Friday, 4 March 2016

My Half Marathon To Raise Money For My Sons Preschool

So next Sunday, 13th March, I am going to be running the Bath Half Marathon. I have only been running properly for just over a year so this is going to be one of my biggest challenges.

I wanted to raise money through the half marathon for a charity, as it is a big deal for me to be running that distance and it is the perfect opportunity to raise money for a worthy cause. 

When deciding on who I wanted to raise money for there was one obvious one which I couldn't wait to let them know. It was my son's preschool. It is the preschool which Finley went to until he moved to the one in our soon to be home town, and the one which Noah still goes to.

They are amazing and have done so much for my boys. The care in which they give the children is outstanding and they really take an interest in the children. When Finley left in December to start his new preschool, they were honestly so sad to see him go. And when Noah started in September and when he continued to go on his own as of January this year they made him feel so welcome, even if he was only going for one day a week.

They are a charity run preschool so they need all the fundraising they can get, to help with the running of the preschool. They are always running bake sales or raffles to raise that little bit more money for the preschool to give the children that little bit extra.

I have only run a couple of 10k's, and the longest I have run so far in training is 14k so the half marathon is going to be a challenge but one I am so excited to be doing as I will be running for such an amazing cause.

If you would like to sponsor me and donate to the preschool that is so close to my heart then please email me,, or pop your email in the comments and I will email you my Just Giving page details. 

I want to thank everyone for their support in my training and for all the donations I have received so far, it really does mean so much to me.

A Cornish Mum


  1. Good luck to you with your run and I hope your son's preschool raises the money they need to sustain. I have never heard of a charity run preschool. Is this something common? ~Lowanda

  2. Good luck lovely, soooo impressed with your running. Can you move to Cornwall and kick my bum into shape please?!

    Thanks for linking up to #PicknMix

    Stevie xx

  3. I ran a half marathon to raise money for my son's preschool, aiming to support quality education for young children. Along the way, I found inspiration in small moments, like checking the store hours for Hobby Lobby for fundraising supplies. The experience brought our community together, highlighting the importance of investing in children's futures.



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