Thursday, 7 January 2016

Blowing Away The Cobwebs

Now don't get me wrong, Christmas is a lovely time filled with family, friends, food, drink and presents. But the days are mostly all inside, especially with the weather as it was over Christmas last year, spent putting together and trying out the kids new toys and watching films with popcorn. There may be the odd pop to the shops or going out to try the kids new ride on's but there not for long periods and not exactly blow away the cobweb trips, well they weren't for us anyway.

There is only so much time you can spend at home and only so much the kids can tolerate of each other in such a confined space before everyone goes a bit potty. Up until today we have been in and out the house since new year with preschool runs and errands, so today was the day for some fresh air and some time to blow away the cobwebs of Christmas.

As you may have read and seen, we love the outdoors and especially our local Arboretum but we haven't been there since before Christmas due to seeing family and just not having the time to drive half an hour to spend a few hours as our Christmas diary was packed. I made plans to go with my best friend and her daughter to the Arboretum today as today was the only day both boys are home from preschool.

When making the husbands packed lunch I made ours too, packed up the bag, wrapped up warm and jumped in the car. But just as we were about to drive away the heavens opened so with a quick coat change for me we were off. By the time I had picked up my friend and got to the Arboretum the sun had come out but the wind had picked up, but as we opened the door the extent of the wind hit us. My friend nearly broke her finger by trying to stop the door from being pulled off it was that strong. But with hats and gloves on, off we headed in search for the Gruffallo as we do every time we come!

The wind was howling, literally, and the little ones were nearly getting knocked off their feet but that didn't stop them from running and jumping into every puddle in sight. We chose to go around the Old Arboretum in the hope that the trees would provide some shelter from the wind and they did. As soon as we were in the trees all we could hear was the wind howling outside but it was bitter cold. This didn't stop us and off we stomped to find the Gruffallo, at a faster pace than usually due to my toes losing their feeling! The kids were having a whale of a time, along with some tantrums from my boys which is a standard on our days out.

We found the Gruffallo and the famous stepping stones that all the kids love. After a few laps of that we were off in search of the café this time and hot chocolate!

Our plan had been to grab a hot chocolate and eat our picnic on the tables next to the café but it was far to bitter so after purchasing the hot chocolates, that I think we all needed, we headed back to the car to eat our lunch. Well in the end we went back to my friends house to have an indoor picnic as it was a lot less hassle than trying to feed 3 children in the car.

Cobwebs well and truly blown away, off we went for a nice warm picnic with a nice hot cup of tea.

These are the days I hope the boys remember when they are older and I hope the Arboretum will hold fond memories for them. I want them and their best friend to look back and chat about 'our days out with our mummy's'.
A Cornish Mum
Binky Linky
Mami 2 Five
Life Unexpected


  1. Whenever we are feeling overwhelmed, stressed, sad or down I always need to blow those cobwebs away. For my family we like to visit the local beach and walk along the prom in all weather. I think I may be the only person to prefer to visit the beach in the winter hehe. I'm glad you all enjoyed your indoor picnics with hot chocolates!!! #BinkyLinky

  2. I definitely feel the need to get out and about after Christmas. I've been doing loads of walking this week which has felt great! Sounds like a great place to visit x #binkylinky

  3. I bet it was one of those days where you had a fab day but it was lovely to get warm when you got cold!! Lovely pics as always and fab memories xx #binkylinky

  4. These are my favourite kinds of day. Hoping to go on the local Stickman trail next weekend. Wellies, waterproofs & warm clothes!

  5. We've had really bad cabin fever recently! It's still too wet to get out for us and still chucking down this morning :( Looks like you had a great time seeing the Gruffalo x #JustAnotherLinky x

  6. Such a fantastic way to shake off the Christmas cabin fever. We always try to get put into nature as much as we can, especially in January. There's something very calming about it after all the fuss of Christmas. Lovely photos hon.

    Thanks for hosting #justanotherlinky xx

  7. I love that you are making such special memories with them. Think I would have opted to go to a friends for a hot cuppa too #justanotherlinky

  8. We had done much walking over Christmas either, so went for a walk in woods last weekend despite rubbish weather. We also looked for the Gruffalo! #justanotherlinky

  9. It's great to get out for a walk after Christmas looks like you had a fab time thanks for hosting #justanotherlinky

  10. Sounds like you had a lovely day. It's great to get outside when it's winter when you can. #Justanotherlinky

  11. I love a wintery walk although I must admit the rain puts me off. We recently went to Salcey Forest for the stick man trail. Kids loved it & I was super happy I remembered wellies. It was v muddy.

  12. I love a wintery walk although I must admit the rain puts me off. We recently went to Salcey Forest for the stick man trail. Kids loved it & I was super happy I remembered wellies. It was v muddy.

