Monday, 12 October 2015

Pumpkins, Pumpkins Everywhere - Parragon Book Buddies Review

We are still really excited about being Parragon Book Buddies as both boys love their books and receiving a new book to read and review each month is a real treat for all of us.

This months book arrived and we were so excited as it was a book to get us in the Halloween mood and we couldn't wait to get reading it. As the boys have 2 bedtime stories I decided to wait until bedtime to surprise them with the book.

The front cover is great and the moon is sparkly so very eye catching and makes the book very exciting to toddlers. I put the book in Finley's room and once the boys were in their pyjamas I let them jump into bed and have a look through the book before I read it to them. They were so excited and both sat there looking through the book and spotting all the pumpkins.

The book is great for my two boys who are 2 & 4 as its not a long story book, it is quick and snappy with engaging editorial and pictures. The book is all about trick or treating for the pumpkins and the describes the pumpkins by how they are carved.

I could tell that they liked the book because they were quiet during the whole story and didn't interrupt once. We have since read it every night after I ask the boys to choose their book and this one always comes out.

Finley has yet to have ever been excited about Halloween but this book has made him very excited about the pumpkins, every time we go into the supermarket and see them he wants to buy one. When we go to carve the pumpkin I may get him to chose one from the book, I hope he doesn't chose one too complicated.

As with all Parragon books that we have read the pages are great quality and very durable for children. Such a great book to get the children excited for Halloween.
The Twinkle Diaries
Mummy and Monkeys


  1. Yes they must have liked it a lot to keep quiet lol, how cute are they sitting together like that, you are a lucky mummy. Thanks for sharing #mummyandus

  2. We didn't get this book this month as we were moving but it looks fab! Looks like they enjoyed it xx

  3. what a fab book! we will defo need to get this for Elliott! Thanks for sharing! beautiful photo! Suz x

  4. Such cuties! I shall look out for this book! Visiting from #mummyandus

  5. I've seen quite a few reviews on this book now and everyone is saying such positive things about it! #picknmix

  6. It must be a veru good book to keep two boys entertained and be requested again and again. Rhey do look ever so sweet reading it in your pictures. #Picknmix

  7. We have this...I still need to write about it haha! Must crack on with that. I am so behind with everything! It's a great book though! Thanks so much for linking up with #TwinklyTuesday

  8. I must remember to order this book this weekend. I love havingn seasonal books and T would love this! Thanks for linking to #toddlerapprovedtuesday xx

  9. Aw what a cute book :) thanks for linking up to #Picknmix
    Stevie x

  10. Aw what a cute book :) thanks for linking up to #Picknmix
    Stevie x

  11. Aw what a cute book :) thanks for linking up to #Picknmix
    Stevie x

  12. Oh how exciting, I'm a big fan of their books. We haven't read that one, I may have to purchase it for Halloween. Thanks for linking to #PickNMix



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