Tuesday, 15 December 2015

A Fancy Dress Challenge With Tickled Pink - Review

Dressing up is something both my boys love to do as I am sure it is for most toddlers/pre-schoolers. We have Spiderman, the Gruffalo along with a whole bunch of make believe dress up. Dress up lets children express themselves in lots of different way and I believe it is a fundamental part of learning for them.

When I was contacted by Tickled Pink and asked if I would like to take part in their Fancy Dress Challenge, I thought this would be great for the boys. The challenge was originally for their adult fancy dress range but when I explained how much the boys love to dress up and my ideas they were more than happy to let us bend the rules a little.

I selected a Santa suit for Finley which was aged 4-6 years and as their costumes start at age 4 I said we would add one of our own in for Noah. The price of the Santa's outfit on their website is £7.99, but currently priced at £5.99.

The costume arrived just a few days later and the boys were so excited to get dressing up and playing make believe. Along with the Santa's outfit we were also sent an additional Santa's hat and some glasses.

We started off with Finley being Santa and Noah was the Gruffalo with a Santa hat on. We decided to go for the traditional photo to begin with, so I sat the Gruffalo on Santa's knee and without any prompting Finley asked Noah what he would like for Christmas. This resulted, as you can see in the pictures, in a long discussion between them. Finley was loving being Santa and the outfit fitted perfectly. Finley then wanted to riffle through his sack for presents for Noah in front of the Christmas tree. I loved how both boys were getting into the Christmas spirit with the outfit and Finley's imagination went wild with getting into the role of Santa.

Noah then wanted to try on the outfit and Finley wanted to received some presents (trains). Even with Noah only being two he has picked up the fact that Santa asks children what they would like for Christmas so he was going around asking myself, Finley and his Daddy what we would like for Christmas. With Noah being Santa Finley wanted to be a Minion Santa.

This was such a great way to get the boys into the Christmas spirit and to see what they actually think of Christmas. With dressing up they use their imagination as well as using real life situations they have been in.

The outfit was great quality and I am sure will be in our dress up box for years to come. And will be used throughout the year.

* For the purpose of this review we were sent one Santa's outfit along with a Santa's hat and glasses from Tickled Pink Fancy Dress *

Best of Worst


  1. They are so cute. I love the way their imagination ran away with them. Minion Santa!! How brill. I wonder if they will squeeze into those costumes next year? Thanks for sharing with #bestandworst xx

  2. Ah wow this is so cute! Another fun thing about having children is you get to dress them up in fancy dress! I have a christmas jumper for Taylor this year but once she's old enough to understand she will definitely be playing Santa's little helper (me being Santa!) It's great that your boys can play together and I bet this was so much fun for them. #bestandworst xx

  3. Oh the cuteness! Loving the Gruffalo outfit. Very spesh. Thanks so much for linking up to #coolmumclub lovely and Merry Crimbo! xx


  4. Oh this is cuteness overload!!!

    Loving the Santa glasses!!!



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