Saturday, 26 September 2015

My Week At A Glance 19/09 - 25/09

Another great week here, full of fun and laughter and some much needed down time thrown in.

Saturday we had a chilled morning at home in our pyjama's. We then saw my Mum and Nan in the afternoon and in the evening I was cooked for by my husband. Now he has only cooked for me once in our whole 11 year relationship. Yes he has made me the odd bacon sandwich but I was being cooked a full on meal, and it was delicious! I was impressed and he has said he will cook more often for me, so watch this space.

On Sunday I was lucky enough to enjoy a spa day with some old school friends, we drank Prosecco, ate lovely food and generally chilled out while catching up. While this was happening hubby and the boys had a day together. We have discussed getting them Scalextric but decided on waiting until we have moved, but he had other ideas and treated them on Sunday - naughty Daddy!

The weather on Monday was shocking but we all know staying in with two toddlers can get stressful so we headed on out in the rain. We got on our wellies and the boys had their all in one rain suits on and jumped in muddle puddles at Westonbirt Arboretum, it was so much fun.

Tuesday was a preschool and Tumble Tots day, the boys then enjoyed having tea at their friends house, a little treat.

On Wednesday we spent the day with my best friend and her little one. We started off with soft play then chilled out at ours in the afternoon, as the boys had had a cooked lunch they had a picnic tea in the living room. I then spent the evening at my friends nail salon eating pizza and catching up with friends, and it was a huge pizza and a lovely evening!!

Thursday was preschool for Finley, so Noah and I did some jobs and once we got home the for sale sign had been updated to 'sold', exciting times! Finley then enjoyed his first Martial Arts lesson, you can read about it here.

On Friday both boys had preschool so I did my usual of rushing around for 3 hours doing all the jobs that aren't that easy with two toddlers in tow. We then spent the afternoon at Westonbirt with a friend and her little boy.

Now next week is going to top any other week I have had this year as we are heading to Disneyland Paris, I apologise now for the photo spam!

What Katy Said
The Dad Network
The Free Range Family


  1. Prosecco is always a winner in my opinion! Have a great week away! Thanks for hosting #justanotherlinky

  2. Looks like you had a great next week is going to be even better enjoy yourselves thanks for hosting

  3. Have fun at Disnyeland. We went there and it was a dream holiday I'll never forget!

    Angela x

  4. Sounds like a good week :) Enjoy Disneyland! Thanks for hosting #justanotherlinky

  5. Sounds like a wonderful week! Have a fabulous time at Disneyland!! #busydoinglife

  6. Great week! I especially love the sound of that spa day! Very nice. Thanks so much for sharing at Busy Doing Life Linky. 😀

  7. Sounds like a fab week, being cooked for, prosecco, spa, friends, Westonbirt... And the excitement of Disneyland! My week is so boring by comparison!
    Thank you for hosting #justanotherlinky x

  8. Not been to Westonbirt before but have heard good things - have a great time at Disneyland! #busydoinglife

  9. Love having a family day home in our pj's. So exciting you are going to Disneyland. We live only 2 hours away and haven't been in a while. Have a great trip! :)

    Sammy @

  10. A spa day sounds heavenly! Enjoy Disneyland Paris! I can't wait to hear all about it. #justanotherlinky x

  11. What a fab week you had, but how exciting is this week going to be! I'm desperate to take our two kiddies to Disneyland Paris! Hope you have a fab time! xxx #busydoinglife

  12. Right I'm on a mission!! I'm going to show my other half your post and tell him to cook a full meal for me too :) Look forward to seeing your Disneyland pics, how exciting! X #HappyDays
    Blogging at Boo & Maddie

  13. Love the sound of your spa day and having a meal cooked for you! Hope you have an amazing time in Disneyland Paris :-)

  14. Chilled morning sounds nice, where can I get one of those ;) Thanks for linking up #bigfatlinky

  15. Ahhh spa day and prosecco - sounds like utter bliss. I'm incredibly jealous.

    Have an incredible time at DisneyLand. :) (Doubly jealous now)


    Jenna at Tinyfootsteps xx

  16. Lovely week and i cant wait to hear about this week! Thanks for sharing in #HappyDaysLinky x



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