Thursday, 20 October 2016

We Survived The First Half Term

I can not quite believe that it was 7 weeks ago that we waved Finley off to Primary school for the first, for his first day in reception class. The time has flown but it also only seems like yesterday and he has already come on leaps and bounds. We are all so ready for some family down time and to just chill out for 10 days, sit in our pyjamas until 1pm and eat boiled egg for breakfast (as this is pretty impossible to do on a school morning!).

The past 7 weeks have been a huge learning curve for me and it has taken us a lot of organising to get our routine sorted and for me to get used to the new attitude Finley has brought home. With this in mind I wanted to congratulate myself, and other parents, on surviving the first term, be it the first year in reception or back to school after the summer.

We survived......

The daily struggle to get our children dressed! Every morning, yes EVERY morning, I get the same response and throw himself on the floor ordeal when asked to get dressed.

The very first day of school. It was emotional all round but we made it through and now that seems a life time away.

The endless ParentMail emails and notifications.

Donations for dress down days, activities during the school day and general fee's that come with school.

Dress up days! We have just had one of these and I may have gone over the top but I was pretty impressed with my effort, haha!

The before school rush to get out the door. Even though we live literally just across the road from the school I still find myself turning into sergeant major with the orders of 'shoes', 'coat', 'bag'!

The attitude! This has got progressively worse as the half term has approached with the tiredness kicking in, for both of us, and the mental tiredness taking it toll. I have been shouted at, moaned at and basically talked to like a piece of rubbish. Fun times!

The settling in times for the first few weeks. For us we had 3 weeks of these and there was lots of jiggling about and getting to and from places.

The very first parents evening. I wasn't entirely sure what to expect but it went well and to be told Finley was very well behaved and that during story time he sits very still was brilliant to hear. As long as he is being good at school I can take the attitude at home.

Not having a clue what they actually did that day. I honestly can say most days I know about 5 minutes of Finley's day because he either won't tell me or is far to busy once home to tell me.

The homework responsibility. Finley hasn't been bringing much home but there are a few things to do at home and the weight of that is huge. After going to the parents information evening I feel I want to do my very best at home without over loading him after a long day.

Making new friends. This has to be one of the things that I was really worried about when Finley started. I worried that I would be in the playground on my own with no one to talk to but in no way did that happen. Everyone was so friendly!

The time between home time and tea time, and then tea time and bed time. This time has been a strange one to negotiate as they are mentally tired but still want to bounce of the walls and it's not enough time to actually do something proper.

The first term!! High five to you all as we made it. Now lets chill out for a week before the mayhem of the Christmas term starts, cheers!!

Twin Mummy and Daddy
A Cornish Mum


  1. What can I say - welcome to schooldays mom!;) The same with us, morning struggles with getting dressed..never ending story;)

  2. Ha this is so much like it was with my eldest. I still rarely have a clue what he got up to at school. He was also slightly vile for a while after starting school, it got better though eventually ;) My youngest is in his last year of primary school now crazily, I won't miss the car parking or the constant fees for this, that and 'voluntary' others. Thanks for linking up to #PicknMix lovely
    Stevie xx

  3. I know it's mad that the girls have been in school 7 weeks already glad all is going well for Finley fab to see you back Kristy Thanks for linking to the #THAT FRIDAY LINKY come back next week please

  4. Haha, I was going to write a similar post! It's been lovely having our girls home all day. I'm dreading the return to school, although it does mean I can get back to running in the day light again! Thanks for linking up to #ThatFridayLinky



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