Monday, 11 July 2016

Results With Lucy Update

As you may have read last week I began my HIIT Harder plan from Results With Lucy, you can read my introductory post here.

I thought I would pop back with a little update as the first week didn't exactly go to plan. I started the plan on Monday in which I followed the nutrition plan and I did my first workout. Even though it was day one I was loving the foods in which were included in the nutrition plan and the workout was pretty awesome. It really pushed me and by the end of it I was a sweaty mess which is what I like after a good workout, I then know I have actual worked!

But then on Tuesday evening I gave blood. This was my rest day so there was no workout so I went off to bed a little tired and ready for my workout on day 3 which was Wednesday. The only thing was that on Wednesday morning at 3am when Finley woke for a wee I felt very faint and ended up finding myself led on the floor to stop myself from fainting. I took myself back to bed in the hope some sleep would help but unfortunately not and after a bad day on Wednesday I took myself to the doctors where they told me I had low blood pressure from giving blood and the weather. The doctor told me it would take a few days for my body to readjust so to just take it easy.

I then decided to put my Results With Lucy plan into holiday mode until today, Monday, because I wanted to give my all to the plan and felt like I wouldn't be able to do that when feeling poorly.

So I am back and I am going to start again!!

1 comment:

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