Friday, 8 January 2016

Monthly Bucket List ~ January 2016

I have always wanted to do a bucket list but have never really got round to it, but when I saw Beth from Twinderelmo had a Monthly Bucket List linky I thought this was the perfect opportunity. I am hoping that making a monthly bucket list will help with my organisation skills for the coming year, which is set to be a busy one with a house move and Finley starting school. So here goes, here is my January bucket list.

1. Get back into my running ready for my half marathon in March. I have done a few runs over the Christmas period but not as much as I would normally do, so I want to crank up training in January.

2. Keep up with my plan of a photo a day with Project 366. I saw people doing this challenge last year and thought what a great idea but realised a little too late. I want to capture a picture each day for the next year, but January will tell if I actually keep this up. I want to do this so I can document the boys growing and to look back at the end of the year.

3. Increase my online presence. I am a little bit erratic when it comes to Twitter and Facebook. One week I can be on there all the time, then the next I am hardly on there apart from my scheduled tweets (I know, naughty naughty!). I would also like to get to grips with Pinterest, any tips welcome.

4. Get back to eating healthier. Since losing weight I changed the way in which I ate, it became healthier, but over Christmas I have slipped back into my old eating habits of snacking on chocolate and biscuits. And not eating much fruit and veg, so I am back to it this month.

5. Do a few more arts and crafts with the boys. I am not a huge fan of crafty stuff as its messy and if I'm honest I'm not very good at it but the boys keep asking to do more crafty stuff, so I think I'm going to just dive on into our craft box and get messy.

6. Get organised. This is one for the blog and day to day life. Our routine has changed in January so we will need to get to grips with that and it will mean being so much more organised. And also with my blog to get scheduled and posts written!

These aren't huge things but you've got to start somewhere and I don't want to go big, no succeed and then feel like a totally failure. So lets see how this goes!

You Baby Me Mummy
New Mummy Blog


  1. A great start indeed! Just the words half marathon make my legs go to jelly. I joined the gym last night and my legs ache this morning but we all have to start somewhere I guess!!
    All chocolate has been banished here too (sob) I would love to do a bit more crafting with the girls too but I'm a bit rubbish - they are not impressed!
    Huge monthly goals are always better as you feel accomplished when you manage them. Thanks so much for linking up lovely xx

  2. The monthly bucket list is a great idea!

  3. It to am desperately trying to organise myself, and eat healthier in general I eat well but over Christmas I allowed myself more treats and feel like I came out of it addicted to sugar. Honestly this sounds so dramatic but I am trying to wean myself off it ha ha, it just shows it is addictive x

  4. I definitely recommend buying some planners to keep yourself organized. I've been doing it since the 1st of January and its working out good so far. I struggle with a project 52 never mind 365 lol good luck with that. I would too like to do more arts and crafts with my oldest son so I hope he's up for it lol #TheBabyFormula

    Pauline x

  5. Great aims and some I have in my yearly goals... I'd definitely recommend the evergreen plug in for wordpress if you use it? It means I do have tweets going out even if I just don't have time to do anything. I'm really impressed that I do get replies to the tweets and shares too. I think of it as a publicist for me :-) I'm really going to try to do monthly reviews this year (I managed 2 last year!!)... I think it will also help with my organisation (I don't like not meeting targets! So it's forced organisation hahaha
    Thanks for sharing, hope you pop by again #TheBabyFormula



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