Tuesday, 19 July 2016

Beautiful Disney Movie Collection Books from Parragon Books - The Jungle Book & Frozen

We love books and we also love Disney so what better combination than Disney books?! We were kindly sent two Disney Movie Collection books, Frozen and The Jungle Book. The boys love both of these movies but they are really into The Jungle Book at the moment so the book came at just the right time. 

The books are the whole movie so we don't read the whole book before bedtime we read a few pages at a time. This I have found make the boys really excited about bedtime as they can't wait to get into bed and for us to continue the story. They are both hard back books with single pictures on the front that make them instantly recognisable to the boys.


Both books are beautiful and ones I know will be kept for a very long time and even be passed through generations as they are so well made. They are so colourful which is perfect for my two as it captures and hold their attention. As the boys have seen the movies they can relate to the books and they also know what is coming next. The text is nice and clear and is large but not too large that it doesn't interfere with the illustrations.

The books are firm favourites of the boys and after each book was finished we proceeded to watch the films a few times. You really can't beat Disney and these books are as brilliant as the films.

* We were sent these to review and all opinions are 100% my own.*



  1. Lovely review. I love the fact that the books have the complete stories in them so you can read a bit each night and come back to it. I've not tried that and think its a great idea! Emily #TwinklyTuesday

  2. Lovely review - we received these too and I really need to write mine!!!!! Thanks for linking up with #TwinklyTuesday

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