Sunday, 25 September 2016

A Little Bit Of Me

Running has become a part of me. It's where I can let off steam from a bad day, I can talk to my running buddy about random things I need to get off my chest and it's my half an hour of the day where I can just have time for me. I have been running for over two years now and since the start of the year I have been going out on an average of 4 times a week, so it is part of my routine.

That was until last Sunday when I got injured. I don't think it happened on Sunday, I think it's an injury that has been coming on for a while but I was just hoping that it would go away. It didn't and come Monday morning I was struggling to walk without limping. I knew there was something wrong and I knew I needed to get it checked.

I took myself off to A&E where I was told that my Achilles tendon was inflamed and that I was going to have to rest it for a while. I was gutted and made my way back to the car in tears knowing that I would have to cancel my half marathon, that should have been today, and as I knew I wouldn't be running for a while. This may sound really silly to some but running has become, as I said, a part of me and I just didn't know what to do with myself.

Then on Wednesday I took myself off to the doctors as my heal was also hurting. This was where I was told my Plantar Fasciitis was also inflamed and I would be out of action for a good few weeks. I think I went as I just needed a second opinion, a little part of me was hoping I would be given a few tablets to help with the pain and told I could run, no such luck. I was given anti inflammatory tablets to help with the swelling and told to rest. On asking if I could swim I was told this was a good idea which made me feel a little happier.

But swimming isn't as easy as going out for a run. You need the pool to be open and with lane swimming on. And if I am honest it is pretty boring. But saying this I have been a couple of times and it has made me feel a little bit better.

I have been in a bit of a grump since Monday and I know it's because I can't run and I know how silly it sounds as there is nothing I can do about it. I know if I had carried on I would have caused more damage but it is oh so frustrating and gutting that I can't run. I feel that a part of me has been taken away temporarily and I don't know what to do with myself. I have missed the running group for one week and that was horrible. For me it is also about the social aspect of running and the feel good factor running brings.

I will be back, and I know I will be strong but right now I don't feel strong, I feel pretty down.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Kirsty, I feel your pain! I suffer with both my Achilles tendons and have done since a youngster. I now run with heel wedges in and straps designed to support the Achilles (well worth investing in). I do find massaging helps keep them supple, but can be painful when they is inflamed. It is wise to massage them when you can bear the pain, to help break down any scar tissue that may cause it to happen again.

    I hope they heal soon. When I feel mine playing up I get on my bike for a bit. It helps me keep fit without causing any more damage.





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