Wednesday, 30 March 2016

Family, Sea, Sand & Happiness

We have just got home from what can only be described as an amazing day. We set off early to pick up my Mother-in-law to go on a road trip to see my Grandad-in-law who lives in Swansea, a 2 hour drive from us. The boys are brilliant in the car, thankfully, as long as they have their DVD players and a wee break half way through the journey.

We were making good time so we stopped at the Bridgend Designer Outlet to stretch our legs and to have a little look around the shops. The boys didn't actually let us have a proper look around, because what 2 & 4 year old likes shopping, and this was made quite apparent to us when Finley said 'I hate shops!'. After I grabbed a Costa we were back on the road and on our way to see Grampy Doug, the boys were so excited!

We arrived just after 11.30am and the boys couldn't wait to get up the stairs to see Grampy Doug, until we actually reached the stairs where they halted and didn't want to move. After a little persuasion we were up the stairs and greeting Grampy Doug and giving him his Easter Egg. As the time went on the boys warmed up and they really wouldn't leave him alone, giving him lots of attention and wanting to eat all of his food. Typical children!

After lunch we left Grampy Doug to watch the cricket and headed off down the beach which was a 5 minute drive away. The boys couldn't wait to get on the sand and as soon as their wellies were on they were off. Seeing them running along the sand in the sun is just what I needed after a stressful few weeks. To see the happiness on their faces and to hear them laugh together was truly beautiful.

We walked along the beach looking for shells and just enjoying the sun. Swansea beach really is such a beautiful beach and the scenery surrounding it is incredible.

The boys had so much fun running up the sand dunes and then sliding back down them on their bottoms like a slide. Normally I would be worried about their clothes getting dirty and covered in sand but not today, today was a day to let things go.

When we reached a little stream of water that led down to the sea the boys obviously had to run along it, where they both got soaked but still had smiles beaming across their faces. They spent some time digging at the sand on the side of the stream and throwing it into the water, such simple things brings the biggest joy.

Then we made our way back to the car, but before we could the boys had races up and down the sand dunes and ended up rolling about in the sand.

Upon getting back to the car we had to change the boys as they were soaking wet and covered in sand ready to head back to Gramp's to have a cuppa before heading home. On arriving back there, the boys couldn't wait to tell him about their fun on the beach and proceeded to climb onto his lap to tell him the story. Once our tea had been drank we were saying our goodbyes, which took a while as the boys kept going back for more kisses.

Today was a good day, today was amazing. It was full of giggles, smiles and love from my little boys. It involved family and that is one of the most important things to me. 
Mami 2 Five
Marvellous Mondays badge by Hello Archie
Run Jump Scrap!


  1. Lovely photos and precious memories for you.

    Thanks for sharing and hosting xx

  2. Gorgeous photos on the beach! Lots of memories in the making by the looks of it :) #ustanotherlinky

  3. This is lovely - one of those 'prefect' days :) my kids are the same when they visit family they don't see much, it always takes them a while to warm up but then they don't want them to leave! #justanotherlinky

  4. Looks like you had a lovely time. Gorgeous photos. Thanks for hosting #justanotherlinky

  5. Looks like you had a lovely time. Gorgeous photos. Thanks for hosting #justanotherlinky

  6. What great photos of the beach sounds like you all had a great day when visiting Grampy Doug!!! #JustAnotherLinky

  7. It's days like these you'll remember in years to come, and so will the boys 😃 Sounds like just what you needed x

  8. Too bad you didn't get any shopping in but it sounds like the boys had a blast at the beach! #justanotherlinky

  9. Looks like you had a perfect day and Wales does have the best beaches in the world thanks for hosting #justanotherlinky

  10. Looks like a lovely day! So lovely to visit the beach. #justanotherlinky

  11. Gorgeous day out. That photo of both boys in the sand is lovely :) Thanks for hosting #justanotherlinky

  12. There is nothing better than a breezy yet warm day out on the beach at the start of Spring. Just makes you feel so alive and dusts off the winter cobwebs. The boys look like they thoroughly enjoyed themselves. #justanotherlinky

  13. What a gorgeous lovely day you had - time with family, in the sunshine, with lots of smiles - doesn't get much better than that! xx #justanotherlinky

  14. Ah it sounds like a fantastic day! My boys love going to the beach too.
    Thanks for hosting #JustAnotherLinky

  15. Oh, that does look like such a wonderful day!
    You will all hold memories of that day for years to come-all the smiles and love <3 Thank you so much for sharing it with us. It's been a stressful few weeks for us too, I think we're due a trip to the beach. #justanotherlinky

  16. Its great to be able to get out and about now the weather is a little nicer. I wish i lived closer to the beach, my gang would love running in and out of the sand dunes

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. Aww bless some really great pictures and memories :) who doesn't love a bit of family bonding time, especially when the beach is involved xx #justanotherlinky

  19. Sounds like a lovely day, & amazing beach photos. (&, entirely irrelevant, but my prettiest ever dress came from the Bridgend outlet!) #justanotherlinky

  20. What a wonderful day trip! I love seeing my son with my grandmother. She is very unwell with dementia so she has to be reminded who he is (and sometimes who I am!) every time we see her but still he likes to go there and she smiles and laughs when T is around which is quite rare these days. Children have the power to bring so much joy to the older generation :) Glad you had a wonderful time x #justanotherlinky

  21. Looks wonderful. I had no idea Swansea had such a lovely beach - I've only ever been into the city and that was about fifteen years ago. #justanotherlinky

  22. Hi Kirsty, it sounds like you had a wonderful day. It must be nice for the boys to see Gramps and visa versa. The photos of the boys on the beach are lovely, their faces look so happy and I love the little lads cape.


  23. Aww they look so happy!! What a fab day. I love the pic of Noah in the sand; so excited. Sometimes you just need those days xx #marvmondays

  24. Ah, lovely pics, it does look like you had such a fantastic day. Bet Grampy really loved it too! Beaches are the best when they're not covered in people and who doesn't love a good sand dune? Thanks for linking up to #MarvMondays. Kaye xo

  25. Looks like a great day out! There's nothing quite like a day at the beach, even if it's not 'beach season' yet. #bestandworst

  26. beautiful photos, it looks like you had a great time and what a lovely beach! #bestandworst

  27. How gorgeous is that last photo! It sounds like you had an amazing time and some well deserved downtime. Take it easy and thanks for linking up #bestandworst

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