Friday, 22 July 2016

#RevealYourFlavour With Volvic Touch Of Fruit & A Revelation Of My Own

With the sun shining and the heat rising for the summer we really do need to drink more water, to keep hydrated as well as keeping healthy in the heat. I personally find it hard drinking water as I don't really like the taste, I find it boring and would rather stick the kettle on. But this doesn't keep you hydrated so when Volvic contacted me and asked if I would like to try some of their Volvic Touch of Fruit waters and take part in #RevealYourFlavour I was really interested to see if it would get me drinking more water, and it has!

In exchange for the samples of water they have asked me to reveal something about myself that you lovely readers don't know. Before I do I wanted to let you all know what I thought of the different waters. They are all very refreshing and not at all too sweet, which I was worried they would be. I will reveal my own favorite at the end of this post.

Now this was a hard one as I tend to reveal a lot through my blog so I had to have a long hard think about what I wouldn't have revealed previously. But the one thing that I don't think anyone would know is that I had a nickname of Goose at primary school. You may be asking why and thinking that it is a very strange nickname but the reason behind this is that I used to run into the boys football game and sit on the ball! This name then stuck through the whole of year 6, thankfully it didn't follow me to secondary school.

Tom Daley has also made a surprising revelation that he is not a natural water baby, you can see and hear his revelation here:

Now those revelations are over I wanted to reveal my flavour and let you all know which of the Volvic Flavoured Waters I liked the best and that was............the Summer Fruits!

Noah was also a fan of this one
* I was kindly sent a selection of Volvic Flavoured Waters in exchange for this post. All opinions are 100% my own.*

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