Tuesday, 8 September 2015

My Photo Of The Summer

With the beginning of September and the summer coming to an end it has made me have a look through all our summer photos. It made me realise just how much we have done and how much fun we have had.

We have had lots of days out while daddy was at work but we also made sure we had some family days out.
This photo sums up our summer with two f's, Fun & Family.

I took this photo while we ventured to Millet Farm and did some fruit picking, you can read our whole day here.

This picture has the three most important people in my life and the ones that make me smile every day.

We will continue to have days out but they will be into the autumn and winter, so here is to what the summer bought us. It wasn't really sun but it was full of love, and that's the most important thing.

The Twinkle Diaries
Best of Worst


  1. happy smily faces all round! It's hard to believe Summer is over isn't it, gone so fast! x #twinklytuesday

  2. I know that place well. Love is certainly the most important thing. #mummyandus

  3. What a brilliant read and what a gorgeous photo! Suz x Beauisblue.com

  4. It's so important to have quality time together. Like you hubby worked quite a bit so we treasured our days all together. Precious times. Important to capture in photo - like yours, just lovely x

  5. Aww you look so happy! Love seeing your adventures xx #twinklytuesday

  6. Absolutely the most important thing is love, family and fun sounds perfect. #mummyandus

  7. You look like your having the best time in that picture #bestandworst

  8. Gorgeous picture, I'm wondering where the Summer has gone?Thanks for linking up to the #bestandworst :-) x

  9. Wonderful picture with a beautiful sentiment x

  10. Aaah such a lovely pic!! And I feel sad that the summer has gone too!!! It seems to be over so quickly this year — last year rolled on for ever and ever and this year it feels as though it's only just started and it's over already!! Thanks so much for linking up with us #TwinklyTuesday

    Caro | www.thetwinklediaries.co.uk



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