Friday 22 April 2016

What Made Me Happy This Week #7

This week has been a strange week with the blog as I just haven't had the urge to write. Not sure why as we have had a lot going on but I just haven't been able to find the words or energy to write. So here is what made me happy this week as it has been a pretty happy week.

1. Our new dining table. We needed a new dining table as the one from our old house was just too large as we didn't use all 6 chairs. So rather than buy a brand new one, which wasn't in the budget after moving, we went to our local charity furniture shop and picked up a bargain round table. It fits in the room nicely and we are so happy with it.

2. A Sunday lie in. I was lucky enough on Sunday to get a lie in which was amazing, just what I needed. Mr C let me sleep in and the woke me with a cup of tea, definitely a keeper. Then the boys joined me which they found hilarious.

3. Getting out in the garden. The weather has been on the nice side this week, even if a little chilly so we managed to get out into our new garden. The boys have loved playing in their cosy coupes and have also enjoyed their new trampoline.

4. Park fun. We have managed to get to some different parks 3 days this week and it has been lovely. I have picked Finley up from preschool and as the weather was so nice we headed to the park and this has been something we have all loved. This has been one of the best things about our move, that we can do this without the worry of getting home in time for tea or if the boys will fall asleep in the car. This week has been all about the outdoors.

5. Tennis practice. After preschool on Tuesday I took the boys to a tennis practice with some friends. It wasn't full on practice as they are only 2 & 4 but they loved it and it is a lovely activity for them to do.

6. Friends. We have had lots of time with our friends this week and we are so lucky to have the incredible friends that we have in our lives. We have had lunch & play dates as well as evenings of drinks and catching up. 

7. A girlie night out. It was one of my mummy friends birthdays on Wednesday and I was invited out with her and some of her friends. It was lovely to chat with other mummy's and have a little drink.

8. Snapchat! I have just got onto the snapchat band wagon and love it! Obsessed even.
A Cornish Mum
Stopping at two


  1. I daren't even try Snapchat as social media is already a huge time sink!

  2. What is a lie in?! Congrats on that! Love being able to open up the doors and let the kids roam in the garden now, without mud and a freezing house. Thanks for the link up 😊

  3. I love snapchat...😘 Come and find me if you like (kacombes). I have just begun following some bloggers and it's like they are mini vlogs - it's great.

    Your dining table is lovely oh and we have the same table cloth! That was something we decided when we bought our new home - a smaller table!!! 😘

    Thanks for sharing xxx

  4. Popping over with #JustAnotherLinky

  5. Aww sounds like a good week all round! Hope you're settling in nicely and congrats on your new home x #justanotherlinky

  6. Sounds like you had a lovely week and you look gorge in your pic! Happy saturday chick xx #justanotherlinky

  7. Sounds like a really happy week! It's so nice to be able to get outside again now isn't it? We even managed to get the paddling pool out one afternoon this week (possibly slightly ambitious in April but hey?) ;) Lovely photos xx

  8. I get a lie in on Saturdays and the kids always love joining me when Misery Guts wakes me with a cup of tea! #justanotherlinky

  9. I get a lie in on Saturdays and the kids always love joining me when Misery Guts wakes me with a cup of tea! #justanotherlinky

  10. I love how all the items you listed are natural things , i love lie ins as well and i really enjoy our garden have a great day lovely meeting you through #just another linky

  11. great photos, I love a nice Sunday lie in. And I relly love your place mats #Justanotherlinky

  12. Can't beat a lie in with a cuppa and the inevitable bed invasion by the small people is always fun #justanothelinky

  13. I have never tried snapchat, think I would be too scared to try it!

  14. ah that all sounds lovely and some great photos. hope the lie in was nice I am hoping for one tomorrow...#justanotherlinky

  15. Hi Kirsty, just the thought of moving house is enough to render me too tired to blog! It's nice that the weather has been nice enough for you to be able to get out and about and I love the greenness of the grass in your garden! My husband would be well jealous.


  16. Your opening statement speaks for me as well. I haven't even felt an urgency to write. I'm so bogged down with my full time job right now and so ready for Summer vaca. You really did have a great week and pickup some great finds. That park looks really nice and maybe I should be taking tennis lessons. I just can't get it. Take care and have a great weekend! ~Lowanda #justanotherlinky

  17. I'm a firm believer that life is all about the little things in life, the simple pleasures. I love love love the photo of you on the swings with your boys! :)

  18. I'm a firm believer that life is all about the little things in life, the simple pleasures. I love love love the photo of you on the swings with your boys! :)

  19. Oops forgot to say #justanotherlinky :)

  20. I'm not sure what it is, but I seem to have caught the lazy bug as well! We've had so many different things going on, and I FINALLY sat down to write a post last night. Lazy me didn't even publish it until today :/
    So glad you decided to share your week with us, looks like it was an absolutely wonderful one. LOVE the photo of you and the boys at the park!
    I may need to hint around to my husband that I'd like a day to sleep in :p #justanotherlinky

  21. Wow a lie in that sounds so nice one lucky mommy !! And I am one jealous mommy !!!

  22. Wow a lie in that sounds so nice one lucky mommy !! And I am one jealous mommy !!!

  23. Amazing post made me think of what made me happy this week, going through some though emotions #justanotherlinky

  24. Awesome week you have had Sunday lie-in what's that! Lucky you Em wants a trampoline for the girls think I'm being worn down great post thanks for linking to the #binkylinky

  25. Doesn't everything just feel tons better now the sunshines out!

  26. Looks like you had a fab week with lovely weather!!! #justanotherlinky

  27. Popping in again from #Twinkly Tuesday *waves*! #TwinklyTuesday

  28. Sounds like a wonderful week! I love weekend lie in's; haven't had any in a bit but I do sure love them.

  29. Looks like you have had a lovely week - I love that the weather had been lovely enough to get out into the garden (until the last couple of days with all the hail and freezing temperatures). Thanks for linking up to #SundayStars

  30. Sounds like a great week :) I've had the same thing this week with writing or for the last few days anyway. I think I just needed a small break and to just do nothing for a change. It was lovely :) Love your new garden by the way and I have that table cloth :)

    Stevie xx #PicknMix



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