I am a huge believer of being led by your toddler when it comes to potty training and not pushing them.
Just after Finley had turned two my Nan started on at me about potty training. She said things like 'its about time you started potty training isn't it', 'he should be out of nappies now' and 'look he wants to go on the potty'. But in my mind he wasn't ready and I always told her he would tell me when he is ready. I don't mean that he would one day say to me 'Mummy I am know ready to use a potty', I mean that he would show me signs and then we could give it a go.
Well it happened when my youngest was only a few months old. We had had the potty around the house, so he could get familiar with it, for a while. He used to sit on it fully clothed but he wouldn't go near it with no nappy on. And I didn't push as didn't want to scare him. But then all of a sudden he said 'wee' so I got the potty and he sat on it an wee'd. So I followed his lead. It was a long road with lots of accidents but it happened and I was so glad I had waited for his signs to tell me that he was ready.
Now with Noah just turned two, potty training is at the back of my mind. Niggling away as I 'think' he is showing signs. He tells me before he is going, sometimes after and he will sit on the potty. He will also sit on the toilet before bath time and do a wee. So is he ready?
I don't want to push it and I think he is too young. But he isn't too young really and I think because he is my second the whole potty training thing would be the last of nappies, which is great but that's like the last baby stage isn't it.
He wants to do what Finley is doing and he is very interested when Finley uses the toilet. So I think this will help us.
But am I giving myself excuses because lets me honest potty training is a NIGHTMARE! Wee on the floor, 20 pairs of pants a day, carrying a potty with us wherever we go and the constant nag of 'do you need a wee'.
In all honesty I don't know if he is ready so I was thinking when the sun shines, if it shines this summer, to go in the garden naked (Noah not me) and give it a go. Because what have I got to lose apart from my sanity and my nice wee free decking?