Thursday, 21 July 2016

The Last - It's All Change From Here

We woke yesterday morning the same as we wake every morning to one of the boys bounding into our room telling us it's morning time, they know this from the Gro Clock. As most mornings we said they could go and grab the iPad while we dozed and got a few more minutes sleep. Mr C and I got up about 7.20, I went downstairs to make the bos breakfast and put on the kettle while Mr C opened up all of the curtains. We then swapped so I could jump in the shower and Mr C could eat his breakfast with the boys. These are our mornings on a Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday. They are chilled but with a hint of order needed as we need to be out by 9am to get to preschool. Only one of the boys goes to preschool so there's only one lot of lunch to remember and one bag to repack. Well this morning was our last morning like this as Finley has now finished preschool for the summer ready to start school in September. 

Our mornings will be a lot more chilled in the next 6 weeks and we may not have much order to them, which will be lovely, and then in September both boys will have somewhere to be. Finley to school and Noah to preschool. We will rush and we will not stop until we get home at 3.15pm that afternoon. We won't be able to offer the iPad as we will need to be up, lunches will need to be made, bags packed, uniform put on and out the door we will go. 

Yesterday morning Finley got his scooter and we made our short 10 minute trip to preschool up the hill. He scoots all the way with me occasionally telling him to keep going as he stops to see what's going on around. This happens most mornings. Yesterday morning I realised this will be the last time he scoots there or scoots in the mornings as the school is a minutes walk from our house. I will then dash Noah off in his pushchair to preschool and return home alone. Yesterday would have been the last day that if we were late it didnt't matter, because at school it does. It was the last time I would make him a packed lunch and the last time I would take the short trip up the hill to collect him. It was the last time he would grab his scooter, put on his helmet and bomb it down the hill to home. The route will no longer be our route, only if we are passing on the way into town, but then we tend to do the river walk. 

This all makes me sad as a chapter in our lives has come to an end, but then a new one is beginning. We have the summer to have fun, forget about the routine and just enjoy the freedom.

Come September our new adventure will start and this scares me as I'm not great with change and I'm not great with goodbyes to what was. But it's exciting and we will get our new routine and it will become our everyday life, however sad it is to say goodbye to the last chapter.

A Cornish Mum


  1. It is a sad time but also so exciting for many reasons! Enjoy your lazy mornings :) #picknmix

  2. Aww it is sad but also exciting. Enjoy the summer and hope it goes well in September. Thanks for linking to #picknmix

  3. I know this feeling well... September 2017 both of my boys will be at secondary school... it goes so quickly eek, you have so many exciting years to come though and school plays, sports days and other things that are great about school :)

    Stevie xx #PicknMix

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