Saturday, 9 July 2016

Why I Gave Up Just Another Linky

This morning is the first morning in nearly a year that I haven't woken up to notifications from amazing bloggers who have liked and retweeted tweets which I had scheduled at about 11pm the night before. The support and love which I received over the past year for #JustAnotherLinky has been awesome and that is why my decision to leave wasn't taken lightly and also it wasn't a decision made over night.

I loved reading all of the blogs which linked each week, new and old linkers, and the community which has been built. The buzz I would get on a Saturday to a Monday when I received a tweet to say someone had linked up was brilliant and that buzz never died, but the love for my blog was beginning to fade.

I was beginning to dread a Friday night as I would be frantically reading sometimes 60 blog posts and I wanted to read each one word for word so I could write a thoughtful comment this meant it took some time! I then had to write and schedule the post for the morning, which also included setting up the linky in InLinkz, choosing my favourite post of the week which also included getting their blog header and link to display and then there was the scheduling of the tweets. I don't know if I was doing it right the way I was but it was the only way I knew. I didn't want to bombard people with tweets if they didn't want to join in but I also wanted to get the word about the linky out there. Talk about rock and a hard place. 

But with all the hard work came the rewards which was talking to other bloggers and getting to read some incredible posts. I have built relationships with people that I am so thankful to the linky for because without it I may never have stumbled across them or their blog. 

The only problem was it was getting tough to juggle. As I said I started to dread Friday which isn't something I wanted to start my weekend. My Friday evenings were sat in front of a computer or behind my phone when I would want to be watching a film with Mr C, as our Friday nights used to be. My own blog posts would get behind as I was beginning to not want to blog and the linky was taking over my blog and this isn't what I wanted. I started to blog so that I could write and get things off my chest and that wasn't happening. My time was left stressing about fitting everything in.

That also leads me onto my next announcement which is that I'm taking a step back from the blog for the summer. As most of you will know my eldest is staring school in September and I want to make the next 8 weeks awesome for him, his brother and me. I want to create memories without worrying about how I will blog about it, but I will blog about our summer in September. I will pop in with my monthly posts and my Results With Lucy updates and when feel like I want to share something, but I need to get my love back for the blog and I believe this is the way by not putting pressure on myself.

Thank you to everyone who takes the time to read my ramblings and hope you will be back in September. I will still be posting on Instagram as I absolutely love it and it's an easy way to share precious and fun moments.

See you soon but until then I am off to have some fun with my gorgeous family!

The Pramshed
A Cornish Mum



  1. Oh I completely understand, I don't know any way different to run a linky. It does get a bit much at times and as you know mine doesn't have anywhere near as many link ups - but it is pressure. Enjoy your time off, and have a really fab summer. And, enjoy your Friday nights!!! I'll pop over to Instagram now to make sure I'm following xx

  2. Ohh no I'm sad to read this but I totally feel what you say. It was fab to have a rest when I went away so enjoy your blog free time and will of course keep up to date with each other via Twitter and insta xx

  3. Completely understandable and I think its brave of you to step away for the summer - not that theres anything to be scared of so brave might be the wrong word?! I'm sure your readers are all still going to be here waiting when you come back! I just mean its something I'd kind of like to do myself but for some reason I don't feel as though I could?! I'm not sure why :/ Theres something quite addictive about blogging I think. #fortheloveofblog

  4. Well done doing what is right for you and your family right now, our links are amazing, but you are right they do take a lot of us too. Enjoy your summer, enjoy movie nights and snuggles and outings. Our time is precious and we all need a break at times. Much love gorgeous!

  5. I'm actually really pleased for you. If the linky is taking the joy out of blogging AND family life then it is just not worth it. I hope you are feeling better for it and have and amazing few weeks with the family over the summer! Will see you over on Instagram x

  6. Oh that is a shame, I really enjoyed linking up to Just Another Linky. But, in saying that, I really understand why you've decided to give it up, and I fully respect your decision. I also love that you'll be taking time off so you can focus on your boys. That's awesome. I hope you have a wonderful summer! xx

  7. Have a fab summer! Will still catch up on Instagram xx

  8. I completely understand and don't know how you linky hosts do it. Have a fantastic summer with your family x #fortheloveofBLOG

  9. Totally understand Kristy it's a tough commitment week in week out have always loved reading your blog and will miss it have a fab summer with your family hopefully see you back in September take care xx

  10. Aw I admire anyone who runs a linky, such a big commitment. Sounds like you are doing the right thing and having a break over the summer too sounds lovely. I have had to take a step back from my blog while I have been pregnant with the twins which has been tough but sometimes you can't do everything! Have a fab summer hun xx

  11. You'll be missed, but I totally understand where you're coming from. I've often thought about packing the linky in, but something draws me back in. I hope you all have a wonderful summer.Thanks for linking up to the #BinkyLinky

  12. I totally get this, hun, enjoy the summer with your gorgeous family! Thanks for linking to #picknmix x

  13. For a moment I read that as your second announcement was you stopping blogging I was like Nooooo! ;) I know exactly what you mean with the linky... I have the same thoughts sometimes... like now when everyone else is in bed and I'm desperately typing. Your post wasn't in my half to read though, I just always voluntarily visit yours ;)
    Enjoy your summer lovely, I really hope it is an epic one for all of you.

    Stevie xx

  14. I thought I hadn't seen your Linky for a while lovely. I completely don't blame you for giving it up, it is such a lot of work. Like your post says I'm sitting here on a Friday night, finishing commenting on #fortheloveofBLOG, and still have my Linky post to write. It's 8.18pm so I've got a few hours to do yet. Your blog is fab, and you must have achieved so must since running the Linky, I'm in awe you managed it for a year. Well done you :) Thanks so much for linking up and sharing your story with us at #fortheloveoefBLOG. Claire x

  15. You did a great job it's so time consuming. I wish you a wonderful summer before school starts again and will look forward to your
    Blogging return :) x

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