Thursday, 22 October 2015

A Surprise Captured Moment

Some days just don't go to plan. Some days the boys will have an off day. And some days they will test our patients.

On Sunday we headed to Westonbirt for a family walk to get us out the house after I had had no car for half of the week, the boys and I were getting a bit bored of walking to Sainsbury's and dare I say it, eating popcorn and watching DVD's.

These family outings always have high expectations in my head of lots of laughs and giggles and us all having a wonderful time. Yes we did have some laughs and it was wonderful spending time with the 3 people that make me the happiest but we're not in the movies and days out with children don't always go to plan.

Unfortunately for us Finley had had a few off nights so was a little bit tired and any little thing seemed to set him off. There is only one way to put it, he was grumpy. He cried and moaned and was generally unhappy, apart from when he was climbing trees.

I had taken my camera along in the hope of capturing some shots of the boys as the setting is just perfect. I snapped away but after all the tears and grumps I thought I hadn't captured anything - until I looked at my camera when we got home.

There was this picture. Yes he had been grumpy, and yes he wasn't the best company that day but I was so glad that I got to spend my Sunday with this gorgeous boy that calls me Mummy.
Running in Lavender
Binky Linky
Mummy and Monkeys
And then the fun began...


  1. Ahhh hooray that you got at least one lovely shot of your boy even though he'd been a tad grumpy. They all have those days and you have to grab the moments when you can.
    Popping over from #MyCapturedMoment
    Sammy x

  2. Aww, these are the moments you want to remember though right? There is definitely good in every day... even the bad ones. :)


    Jenna at Tinyfootsteps xx

  3. Yay, we so have these days but if I look hard enough I can usually find a little bit of great in amongst all of the not so great moments.

  4. What a beautiful shot. It just goes to show that even in the trying moments we need to look for those little rays of happiness. They are always there!

  5. Lovely photos. It's great when a day can be turned around and you can capture a moment like that! Thanks for linking up to the #BinkyLinky

  6. Such a lovely smile! We all have those days, but it's amazing how quickly they can change and there's usually something great in the dross. #binkylinky

  7. Aww that's lovely! & a nice reminder that days that seem bad, are often not all bad. #picknmix

  8. Aww you always get a good shot!! After an awful nights sleep myself I needed to see one of these pics xx #binkylinky

  9. A very cute photo :) I hate the grumpy days though, luckily with mine being 9 and 11 they don't happen often but when they do I just try and hide from them ;) thanks for linking up to #Picknmix
    Stevie x

  10. A very cute photo :) I hate the grumpy days though, luckily with mine being 9 and 11 they don't happen often but when they do I just try and hide from them ;) thanks for linking up to #Picknmix
    Stevie x

  11. A very cute photo :) I hate the grumpy days though, luckily with mine being 9 and 11 they don't happen often but when they do I just try and hide from them ;) thanks for linking up to #Picknmix
    Stevie x

  12. Not all days are easy with a toddler but as you say, there's always a smile or a cuddle that makes it all worthwhile. Thank you so much for linking up to My Captured Moment x

  13. I often find myself thinking like this Kirsty - focus in on the good bits and try to filter out the bad bits because it's all part and parcel right? Oh and always take endless photographs because you never know when you might accidentally capture "the one"! Thanks so much for linking up to #thetruthabout this week X

  14. Yes, that is a gorgeous photo. Sometimes the bets images are caught unexpectedly. #thetruthabout

  15. Great shot! It only takes one second of an otherwise grumpy day to make a great picture.

  16. Aww lovely picture, I have had a few days with my little one like that this week. Thanks for linking to #PickNMix



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