Monday, 7 September 2015

My Week At A Glance 29/08 - 04/09

How are the summer holidays over already? They have flown by but ours has been filled with loads of fun and great days out. I cherish these days because soon they will be off to school full time and I won't get the opportunity to just pop out for the day with them.

This week has been no exception to our other summer holiday weeks and we have crammed in so much - especially with it being a bank holiday weekend.

Saturday saw us see my Mum & Nan for the day and then once the boys were in bed, hubby and I made the chocolate pizza he gave me for my birthday. It was amazing but so sickly so we saved some for Sunday.

Our Sunday was a busy old day. We started the day with a trip to Petticoat Lane which was held in a town near ours. This is where they close the street and have lots of stalls. Finley won a box of chocolates on the tombola, which daddy and I will happily eat lol. We then spent the afternoon with my Dad, which you can read all about here.

On bank holiday Monday Finley and I left daddy and Noah at home and went to watch the Minions at the cinema. I wrote about it in this post, we had such a great time.

Tuesday was back to preschool for Finley so while he was there I did a spot of shopping with my best friend and her little girl.

On Wednesday we took advantage of the sun and went for a walk at westonbirt. It was lovely as usual even if we did get caught in the rain! When we got home we popped on our onesies and enjoyed some lovely cuddles.

Thursday wasn't a great day as Noah was poorly. He had picked up a sickness bug and had had us up all night and was poorly all day. Luckily Finley was at preschool so Noah got lots of cuddles. Then once daddy was home I went and met my Mum for a spot of shopping to spend some vouchers I had been given for my birthday. We then had a spot of tea out which was lovely to have time with Mum.

Friday was supposed to be Noah's first day at preschool but unfortunately with him being poorly on Thursday he couldn't go. They have a policy of children being 48 hours clear of sickness bugs. While Finley went we popped into town for a hair cut. And thankfully he let them cut his hair, success! It was getting a little too long so now he is looking very smart and grown up. We then grabbed a Costa before collecting Finley. Our Friday afternoon was then spent at home having a well deserved rest.

Here's to next week!
What Katy Said
My Random Musings
Mums' Days


  1. Sounds like a great week. Busy, but all fun stuff (except for the tummy bug!).
    Thanks for linking up to #AnythingGoes

  2. Hope next week is better, still you got some shopping in! #AnythingGoes

  3. Hope Noah is feeling better now? Sickness bugs are no fun!

    Love the photo collage - lots of happy, smiley faces. :)


    Jenna at Tinyfootsteps xx

  4. Oh no, sickness bugs are awful! Hope you have had a good week this week. Thanks for joining in #HappyDaysLinky x



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