My boys, like most children, love magazines but for them we only buy them as a little treat. They are beginning to get to an age where they will really pay attention to the magazine where as previously the magazine was chosen for the toy on the front and then it was just plonked on the dining room table and left. Now they will obviously want to play with whatever toy has come with it first and then they will want to sit down at the table and go through the magazine.
When I attended BritMums at the end of June, I met some lovely people from DC Thompson where they were promoting the new Noddy magazine. I took a selfie with Noddy which when I got home the boys loved! I was then contacted and asked if we would like to review the new magazine which I knew the boys would love to. When it arrived it also had a yummy button cookie which I can remember from BritMums but I was kind and let the boys share it!
As with all magazines it was the toy that they wanted first and the toy that came with this magazine was a drawing pad which can be erased and drawn on again. This has provided hours of fun and is small enough that it comes out with us and is perfect in the car!
Once the excitement of the toy was nearly over we got onto the Noddy magazine. The boys watch Noddy on the television so they know the characters and could really get into the magazine. It was full of colour and full of loads of different activities. As the boys are different ages there was something for both of them and the did brilliantly at sharing. The colours kept them interested and it has been sat on our dining room table now since it arrived and has been revisited on many occasions!
* We were kindly sent the Noddy magazine to review. All opinions are 100% my own. *
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