Saturday, 2 April 2016

What Made Me Happy This Week #5

I am back with what made me happy this week, I didn't post anything last week because things were a little manic in our house so the blog was put on hold for a few days. But normal service has resumed.

This week has been the first week of the Easter holidays and what a fantastic week it has been. Last half term, which was only 5 weeks ago, was a write off as we were all so poorly. So I am making a big effort with this one and it is paying off as we are having so much fun and so many smiles from the boys. 

- An Easter egg hunt with our best friends. To start Easter we got together with our best friends for lunch and an Easter egg hunt. The kids had so much fun and we all had a great day in the sun. 

- A girly night out with my best friends. It has been a while since our last night out and with the past few weeks being full of stress we decided to plan a night and my goodness it was amazing. Yes I felt a tad bit horrendous in the morning but we had so many laughs and so much fun.

- A stay with my Mum. We stayed with my Mum who lives about an hour away from us for a night. We enjoyed lots of chocolate, a yummy roast and some much needed family down time. On Monday we went and saw the tall ships at Gloucester Docks which the boys needed and it was a well needed walk to walk off all the chocolate.
- Soft play. I thought I was being nuts on Tuesday, heading to soft play with it raining and being half term but we all had a great time. Mummy's had a cuppa and the kids got to run off some energy.
- Visiting Grampy Doug. On Wednesday we tool a trip to my husbands Grandad's in Wales. You can read all about it here.
- A walk in Woodchester Park. It is always lovely to go somewhere new as the boys love to explore places they have never been before and we were not disappointed. It was a very muddy walk but the boys climbed, jumped and laughed together so it was a brilliant day. Even us Mummy's got to have a natter.
- Exchanging on our house. This has been such a long time coming, 7 months to be exact, but we are getting so close now!  

- Brown Brothers Cienna. When we went traveling in 2007 and stayed with some family they introduced us to an Australian wine, Brown Brother Cienna. We used to be able to get it in Tesco's but haven't been able to for year, and the my husband found it online. So be bought some and oh my goodness it is as gorgeous as I remember!
What Katy Said
Keep Calm and Carry On Linking Sunday
Pink Pear Bear


  1. So pleased you have finally exchanged!! Lovely week hun with so much family time and fun. Good luck moving xxx #happydays

  2. Looks like you have had a fab week! Yay and congrats on exchanging. 7 months!! That is a long wait :-) x #KCACOLS

  3. It looks like you had a great week, I am long overdue a girly catch up and congrats on exchanging too, that is a really long time to wait! #KCACOLS

  4. Aw, all these lovely photos made me so happy. Looks like you had a great week. Loved that you got a night out with your girls. #bigpinklink

    Nadia - ScandiMummy x

  5. Aww such a lovely and very busy week! Great memories! The last photo of your boys at Woodchester Park is beautiful. How exciting about exchanging on your house!! I really need a nice girl out too. There is nothing better than spending some time with the family. We did the same and it was lovely too. My girls love going to soft place! They have lots fun there. There is not a proper easter without an easter egg hunt!! Thanks so much lovely for sharing this at #KCACOLS. I love having you again. It woud be lovely if you come back on Sunday! :-) x

  6. Congratulations on exchanging on your house!! That sounds very exciting! And wow! You've definitely had an action packed time, you've packed in loads of great stuff! Fab pictures too (your boys always look so cheery!) I love walking around Gloucester Docks, I love all the warehouse buildings, and the antique shops and flea market places! And I'm glad that you had such a great time on your girls night out, it's so easy put these things off, and to get so caught up in your life that girls nights get forgotten... A good sign that you woke up with a sore head!!
    Thanks for sharing with #bigpinklink

  7. Hurrah for exchanging on the house, that's really great news! We love woodland walks and soft play is always a winner with my boys. Thanks for linking up to #HappyDaysLinky x



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