Thursday, 7 April 2016

Our Day Out At Woodchester Park

With it being half term and the fact that our last half term was ruined by illness I wanted to make the most of this one. I love days out where the boys can run free and explore so when my friend invited us along to Woodchester Park we were very excited. I had never been there, even though as I found out on the way that it is just 10 minutes from where I grew up! It is part of The National Trust but to enter you don't need a membership you just have to pay the £3 parking, bargain day out!

We arrived just after 10.30am and with the sun shining it was the perfect day for it. The boys couldn't wait to get going and loaded up with children and picnics we set off into the woodland. I didn't know what to expect as I hadn't done any research but I could tell straight away this place was going to be awesome.

We had only been walking 2 minutes and the boys were already exploring off the track. There are a few routes you can take but we took the shorter route as we knew that with little legs and the way they explore that this would take all day. As we headed up the hill Noah found a stick which he started to use as a walking stick, as he was trying his best to keep up with the two older boys.

At the top of the hill there were some wooden bars to balance on with some stepping stones, the boys heaven. After spending 10 minutes here we managed to drag them away to carry on the walk. Before we started off again we stopped and let the boys do some crayon rubbing on a rubbing spot.

We carried on and not far along there were some more logs for the boys that were like steps and they enjoyed playing here for a while and also jumping in the mud just along side it. As we carried on there were lots of muddy ridges for the boys to climb, which they did, and also slid down. They had a ball seeing how high they could climb and exploring what was on the hill sides. We stopped at a great spot that had a lovely seat for the boys so they could have a snack.

Once snack time was over we were off again to see what else we could find. We had quite a few fallings over as the boys wouldn't slow down and couldn't wait to see what was around the next corner. 

Noah had his microscope, which he calls his mirror, with him so we stopped a few times to investigate what was on the side from flowers to leaves. It was so lovely to see him so interested in nature.

After half an hour the boys were hungry so we found a spot to have lunch, sitting down for lunch didn't last long as there was just far too much to see and do. With lunch eaten we were off again to see what else we could find. Just at the top of the next hill there was a rope swing which the boys had a ball on. After taking turns off they ran to another rope swing just along the path. Here there was a little bit of a toddler fight and after having a chat they were on good terms again after having another go on the swing.

This place really is fantastic with loads of things to do and loads for the boys to find. The next thing we stumbled upon was a wooden seesaw. By this time the boys were getting a little tired so we made our way to the mansion house where we were planning on getting the bus back up the hill, as I don't think little legs would have made it. Just before the bus stop there were some hidden steps which the boys enjoyed running up and down and playing peek a boo.

We got to the bus just in time thankfully and once all on the bus up the hill we went. Finley and his best friend were sat together on the back seat and were having a lovely little chat about their adventure. It is so lovely to hear their little conversations. We got back to the car and as we were loading up the car I looked over to the nearby field where a cow had literally just had its calf! We took the boys over to see and they were fascinated.

All loaded in the car and on the road home, it didn't take them long to fall asleep with smiles on their faces.
A Cornish Mum



  1. Ah looks like a lovely day out - so pleased this holiday wasn't ruined by illness...phew a lucky escape! Thanks for linking up to #coolmumclub lovely x

  2. What a fun day of adventure for you and the boys...well mostly for the boys! They are so cute and I can tell they enjoyed themselves!

  3. Looks like great fun, sure my boys would love this. Great photos too. Thanks for linking to #PicknMix



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