Friday, 1 January 2016

Me & Mine ~ December

Another month has passed by in the blink of an eye and we are now into the New Year. December was a great month full of Christmas fun and lots of family time. Here is this months Me & Mine.

Mummy is loving:

* Starting to pack up the house - it means less to dust!
* More time with the boys over the holiday
* Visiting Father Christmas with the boys and hubby
* Taking a break from half marathon training and indulging on Christmas food
* My new shoes for New Year's Eve

Daddy is loving:

* Days off with the boys
* A day with his whole family celebrating a Constable Christmas
* Chocolate Oranges's - enough said
* Getting to grips with his new Xbox and games
* Christmas shopping with his Mum & Dad (A Christmas tradition)

Finley is loving:

* Opening presents
* Toasted marshmallows and mince pies
* His cinema date with Daddy
* His new scooter
* Our Elf on the Shelf - Sausage

Noah is loving:

* Having a haircut and sitting by himself for the first time
* The Stick Man movie
* Dressing up
* His toy cars
* Chocolate!

dear beautiful
Binky Linky
A Cornish Mum
You Baby Me Mummy


  1. Sounds like it's been a great month! And that has to be the best name for an Elf on the Shelf I've heard :D #binkylinky

  2. Aww such a lovely post!! It's so fab to reflect isn't it :) Popping over from the #binkylinky

  3. A happy New Year to you all, sounds like a Christmas to remember #PicknMix

  4. Mini R loves the stickman movie! Keeps him quiet for a bit! ☺️

  5. Your elf on the shelf has the best name! Hope you all had a great Christmas! #justanotherlinky

  6. Love how you do this from everyone's perspective:)
    Would love to have you link this up to my #GratitudeGoals linky.

  7. Sounds like you've all had a fabulous month. Stick man has been a regular feature in our house too - plus Room on the Broom. Think I like it more than the tots!? December is such a magical month and it's lovely to read other people's highlights too.

    Happy new year and thank you for hosting xx

  8. Ooo show us a photo of your new shoes! I love shoes! :) Pretty awesome month! :) Hubby got a PS4 for Christmas so he's gone all gamer on me now! :/ #JustAnotherLinky

  9. Sounds like a really great December, Christmas and holidays! Happy New Year! Thanks for hosting #justanotherlinky

  10. It really is the simple pleasures in life isn't it? And there's a film of Stick Man? I never knew! Glad you had a good month #JustAnotherLinky

  11. It really is the simple pleasures in life isn't it? And there's a film of Stick Man? I never knew! Glad you had a good month #JustAnotherLinky

  12. What a lovely Christmas time you've had! New shoes for the new year's eve, I love the never ending presents to oneself. Lovely post and most of all gorgeous family photo! #justanotherlinky

  13. What a lovely month! I might have a look at the Me & Mine Linky - sounds lovely! Also totally loving that your Elf on the Shelf was called Sausage! Made me chuckle a lot! xx

  14. Lovely. Such a busy time but lots of fun things to enjoy #justanotherlinky

  15. Sounds like a lovely happy and content December! Happy New Year xxx #justanotherlinky

  16. Good to see that you had a great Christmas. Hubby probably already knows but if not Xbox is having a big sale with some hefty discounts on great games.


    Shoebox of M

  17. Sounds like you had a lovely December! Happy new year to you. #justanotherlinky

  18. Sounds like a lovely December! And what a gorgeous photo of you all. x

  19. Sounds like it's been a busy month. Hope you had a lovely Christmas and that the house move goes well. Thanks for linking up to the #BinkyLinky

  20. Ah how brilliant was the Stickman! I thought my son enjoyed it but he won't watch it again because he said it made him jump when the dog came out of the bushes, bless him! I'm with your hubby on the chocolate orange thing - I Love them!! #justanotherlinky

  21. What a lovely post fab photos thanks for linking to the #binkylinky

  22. Thanks for hosting great post X

  23. Sounds like you have a great time together. Happy New Year! #justanotherlinky

  24. Sounds like a great month! oo i love chocolate orange! i like the way you have written your month from everyone's perspective :) #picknmix

  25. Sounds like you had a great December and Christmas. Heres too many more stuff excited about in 2016! Happy new year X #justanotherlinky

  26. Aw I love this, so positive and happy to read :) It sounds like a lovely month

    Thanks for linking up to #PicknMix

    Stevie xx

  27. What a great round up. Sounds like December rocked for you all. Thanks for linking up to #TheList x

  28. Aww lovely list these posts will be so nice to look back on. Chocolate oranges are my favourite! Happy New Year and thanks for linking to #PickNMix



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