Monday, 16 February 2015

My Ordinary Moment #3

This past week I have taken a step back and really watched the boys. I have sat on the sofa and watched them play, I have peeked around the door from the kitchen to see them playing together in the living room while I am cooking tea and I have seen their relationship as brothers build and a strong bond grow. My Ordinary Moment this week is one that really filled my heart with so much love and pride. It was a photo taken on a very ordinary daily occurrence, walking from the house to the car. As we took the corner to walk up the passage to our car park Noah held out his hand and Finley took hold of it. I nearly cried.

The moment right there I wanted to bottle up forever, thankfully I managed to get my phone out in time to take a photo. Even though you can't see Noah's face (my youngest) he had the biggest smile on his face - pure happiness that his older brother was holding his hand.
These two are growing up far too fast for my liking but I am so privileged that I am their Mummy and that I get to share these moments with them.


  1. Seriously beautiful moment. I know this feeling well when I see the happiness in my sons eyes when his sister just includes him or takes his hand. Love is seriously the answer to many things in life and it is so evident in our children. Beautiful post. X

  2. That is absolutely gorgeous, no wonder you nearly cried. I feel like that everyone my sisters do that together too. xx



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