Wednesday, 6 January 2016

Without A Care

I wish that I had the mind set of a 4 year old, particularly my 4 year old. He literally takes everything in life with a pinch of salt and not a care in the world, and I am envious of that. I want to be able to strut (yes he strut's) into a room and not give a flying frog what anyone thinks of me and to do whatever I fancy. This is what Finley does and he does it with such style, like he is in that foreign environment everyday, and I high five him for that because his confidence must come from his Daddy as it certainly isn't from me.

He started his new preschool Monday, after having to change preschools just 6 months previously, to the preschool in our soon to be home town. I was nervous as I wanted it to go well and also nervous due to the fact the friends he had made at his old preschool would not be there. His comfort if you like and his gang. He did have his best friend though who he has grown up with, so that was a positive but I wanted him to make other friends for his sake as well as Harry's because I didn't want him to get on Harry's nerves.

So the day came and he was so excited. We were far too early, my organisation skills had paid off and we were there 15 minutes early waiting. The gates opened and he waltz on in, stood at the door and waited for 9.15am to come and for them to let him in. The time came and he followed the crowd, I followed him with not a clue what we had to do but he really didn't seem to care. We saw all the other children hanging their coats and bags on the pegs so we followed suit and then went into the main hall. Here was where Harry took Finley to show him where his lunchbox and drink went and where I met his key worker. She was lovely, first impressions are always important and I liked her and Finley obviously did too as after a little chat and saying our goodbyes she took him away to play.

Now as much as I wanted him to get on well with no fuss, the whole not needing or wanting me really leaves me feeling lost. I loitered at the door, and I say loitered as I think they wanted to close it but with my big fat head there they couldn't. I was peering through the window to see how he was and even after only being in that room for a Halloween party last year, he looked at home. My heart expanded and cried at the same time for my big brave boy. I asked one of the staff some silly questions just to give myself meaning to being stood there and then toddled off with Noah and the pushchair.

I didn't want tears and I didn't want pulling at my legs, and he gave me just that. His confidence is amazing and I know that will get him far in life as well as that cheeky smile!

Upon picking him up, which I didn't at all run to, I was greeted by the biggest smile and hug, which after 5 hours of not seeing him was lovely. They told me how well he had done and how he was very chatty. They said he had fitted in perfectly which was just what I wanted to hear. This is the first piece of jigsaw for our new house and it is the one I was most nervous about, and it went well. I can now rest assured Finley has slotted right into the town how I wanted him too.

A Cornish Mum
Marvellous Mondays badge by Hello Archie


  1. I think the same thing often about my 4 year old. How awesome it must be to be them, without a care in the world

  2. Amazing story- kids are great. X

  3. How lovely! Such a wonderful quality kids have, if only we could all retain it as adults! #justanotherlinky

  4. This was lovely to read, glad Filey has settled into play school well. I think I am going to cry the first time Leo goes to something like this. Hope move goes well x #picknmix

  5. Well done Finley! Kids are just so adaptable aren't they? I wish I had never lost my carefree policy!

  6. That's great he has oddles of confidence! It will serve him well xx #JustAnotherLinky

  7. Aw fantastic news that he's settled in so well. It does leave you feeling a bit :-/ though when they don't appear to mind you leaving doesn't it? Miss Tot started nursery last week too and ran off without a care. It would be much worse if she was upset though as I think it would break my heart to leave.

    Congratulations to your big boy xx

  8. It must be such a relief the transition has gone well #justanotherlinky

  9. So glad to hear it went well! #justanotherlinky

  10. Aw I'm glad he got on okay! My eldest hated me leaving him anyway, his younger brother cried on his first day of pre-school...because he didn't want to come home at the end as he wanted to do more painting!! I'm not sure which I preferred ha!

    Thanks for linking up to #PicknMix

    Stevie x

  11. It was so easy when we were younger to be so carefree and make friends and fall upon new adventures. Love the pic of his cheeky smile. You know you are doing something right when you are raising a child who glows with confidence. Thanks so much for hostessing. 💌Trista

  12. Children are amazing they teach us so much about how we really should be approaching life. #justanotherlinky

  13. ahh I am so glad he got on ok. Such a confident boy! #justanotherlinky

  14. It's wonderful that he's loving it. :) My oldest was like that - my other two are more careful, but my daughter *loves* her school (She started reception last year) and is the same now - she hardly says good bye! lol


  15. Aww this is lovely to read. It's so nice when they settle in quickly. My second is like this I don't know where he gets his confidence from either. Thanks for linking to #PickNmix



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