  13. I feel much the same I love making memories with my kids, whether it be a walk in the woods, playing or naming something together or snuggling under a duvet watching a film. Sounds like a perfect walk to blow away those Christmas cobwebs x

  14. I was desperate to get outside again after Christmas too #justanotherlinky

  15. What a great outing! Hot chocolate when its cold is the best. I can't imagine trying to eat in the car with three kids! #justanotherlinky

  16. Looks like a fab day out (albeit with an indoor picnic) We really need to go the the abetorium near us sometime #justanotherlinky

  17. It's so great to get outside with the kids! I love cold, sunny days. We have had so much rain, there hasn't been that many good days to go exploring. That's great you had the picnic indoors in the end. Thanks so much for hosting #JustAnotherLinky x

  18. It's been so wet and horrible in Cornwall lately that I can so relate to this - I have cabin fever! Thanks for linking up to #PicknMix, just thought I'd say though when linking up you might want to delete the '?m=1' bit from your url as it means people see the mobile view on a computer, which means there's no sidebar showing and views won't get counted by people like tots 100 as the badge isn't viewed ;)

    Stevie x

  19. Gorgeous Pictures! I love the outdoors as well. There is nothing like fresh air, beautiful scenery and great company to revitalise yourself! It's been blistering hot here and there have been days when we absolutely cannot go out. #justanotherlinky

  20. What a great way to make memories. And I love your pictures. I loathe the wind so I give kudos to you for even going out in it. Thank you for hostessing #justanotherlinky. 💌Trista

  21. Walks are great to de-stress and forget about everything! Lovely photos and looks like a lovely walk x

  22. Such a lovely post and its so true a walk in the fresh air can make all the difference! Lovely pics xx #justanotherlinky

  23. Back again! Thanks for linking up to the #BinkyLinky

  24. Great post thanks for linking to the Binkylinky

  25. Ah, excellent. This sounds like a lot of fun. I love the idea of hunting for the Gruffalo - have you ever found him/her?

  26. I love this approach i am also teaching my kids that when life gets too much we take a walk its such a wonderful way to reconnect with yourself #justanotherlinky

  27. A good walk always does everyone the power of good I think. Especially after being stuck inside for a while #justanotherlinky

  28. Hi Kirsty, the Arboretum sounds like the perfect place to blow away the cobwebs. The children can a burn off some energy and have some good old fashioned outdoor fun. And what better way to end the day than an indoor picnic?


  29. Such gorgeous pictures, I definitely know what you mean about cabin fever we get the same and just have to go out! Thanks for hosting #justanotherlinky

  30. We did the same as you this weekend. Over the last few weekends since Xmas we have been out to feed the ducks, feed the squirrels and walked the Gruffalo trail. Cramming everything in whilst the weather allows. Love your photos #mg

  31. We've been going on lots of walks to try and undo all the eating we did over Christmas. Great idea and really fun!

  32. I'm sure your boys will remember those moments and if they don't then you will have this lovely blog post to show them. It is so nice to get out and about after all the Christmas excess wasn't it. Thanks for linking up to the first #sundaystars of 2016. Hope to see you next week.

  33. Looks like you had a really good day! :D Nothing like a run around for the kids - we always get a good bed time! hehe Mine would have loved to see a Gruffalo we don't have that near us that I know of.


  34. Wow certainly sounds windy but I bet it was lovely to get out in the fresh air for a bit and for the kids to burn off some energy! Xx #whatevertheweather

  35. I love windy days, which is lucky as we've had quite a few lately. But it can be tough for the little ones. Glad to see yours enjoyed themselves anyway #whatevertheweather

  36. I am sure they will do just that when they get older and who doesn't love an indoor picnic? Love the Gruffalo photos :) We are hoping to get to the Superworm trail soon. Thanks for hosting #Justanotherlinky xx

  37. Sounds like a great day was had by all. I love a good indoor picnic too and I hope it didn't take too long for your toes to defrost! Thanks for linking up with #sundaystars x

  38. Awww what a lovely walk. Some much needed fresh air. It has been so bitter lately though hasn't it. We've resorted to drinking takeaway hot drinks and eating in the car a lot lately too. I hate the feeling of cold hands and ears and if you stop for a moment to eat it's so hard to get warm again. I love your photos! I wish we had something gruffalo based or storybooked based near us. I always see everyones adventures on these trails and they look great! Thank you so much for linking your adventures to #whatevertheweather x

  39. That's a lovely sentiment. It will be good to know what they remembered most about being little and spending time with friends, I'm sure you're right that this is something they will remember and treasure. A lovely adventure and great photos, looking forward to reading more adventures. Thanks for linking up to #Whatevertheweather :) x



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